Thursday, February 28, 2019
Popular, Fine, Folk: Making Do and Thinking Out of the Box Essay
at one time upon a time, at the turn of the 20th century, Marcel Duchamp brought a urinal into the museum. As expected, it was banned from beingness shown in a major exhibition at that time. To mean solar day, the urinal is called a engraft object, a okay arts year that has operate standard do for contemporary artists, especially those who are working on media and techniques spawned by Duchamps rebellion conceptual art, installations, and the readymade.One of the most famous latter day versions is that of Andy Warhols Campbell soup and Brillo thumpes those mass consumer items that found their federal agency into the domain of the fine arts, and in their turn spawned an otherwise academic art historical category Pop Art. Once upon a time, at the turn of the 19th century, the Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh, who has non sold a single characterisation during his lifetime (with the possible exception of one work bought by his chum salmon Theo), died a pauper. In the 1980s, his Sunflower fetched millions of dollars at an auction.Today, he is not hardly a bestseller he is also considered one of the best artists of all times. Once upon a time, Madonna was just any other upstart, who with her limited forthright range was singing seemingly superficial songs like Like a Virgin and Material Girl. Today, she and her bad girl image, as well as her numerous personas, is the subject of numerous academic papers on touristed culture. This and examples from Charlie Parker, as well Shakespeare, the Shaker furniture, the quilt, Amazing Grace, photography tell us not only that values change through time, some for the better, others for the worse, depending on ones point of view.The much important point is that, part terms like habitual, fine and folk arts are semiprecious as terms of convenience, they are unreliable perhaps even skeletal or unnecessary as terms of judgment or standards, as in say, low and high art, good and bad art, truthful and off-key art, among many other boundaries. On one hand, these boundaries are important because they keep an eye on against extreme relativism, an able indolence that results in people thinking that anything sack be art, and that art is anything and everything that you can get away with.On the other hand, boundaries prevent us from looking at art forms more fecundly, or think out of the box. As Parkers essay suggests, it is more productive to suspend our received judgments or templates if only for a while and psychoanalyse each art form on their own terms as part of certain domains (popular, fine, folk and their combinations) with their own specific dynamics, gatekeepers, institutions, forms and contexts of production, reception, creativity and artwork and their own specific systems of producing and making meanings.These elements domain (popular, fine, folk), field (gatekeepers and institutions), artistry (form, content, context) collide and intersect with each other in an uneven world , characterized by unequal power relations. In this context, extreme relativism that anything and everything can be art is problematic. piece of music it is true that anything say, the urinal can be art, its transformation required a trend from one domain to another from the everyday to the museum, where it was lit and put on a pedestal, was signed and given a title (The Fountain) and in the process, became a candidate for appreciation, contemplation, and later, legitimation by the gatekeepers the people (art historians, critics) and institutions (media, museums, schools) who had the power to rethink its meaning, and confabulate on the urinal the term art, under the rubric found object, readymade, conceptual art. much(prenominal) legitimation was later confirmed by artistic, critical and curatorial go for today, the Fountain, which started out as a rebellion against art and its definitions, is at one time ironically an academic, art historical and critical orthodoxy. Bound aries between domains are therefore concurrently porous and self-contained. Everyday objects enter the fine arts, and vice versa. What used to be folk and popular, as in Shakespeare and Bob Dylan are now classics.When the urinal became The Fountain, it ceased to become a mundane object and entered the domain of the museum and the academe, subject to their terms and conditions. When elements of popular culture the Brillo box, Campbell soup cut across the boundaries, it became an art-historical category Pop Art. And when Madonna crossed over from the Billboard charts to academe, her feminist radical potential was recognized, hardly at the same time, again quite ironically, tamed because her pop rebellion is now academic.Parker mapped the domains according to class fine arts is a product of the elite, folk, of jet folk and popular, of the masses. In real life of course, soap operas (popular) are viewed by different classes and sub-classes jazz and hip hop, which started out in t he ghettos were co-opted by American Top 40s the Mona Lisa, the epitome of the Classic Masterpiece, found and continue to settle its way into t-shirts and tabletops.Thus, instead of bemoaning that standards of excellence are being eroded, it may be more productive to chart these movements of objects and images, not only in terms of content, conceptualisation or truths that they contain, as question No. 3 leads us to guess, but also in terms of how these truths are expressed (form), and the circumstances at bottom which these truths are produced (context).Put another way, instead of persuading the masses that Hamlet is as entertaining as My Fair Lady, it would probably be better to find out why and how My Fair Lady ticks today and why and how Hamlet, which caught the inclination of royalties and subjects alike, clicked during the Elizabethan period and no longer does so today. I suspect this is not because standards of excellence have waned it is just that each epoch, age, socie ty and culture has its own way of defining, producing, valuing, consuming and receiving art.To be an intellectual therefore does not mean, being the kind of intellectual espoused by Arendt, one who imposes a top-down approach imposing Hamlet on the masses, for instance. Instead, we need the kind of intellectual who will sit in front of the TV set, watch close to everything from the seemingly most idiotic sitcoms to the most enlightening art take on and analyze and read the pictures, images and mediums, according to an oppositional and critical frame that works from and within, not from without and from the top.In other words, this is the kind of intellectual that challenges what is and sets out to suggest what is possible, not by imposing so-called alternatives (Hamlet instead of My Fair Lady), but by a process called bricolage a process of thinking out of the box by making do with, pilfering, borrowing, and reconfiguring what is available, after a sensitive, critical and tot al analysis based on the parameters of form, content, context and domain, field and artist.
Morality and Ethicality of Using Sexual Advertising Essay
The develop workforcet of technology made the role of advertizing very crucial with the use of televisions, radios, magazines, posters and the internet. The main objective of a market placeer is to increase the add together of customers or the use of his customers for a product or service. In modern marketing sexual appeal has become the number one strategy in ad. In fact, it was one of the smashingest current techniques in marketing worldwide because it proved that it reaches customers in a great way. peculiarly when it comes to certain products such as cig arttes, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics, candy, liquor and fashion goods. Since those products are mainly image-based and the use of sex appeal, aroused illustrations, and sex in general, in advertising can big effects on several ele manpowerts of an advertising and vitiateer behavior model. The effects may be positive notwithstanding if it werent used in the proper way it efficiency conceive on many severe negative ef fects. Marketers are trying to entrance peoples minds and attract them by putting for example sexy models or revealing clothes and moreover, they are positioning their brand as sexual and that the customers depart have sex related benefit if they buy their product or service.A big number of people might deny the effect of these sexually oriented ads on them claiming that its not the source why they buy a product or service. However, indirectly whether they repeat this product or not they are talking about the ad or thinking about it in their unconscious which sheds lights on it. Especially the teen segment which are from 13 till 18 year olds they are affected by this method of advertising in a great way. Thus, there are many ethical questions associated with this strategy because its go obviously clear how sex is being used to target teens.AimsThis search attempts to shed the light on advertising companies and the way they are utilise sexual methods order to attract teenag ers into buying their products. We are going to controvert in detail its effectiveness on teenagers positively and negatively and the ethicality of such approach. questions1-what are the sexual methods used by marketers to reach teen customers? 2-what are the negative and positive effects of sex appeal in advertisement? 3- why teens are the target audience for these advertisements? 4- is it against the law and regulation of adv to stage a product in a sexual way?When conducting this market study, we will be using two types of explore designs, alpha as well as descriptive in order to answer the research questions and develop the conclusion. At the first place, we begin our study by an exploratory research design its purpose is to further understand the subject. It involves an interview with marketers or unethical Ads creators, this interview will be presented by informal questionnaires that are a guide to the types of questions to be asked, however, the respondents were given the flexibility to add or explain further issues if needed.As for the descriptive research that will be conducted later on in the research, it involves a bunch of questionnaires with multiple pickax answers that improve the quality and accuracy of these questionnaires, which will be tested on a number of teen respondents. And since in this research we are analyze teens attitudes and perceptions towards unethical advertisements then our studies and collecting data will be based on qualitative research.Human evolutions open the opportunity for advertising to use sex as a way to be more attractive and efficient. Advertising is being smart so that it plays on mans instinct to seek success and leaves theoretical and working implications behind it. Let us remember that the major part of men is concerned in womens beauty throughout her trunk.Thus, womens body is considered to be an important tool that advertising uses to let men declaim interest. In addition, using womens bodies is show n to be the easiest way to get mens attention and advertising is trying to get advantages by doing so. taking the other gender, it not that easy to take the attention of a cleaning lady because women regardless its instinct view of the world is an intellectual person as much as sometimes can control its instinct.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Chinatown: Jj Gittes Within the Archetype of Noir Heroes
However, director Ro humanness Planks quickly ushers his leading man Into a theater of absurdity, perversion and tragedy thin the family, non as a concept, or cultural Ideal, except one composed of complex portions bonded by intricate relationships and harrowing pasts. With sasss Chinatown, Planks manipulates noir motifs and archetypes masterfully to create a personal story of anguish and pessimism, with Sites as his detective to whom human limitations apply, a real man measured against the faculties of noir heroes.The script, written by Robert Town, recalls that of The Big Sleep, wherein a seemingly reparation case unravels Into a cluster of mysteries, the answer to which eludes the detective, and at times level(p) the audience, throughout the film. It departs from the classic noir models in its character development and by systematically returning the horrors and repercussions of the case to the characters personal lives.Sites coaxed investigation and, according to the real Evelyn Mylar, pitiable detective work plays an Integral role and Implicates him in the murder of Hollies who non only had no mistress but was attempting to prevent Noah from gallon envision of the city water supply. When Slates becomes Involved with Hollows widow, their relationship regresses accordingly to the Noir template of romance, wherein it does not take long to fall for and get in deep with a broad, but, surprisingly, neither of their motives fit the archetypes we expect.Throughout the film, Sites is hanging by the threads of Evelyn multivistaed deception, but she has nothing to benefit from her lies. While she may have the cold expressions and enkindle sexuality of a femme fetal, her only desire Is to separate her daughter from the villainous Noah Cross, who fathered both women. We expect her to be a vessel of sex In fact, she turns out to e the victim Any more(prenominal) writes (207). Similarly, the detectives pursuit to disc over the accuracy behind Evelyn seems t o stem from a genuine investment in her life, on with a desire to make up for past failures.Even when encounters between the 2 fulfill noir qualifiers, they resonate with a sense of authenticity, both physical and emotional. much(prenominal) is the scene where Sites strikes Evelyn, of which Anymore writes that no scene In detective melodrama Ls more emotionally charged (210). The incestuous truth behind the relationships of Noah Cross, Evelyn, and their daughter introduces an component part of personal tragedy, and a villain who revels in proving himself capable of truly anything.Instead of presenting the family as an ideal our culture was losing to modernity, Planks and Town created a portrait of evil destroying the lives of transparent people without any motive. Parallels are often drawn between this facet of the film and the murder of the directors pregnant wife by the of those of the Greek impost and the deeply personal expressions of existentialism and absurdist by Campus and Sartre. Each of these situations finds Sites morally and emotionally challenged in ways ROR leading roles of the genre were not and, ultimately, a victim.I dissent with Anymore entirely when he calls the character as a fire-eater and Bulgarian (206) and think that he misinterpreted the detectives sincerity when describing his business as an unprejudiced living. Unlike many of many of noirs leading men in the past, Sites does not revel in the city underbelly and is not entertained by the nastiness inherent to its citizens. Having seen it all has made him passive, and in his own way, empathetic. When the assumed Mrs.. Mylar alleges of Hollows affair, he responds by attempting to turn her away instead of Jumping to profit on her feign, hysterical state. Mrs.. Mylar, do you love your husband? he asks. then go home and forget everything. The cynicism is present, in his tone, his one liners, but as a result of the agony he has not been able to oscillate since Chinatown. He is a man that has been on the losing end of degeneration for also long. His time in Chinatown caused him to lose more than his conscience, putting Chainmen away for spitting in the laundry and doing as little as possible, but a woman that was close to him and a piece of his sanity.He is wary of being taken from, and of seeing Justice turn and the truth obscured, the rich getting richer at the publics expense. By solving the drought and land grabbing conspiracy he has a chance to compensate for the corruption he was forced to watch go unpunished in the past. By saving Evelyn, he can save the woman he lost. The regularize attorneys assertion to him that you may think you know whats going on, but you dont looms over his thoughts, desperate to right something in the deteriorating world of 1937, L. A. The connection between the character and director are undeniable.
Current Issue on Islamic Banking and Finance Essay
unseasoned paradigm of product packaging. Moslem banking and pay has emerged as a fiscal mediation process that is competitive and resilient and that contributes to the overall wealth creation, evolution and development of our nation.In the middle of an increasingly challenging and competitive fiscal environment, the evolution of a comprehensive Islamic pecuniary system seeks to run into the range of requirements of a rapidly changing economic environment, with its soundness and perceptual constancy secured through the robustness of its regulatory framework supported by the lastingness of its financial infrastructure and the sophistication of its products and services.Indeed, the strength of the respective components of the system and the interconnections of its markets pass on open new frontiers in Islamic banking and finance and will maximise the potential and opportwholeies that it accords. In the new current issues on Islamic banking and finance have increased their pro duct in sophistication from the deposits product to crossbreeding product that are able to enhance returns to depositors.Further advancement was do with the introduction of the Islamic variable rate financing mechanism that provides an election to the fixed rate financing. This will assist the Islamic banking institutions in mitigating recess of the risk emanating from asset and liability mismatches. New innovative Islamic financial instruments such as Islamic asset-backed securities have also emerged and the financial structures vestigial Islamic securities become more specifies.The rapid gain of Islamic unit trusts comprising a variety of bond currency, equity funds and balanced funds increases the efficiency and potential of the Islamic financial system as an intermediation channel by providing investors access to professional asset management that is ground on their distinct risk tolerance levels. The issuance of new Islamic banking licenses to qualified opposed financi al institutions will allow for the presence of foreign Islamic banking players to act as bridge between Malaysia and other globular Islamic financial markets and increase the potential to tap new markets and growth opportunities.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Tips on Coping with Stress for College Students
I am sure the word stress is a word that is very familiar to all of us especially those who are analyse pedestal engineering. Stress is caused by the feeling of worry or oblige about a particular problem in life. For college students like us, stress or pressure is a result of high expectations that our family put on us. The pressure of competition among our friends too can cause to stress. No matter how you intuitive feeling at it, there is no way of escaping stress. Therefore, it is important that we find ways to bonk with it to reduce the take of stress. The most important social function is to backing our body healthy.There are a number of things that we should do to check up on our health is always in good shape. Exercise is very important. It non only keeps our body healthy it also ensure our blood flows powerful to the brain. Sitting and studying for hours without any movement can increase the level of stress. That is why it is advisable that you have half an ho ur break any two hours of your study time. It is during this break that you should do a few fair exercises to keep your blood flowing. It is also advisable you go for walks, jogging or play sports to keep your mind healthy.Keeping the body healthy by merely doing exercise is not sufficient. It is also essential that we eat a balanced diet. Our body needs nutrition to produce energy to study. Besides, we must also ensure that we eat enough meals every daytime. Do not skip meals. A hungry stomach will only decline the situation and make us feel to a greater extent stressed out. then for female college students, do not on diet in rove to have a sexy body. You should always enjoy your foods Many college students cut down down on their sleeping hours because they study late into the night.And the next day they have to wake up early. As a result, they come to college with a heavy head and headache. They force themselves to stay awake to concentrate in class, unfortunately they can not. Therefore, study everyday, consistently in order to avoid uttermost minute studying which will presume your health. The next important thing is to have a good study skill and technique. Join root word discussions so that you can share ideas and thoughts among your friends. Learn how to study smart. Make notes and mind-map, these studying techniques will help you to study better.Have a check cite to help you monitor the progress of your revision. If you have problem in original subjects, you should spend more time on it. However, we tend to spend more time on our favorite subjects. As a result, this will affect your exam grade. Another way that can help us to cope with stress is by listening to some soothing music something instrumental. harmonise to the research, many have said that this type of music is helpful in lowering the stress level. I hope these tips will beneficial to all college students and wish you guys all the best in the foundation year.
Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Essay
Components of ameliorate HospitalsFaith and hope are the greatest assets for the patient. Listening is the greatest asset of the tendinggivers. Addressing weird issues can process a difference in the patients acknowledge of illness, and may even affect the outcome. Ministering to the patients unearthly postulate and providing appropriate interventions has been determine as a professional nursing role. ( Philosophical Foundation for compositional Medicine, 2012) improve infirmarys need to contribute to the physical needs and spiritual needs as well. Holistic nursing is becoming more than prominent of feel for for patients, paying attention to the mind, body, and spirit. These are components of a ameliorate hospital. According to Diana Vance (Vance, 2004), Patients spiritual faith and prayers were significantly correlated and reduced post-op pain and complications and mortality rates. to boot prayer, spiritual perspective, and religious influence were positively correla ted with enhanced lintel skills for dealing with the stress of surgery and illness and an everyplace every last(predicate) feeling of eudaimonia during terminal illness. Regardless of whether spiritu in ally is described as prayer, religious faith, or spiritual perspective, numerous studies have demonstrated the positive affects spiritually plays on physical and psychosocial health. (Vance, 2004) Prayer and medicine have been demonstraten to decrease blood push as a result decreases the effects of heart disease.Studies also bespeak meditation lowers blood sugar as well. improve hospitals need to can patients with staff educated in spiritualty and more holistic medicine. massage therapy increases the oxygen and blood flow to the areas universe massaged, the only exception is areas over bony prominences where pressure ulcers may develop. Biofeedback can be used to get on relaxation, heart rate. Guided imagery focuses and directs imagination. This can decrease blood pressur e, respiratory rate, and can decrease pain. Healing touch consist of balancing physical, mental, worked up and spiritual well-being. Healing touch works with the bodys nix field to support its natural ability to heal. Healing Music therapy is being used to decrease stress, and can help patient managepost-op pain. Healing gardens ply a place for patients can pray, meditate, and can use some other therapies to aid in better. Some hospital and nursing homes also enroll in pet therapy. Florence Nightingale promoted small pets as a feller for the sick. Pastoral cautiousness with re puzzleatives from the different faiths so that patients receive the pastoral care needed. Healing surrounds are non just for the patients. In order to in effect and therapeutically for other we must first know how to care for ourselves. Healing environments are an essentially prerequisites patients as well as staff members.Creating a Healing EnvironmentHealing environments have had difficulties taking hold. Hospitals are cognise for cure and not healing. Until the past couple of years medical students were not instructed how spiritually can make a difference. One of the difficulties studies have anchor is that hospitals are noisy with overhead paging, bright lights and this increases patient stress, anxiety prepare blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate elevated, while also increases muscle builder tension. This situation decreases the bodies ability to heal. Overall nurses believe that some spiritual link does increase the bodies ability to heal, gives patients inner-peace and contributes to overall well-being. Nurses need to develop a steady therapeutic relationship with the patient this increases the patients ability to discuss these sensitive issues. neat care nurses are less equipped to deal with spiritual needs of this patient population. Hospice nurses, oncology, and rehabilitation nurses apply spiritual comfort, and have more fosterage to deal with these issues . In some studies nurses claim reasons that keep them from discussing spiritual matters is pretermit of time, lack of confidence, and knowledge regarding the particular religion the patients practice. Despite attempt to present nurses spiritual care in a more positive light. Studies show that nurses treatment is incomplete only participating in more traditionalistic therapies like prayer. (Grant, 2004) With cutbacks in hospital funding, and short stays spiritual care is considered a low priority. Nurses need to be educated in more modern therapies. Interventions should be developed and evaluated that utilize the best mix of hospital staff physicians, nurses, chaplains, social workers. Questionaries need to bedeveloped that ask if their spiritual needs were met while hospitalized in the acute care setting.Hospitals need to make spiritual care a higher priority in the acute care settings. (Vance, 2004) According to one article I read our spiritualism is the foundation of our being rather than an aspect our being. Attention to spirituality and spiritual values is an important yet most-often neglected components in organizations. (Thornton, 2005) Hospitals need to create educational programs for patients and visitors to incorporate the idea of mind, body, and soul to foster the idea that all of these concepts are tied together as one. Keeping mind, body, and spirit health has shown to actually lower over health care cost. The healing environment is not just important to the patients and visitors. The staff needs this environment as well hospitals need to make changes for staff. Keeping the staff energized and able to provide the best care possible. In the book of Matthew 423-25 NIV Describes the story of savior making his way through the synagogues spreading the gospel, healing the sick, healing every disease and illness. News spread all over Syria people came to him with all kinds of various diseases, those suffering in pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures and the paralyzed. Christ healed them all. This best describes how healing hospitals should be. This scripture describes Christ healing physical issues it also describes Christ healing the spirit as well, by healing the demon possessed. Hospitals are in the business of healing, curing, and promoting over well-being.ReferencesGeimer-Flanders, J. (2014). Creating a healing environment Rationale and interrogation overview. Retrieved from http// Grant, D. (2004, Jan-Feb). Spiritual Interventions How, When, and Why Nurses Use Them. Holistic nursing Practice, 1(), 36-41. Retrieved from Spirituality and Religion in Health Care. (2012). Retrieved from http// The Power of Beliefs and the Importance of Culture. (2014). Retrieved from http// / Thornton, L. (2005). The good example of Whole-Person Caring Creating
Monday, February 25, 2019
The french renewal in the Minds of Men Author(s) Maurice Cranston Re popular opini unmatchabled work(s) Source The Wilson Quarterly (1976-), Vol. 13, No. 3 (Summer, 1989), pp. 46-55 Published by Wilson Quarterly Stable URL http//www. jstor. org/stable/40257906 . Accessed 31/05/2012 2113 Your engage of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http//www. jstor. org/ knave/info/about/policies/terms. jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that supports scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a widely range of content in a trusted digital archive.We use information technology and as well asls to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For much than information about JSTOR, please contact emailprotected org. Wilson Quarterly and Woodrow Wilson International meat for Scholars are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and ext check access to The Wilson Quarterly (1976-). http //www. jstor. org 1789 THE FRENCH IN THE REVOLUTION OF MEN MINDS by Maurice Cranston July 14, 1989- Ba close upeDay- governmental and cultural occupyers of every ideological judgement assembled in genus Paristo celebratethe bicentennial of the cut variation.Was there something strange about their consentaneous applause? All subsequent major regenerations, such as those that took nookieside in Russia and China, remain controversialtoday. alone the french innovation, which served as the direct or indirect sample for these subsequently upheavals, now passes for an innocuous occasion which whatsoever unity, Marxistor monarchist, bottom of the inning uniting in celebrating. Wasthis proof scarce of the anaesthetizing power of time, that two centuries could turn the french changeinto a museum piece, an exhibitionacceptable to altogether viewers, as yet to a desc culminationent of the old Bourbon monarchs?Or is there something about the French variety itself that, fro m its beginning, practices it apart from later(prenominal) revolutions? The tricouleur, the Marseillaise, the massive paintings of David exclusively celebrate a series of connected flushts, alternatelyjoyous and grim, which make up the rattling, historical French Revolution. But there is an some other(prenominal) French Revolution, one which emerged tho later on the tumultuous days were over and the events and deeds became noble-minded or distorted in the minds of later partisans. This is the French Revolution as myth, and it is in umteen ways the more than importantof the two.It is so, one could argue, because the myth, and not the reality, excite the scores of revolutions that were to come. The actors of the French Revolution, anWQ spend 1989 nouncing their principles on behalf of every last(predicate) man winsome, clearly mean their deeds to bind a mythic dimension. They wanted to inspireothers to follow their example. roll the firmnessof the Rights of Man, pass ed in Augustof 1789. At no point does it refer to the specific conditions or laws of France. Instead, it speaks in grand universals, as if it were the voice of mankinditself.Replete with terms like citizen, emancipation,the inspirational rights of man, the commons good, the document provides the lexicon for all future revolutions. By contrast, the introductory radical simulates which stirredthe French in 1789 to act- the English Revolution of 1688 and the American Revolution of 1776- had been essentiallypolitical events, hold in scope and conservative in objectives. The English revolutionists cl object lensed to restore the liberty that the despotic James II had destroyed the American revolutionaries made the kindredclaim that they were besides defending their rights against tyrannical measures introduced by George III.Neither revolutionsought to change society. The French Revolution, however, sought to do exactly that. Indeed, to many of the more zealous French revolutiona ries, the central aim was the creation of a new man- or at least the departure of pristine man, in all his natural goodness and simplicity, from the cruel and degrading prison of the traditional societal order. It is easy to see how this grandiose flock of the Revolutions purpose went hand-in-handwith the military issue of Romanticism.The great Romantic poets and philosophers encouraged people done- 46 1789 out the western hemisphere to believe that imagination could triumph over custom and tradition, that everything was possible disposed the will to achieve it. In the early 1790s, the young William Wordsworth expressed the common en consequentlyiasm for the seemingly brave and limit little new world of the Revolution France standingon the top of golden hours, And homo nature seeming born again. present we encounter one of the many differences between reality and myth.The reality of the French Revolution, as Tocqueville maintained, was prepared by the rationalist philosophers of the 18th-century Enlightenment, by Voltaire, Diderot, Helvetius, dAlembert, and Holbach no less than by Rousseau. Its myth, however, was perpetuated during the nineteenth century by Ro- mantic poets such as Byron, Victor Hugo and Holderlin. Byron in his life and in his poetry bore profess to that romanticized revolutionary capricelism, fighting and then dying as he did to help the Greeks throw take the Turkish yoke and set up a free acres of their own.The grandeur of its lofty aims made the French Revolution all the more attractive to succeeding generations of revolutionaries, real and would-be the force-out added theatrical glamor. The guillotine itself an invention of gruesome fascination together with the ideal status of its victims, many of them purple, noble, or political celebrities, made the Terror as thrilling as it was alarming. The struggles which broke out in 1793, when France declared war on Great Britain, Holland, and Spain, were fought not by professional soldiers further by conscripts, ordinary men who were ex-Duringthe 1790s, the FrenchArmybecame the schoolof the Revolution,where volunteers learned to distinguishwhat theyfoughtfor and love what they know. WQ summertime 1989 47 1789 pected to know what they fought for and love what they know. These wars were thought of as wars of liberation. It hardly matteredthat sleep turnedout to be an imperialistic conqueror no better than Alexander or Caesarhe was still a peoples emperor. If historians of the French Revolution are unanimous about any one point, it is thisthatthe Revolutionbroughtthe people into French political life. To put forward that it inwould be to say too troduced democracy much.Althoughpopularsuffragein varying degrees was institutedas the revolutionunfolded, no fully democratic constitution was set up. But popular supportcame to be recognized as the except basis for legitimatingthe nationalgovernment. Even the new despotism of Napoleon had to rest on a plebisc itary authority. These plebiscites, which allowed voters only to ratifydecisions already made, denied popular reign in detail while paying tri barelye to it in theory. (The vote for the Constitutionwhich made Napoleon emperor in 1804-3,500,000 for versus 2,500 against hardlysuggestsa vigorous democracy. But if Napoleons government was not democratic, it was on the fount of it populistic. The people did not rule themselves, besides they approvedof the man who command them. The end of Napoleons empire in 1815, which was also in a sense the end of the historicalFrench Revolution,could only be brought about by the intervention of contrasted armies. Those foreign armies could place a king on the throne of France, as they did with Louis XVIIIin 1815, exactly they could not restore the principle of royal sovereignty in the hearts of the French people. They simply put a lid on forces which would assume ut in anotherrevolution 15 years later,this time not only in France but in other parts of the Westernworld. The French Revolution had turned the French into a republican people. Even when they chose a king- Louis-Philippe to lead that revolution of 1830, he was more of a republican prince than a royal sovereign in the traditional mold. LouisPhilippe,the CitizenKing,had to recognize, as part of his office, the sovereignty of the nation. And what kind of sovereign is it, one may ask, who has to submit to the sovereigntyof the nation?The answer mustiness clearlybe, one who is king neitherby grace of God nor birth nor lawfulinheritancebut only through the will of the people, who are thus his electors and not his subjects. of sovereignty the nationwas a new and powerful idea, a revolutionaryidea, in the 19th century. At the philosophical level, it is unremarkably asto cribed,with some justification, the teachof JeanJacques Rousseau, whom Eding mund Burke, Alexis de Tocqueville, and many lesser commentators considered the ideologue of the French Revolution.What Rous seau did was to fork the c oncept which he said should be kept of sovereignty, the people in their own hands, from the by which he urged the concept of government, people to entrustto carefullychosen elites, their moral and intellectual superiors. Rousseauheld that neither hereditarykings nor aristocratscould be considered superiors of this kind. Rousseau was uncompromisinglyrepublican. To him a republic could be based only on the incorporated will of citizens who contracted to live together below(a) laws that they themselves enacted. Myargument,Rousseauwrote in TheSo-Maurice Cranston, a former Wilson Center Guest Scholar, is professor of political science at the London School of Economics. Born in London, he was educated at St. CatherinesCollege and The His OxfordUniversity. books include John StuartMill (1965),Jean-Jacques EarlyLife and Work of Jean-JacquesRousseau, 1712-54 (1982), and John Locke A Biography(1985). WQ SUMMER 1989 48 1789 Three Leaders Three Phases of the Revo lution. The liberalMarquisde Lafayetteinitiallyguided the Revolution. GeorgesDanton helped overthrowthe monarchy,but was fulfilldfor being too moderate. Robespierre was both directorand victim of the Terror. ial Contract, is that sovereignty, being nothing other than the exercise of the full general will, can never be alienated and the sovereign, which is simply a collective being, cannot be represented by anyone but itself- power may be delegated, but the will cannot be. The sheer size of France, however, with a population in 1789 of some 26 million of people, precluded the transformation the French kingdom into the potpourri of direct democracy that Rousseau a native Swissthe Americanshad very reenvisaged. Still, cently proved that a nation need not be as small as a city-statefor a republican constitution to work.And as an inspirationto the average Frenchman, the American Revolution was no less importantthan the writings of Rousseau. The American Revolution thus became a stan dard for France,despite its conservative elements. Moreover,the AmericanRevolution later served as a model for others largely because its principles were translated and universalized by the French Revolution. In Latin America, the Spanish and Portuguesecolonies could not directly follow the American example and indict their monarchs for unlawfully violating their rights Spain and Portugal, impertinent England, recognized no such rights.But following the example of the French RevoWQ SUMMER 1989 49 1789 lution, LatinAmericanslike Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martinwere able to appeal to abstract or universal principles. To signalise Bolivias new constitution in 1826, Simon Bolivarused the same universaland idealisticcatchwordswhich the French had patented 37 years before In this constitution/ Bolivar announced, you will bewilder unify all the guarantees of permanency and liberty, of equality and order. If the South American republics sometimes seemed to affect on the spur of t he moment on republican liberty nd equality,the concept of royal or imperial sovereignty was nonetheless banished forever from American shores. The oblivious reign of Maximilianof Austriaas Emperor of Mexico ( 1864- 1867) provideda brief and melancholy epilogue to such ideas of sovereignty in the New being. Even in the Old beingness,royal and aristocratic governments were on the defensive. In 1815, the Congress of Vienna, under Prince Metternichof Austriasguidance, attempted to erase the memory of the Revolution and restore europium to what it had been before 1789.Yet only five years after the Congress,Metternichwrote to the Russian tsar,AlexanderI, admitting,Thegovernments, having lost their balance, are frightened, intimidated, and thrown into confusion. French Revolution had permanently destroyed the mystique on which traditional regimes were based. No king could indisputablyclaim that he ruled by divine right nor could lords and bishops assume that their own interests and t he nationalinterestscoincided. After the French Revolution, commoners, the hitherto silent majorityof ordinaryunderprivilegedpeople, asserted the right to have opinions of their own- and to make them known.For once the ideas of liberty, democracy,and the rightsof men had been extracted from philosopherstreatises and put on the agenda of political actionwhich is what the French Revolution with its universalprinciplesdid- there could be no security for any regime which set itself againstthose ideals. In old memorial textbooks one can still find the interpretation of the French Revolutionfirstadvancedby Jules Micheletand Jean Jaures and other left-wing historians who explained the Revolution as one terminateing feudalismand advancing bourgeois capitalist society.While few historians still view the Revolution this way,the Micheletinterpretation was widespread during the 19th century,and its currency promptedmany an aspiring Robespierreto comThe revolutionaryuprisingin Frankfurt 1848. Thedull pass plete the revolution. in Completing the revoluof revolution,which VictorHugo had detected pushingout under every kingdomin Europe,grew dramaticallyloud thatyear. tion meant overthrowing 50 WQ SUMMER 1989 1789 the bourgeoisie in favor of the works class, just as the bourgeoisie had supposedly overthrown the feudal aristocracyin 1789.The convulsive year of 1848 was marked in Europe by several revolutions which attempted to complete the work of 1789. Their leaders all looked back to the FrenchRevolutionfor their historicjustification. Tocquevilleobservedof these revolutionaries that their imitation of 1789 was so manifestthat it concealed the terrible originalityof the factsI continuallyhad the photo they were engaged in mapactingthe FrenchRevolution removed more than continuing it. If the 19th centurywas, as many historians describe it, the century of revolutions,it was so largelybecause the French Revolution had provided the model. As it turns out, the origination o f a proper model has proved to be a more decisive prod to revolution than economic crisis, political unrest, or even the agitations of young revolutionaries. Indeed, the role of professionalrevolutionaries seems negligible in the preparation of to the highest degree revolutions. Revolutionaries oftentimes watched and analyzed the political and tender disintegrationaround them, but they were seldom in a position to direct it.Usually,as HannahArendtobserved,revolution broke out and liberated,as it were, the professional revolutionistsfrom wheresoever they happened to be- from jail, or from the coffee house, or from the library. Tocqueville made a similar watching about the revolutionaries of 1848 The French monarchy fell before rather than beneath the blows of the victors, who were as astonishedat their triumph as were the vanquishedat their defeat. Disturbances which during the 18th century would hardly have be so incendiary ignited one revolution after another during the 19th century.They did so because now there existed a revolutionary model for respondingto crises. During the 1790s, revolutionaries right(prenominal) of France such as ToussaintLOuverture Haiti and in Wolfe Tone in Ireland tried and true simply to import the French Revolution,with its ideals of nationalism,equalityand republicanism, and adapt it to local conditions. And well into the 19th century,most revolutionaries continued to focus their eyes not on the future but on the past- on what the French duringthe 1790s had done in roughlysimilar circumstances. e sure, the French Revolution possessed differentand even contradictory meanings, differences which reflect die several(a) stages of the historical Revolution. The ideals and leaders of each stage inspired a particulartype of The revolutionarymen later revolutionary. of 1789-91, including the Marquisde Lafayette, inspired liberal and aristocratic revolutionaries. Their ideal was a quasiBritish constitutional monarchy and suffrage ba sed on propertyqualifications. The revolutionariesof 1830-32 realizedthis liberal vision in France and Belgium.The Girondins and moderate Jacobins of 1792-93 became the model for lowermiddle-class and intellectual revolutionaries whose political goal was a democratic republic and usually some form of a welfare state. The French Revolutionof 1848, with its emphasis on universal manhood suffrage and the states obligation to provide jobs for all citizens, initiallyembodied their vision of society. A third type of revolutionary,the extremists of 1793-94 such as Robespierre and GracchusBabeuf, inspired later working-classand socialist revolutionaries.A reactionarysuch as Prince Metternich would hardly have distinguished among these three types of revolutionaries. But a later observer,Karl Marx,did. Seeing that the nationalist revolutions of his time igWQ SUMMER 1989 51 1789 Lenin (shown here in a 1919 photograph) exploitedthe precedentof the FrenchRevolution to legitimizethe BolshevikRev olutionin the eyes of the world. nored the socialist-radical strain of the French Revolution, he came to deplore its influence on later revolutionaries.Marx,who by 1848 was alreadyactive in commie politics, condemned what he considered the confusion of understanding in most of these revolutionarymovements. An emotional earnest to reenact the dramas of 1789-1815 seemed to him to stand in the way of a successful revolutionary strategy. In a letter to a friend in September, 1870, Marxwrote The tragedyof the French, and of the working class as a whole, is that they are trapped in their memories of significant events. We need to see an end, once and for all, to this reactionary cult of the past. VladimirIlyich Lenin had no such resWQ SUMMER 1989 ervations.He passed up no rhetorical opportunityto present his Russian Bolsheviks as the heirs of the French revolutionary traditionand the RussianRevolutionof 1917 as a re regulation of FrancesRevolution of 1789. Lenin went so far as to call his Bolshevik faction the Jacobins of contemporarySocial-Democracy. is not difficult to understandLenins motives. Throughoutthe 19th century, most of the successful revolutions in Europe and Latin America had been nationalist revolutions. (Indeed, when the revolutionaryGerman liberals of 1848 issued their Declaration of Rights, they ascribed those rightsto the GermanVolkas a whole and not to privatepersons. But the 52 1789 into his hands but the ideology and propaexample of the French Revolution suga revolutioncould be more than ganda adopted by the Allied powers in gested that World War I did so as well. When their just a matter of nationalism. Takingthe example of the French Revolution under the earlymilitarycampaignswent badly,the Alfanatical Robespierre,one could argue, as lies attemptedto make the war more popuLenin did, that the true goal of revolution lar, and the enormous casualties more tolwas to alter the way people lived together, erable,by declaringtheir cause to be a w ar In for liberty. the name of liberty,Great socially and economically. as we know, Lenin looked back Britain, France, and the United States enYet, a century when attempts at radical couraged the subject nations of the Gerupon social revolutions had been ultimatelyand man, Austrian and Turkish empires to uniformlyabortive. The French Revolution throw off the imperialyoke. of 1848, which take the liberalKing But in championingnationalliberty,the Allies were guilty of hypocrisy.Neither Louis-Philippe,briefly gave great power to the working class. Duringits most prom- GreatBritainnor France had any intention of permittingnationalistrevolutionswithin ising days, the anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) even accepted a their own empires or those of any neutral seat in the legislative chamber. But the power. But Leninwas able to catch them in the trap of their own contradictions. coup detat of Napoleon III in 1851 presently brought an end to all this.The communist By declaring to the world that the Bolshevik exaltation of power in 1917 was a removement, which Marx described as a enactment of the French Revolution, he specter haunting Europe, produced no more real(a) results than most specters was able to attach to his regime all those do. Before World War I, Marxwas notably less influential as a theoretician than were the champions of revolutionary socialism such as Proudhon and FerdinandLassalle(1825-1864) who persuaded the workers that their interestswould be better served by reform and democratic process than by revolution.It was World War I which put revolutionarysocialism back on the agenda again. The war to end all warsgave Lenin the opportunityto persuade the world that the French Revolution could be repeated as a communist revolution in, of all with a Chinese face monoamine oxidases Cultural Revolution Robespierre places, Russia. Not only did hoped to realizeRobespierresdream of pushing beyondpolitical the upheavals of war play reformto remakema n and society. WQ SUMMER 1989 53 1789 strong, if mixed, emotions which the French Revolution had kindled in the outside world from 1789 on.In symbolicways, both large and small- such as naming one of their first naval ships Marat, after the French revolutionaryleader- the early Soviets underscored their connection with the earlier revolution. The attempts of the Allied powers to send in troops to save TsaristRussiafrom the Bolshevikswas immediately seen by a war-wearyworld as a reactionary,counter-revolutionaryWhite Terror,and public opinion presently put an end to that intervention. After1917,the Soviet Unionsself-image became less that of a revolutionaryregime socialist and more that of a well-established empire.This transition unexpectedly changed its adherents at last to obey Marxs injunctionto abolish the cult of the revolutionary past and to fix their eyes on the present. The idea of revolutionthus passed from the left to the ultra-left,to Stalin and Trotskyand, later, to Ma o Zedong and his CulturalRevolutionin China. Yet even during the extreme phase of the CulturalRevolution, Mao still evinced his debt to the French Revolution, a debt which he shares with the later Third Worldrevolutionaries.Whenever a revolutionary leader, from Ho Chi Minh and FrantzFanonto Fidel Castroand Daniel Ortega, speaksof a new man, or of restructuring a whole society, or of creating a new human order,one hears againthe ideas and assumptionsfirst operateed on the political stage during the French Revolution. fact, there can be no doubt that a cultural revolution is what Robespierre set afoot in France, and what, if he had lived, he would have tried to bring to completion. As a disciple of Rousseau, he truly believed that existing culture had corruptedmodern man in all classes of society, and that an entirely new culture was WQ SUMMER 1989 ecessaryif men were to determine their natural goodness. The new spectral institutions which Robespierre introduced the cult of the Sup reme Being and the righteousness of Truthat the altar of Reason, as well as the new patrioticfestivalsto replace the religious holidays were all intended to be part of what can only be called a cultural revolution. Robespierredid not believe that political, social, and economic changes alone, however radical,would enable men to achieve their full humanity.But while the ideals and the languageof the cultural revolution sound nobler than those of the political revolution,such elevation of thought seems only to authorize greater unmercifulness in action. Robespierres domination of the French Revolution lasted for only a short period, from April 1793 until July 1794, when he himself died under the same guillotine which he had used to execute his former friendsand supposed enemies. Moderationwas restoredto the French Revolution after his execution by the least idealistic of its participants a a cynical Talleyrand, pusillanimousSieyes, and a ingenuously ambitious Napoleon. ikewise, mod eration was restored to the Chinese Revolutionby the Chineseadmirersof Richard Nixon. Yet while moderation had been restored to the real historical French of Revolution,the inevitability the returnto was often conveniently ig normality nored by later revolutionaries. And what of France itself? At first glance, all the majorsubsequent datesof French history seem to be in a revolutionary tradition or at least of revolutionary magnitude- 1830 (Louis-Philippe) 1848 (the Second Republic) 1852 (the Second Empire) 1871 (the Third Republic) 1940 (the Vichy French State) 1945 (the Fourth Republic) 1958 (the Fifth Republic).Yet these headline dates, all suggesting recurrent tumult, may be misleadingFrancehas not been wracked by major upheavalsnor 54 1789 that left the bodily structure by social earthquakes of society unrecognizable, as Russia and Chinawere aftertheir revolutions. Continuity may be the most striking feature in Frenchlife. Robertand BarbaraAndersons Bus Stop to Paris (1965) sh owed how a village not more than 10 miles from Paris remained unaffectedyear afteryear by all the great rumblingsin the capital. Are we dealing with a revolutionwhose myth is all out of proportionto the facts?Tocqueville,that most dependableof all politicalanalysts,offersan answerThe major change realized by the Bourbon kings duringthe 17th and 18th centuries was the increasingcentralizationof France and the creation of a strong bureaucracyto portion out it. This bureaucracy,in effect, ruled France then and has continued to rule it through every social upheaval and behind every facade of constitutionalchange. This bureaucracyhas providedstabilityand continuitythroughthe ups and downs of political fortune.The French Revolutionand Napoleon, far from making an abrupt break with the past, continued and even accelerated the tendencytowardbureaucraticcentralization. Tocquevillealmost discuss sayingthat the French Revolution never happened, that the events not only looked theatrical but were theatricalThe French could afford to have as many revolutions as they pleased, because no matter what laws they enacted, or what persons they placed in their legislative and administrator offices, the same civil servants, the functionaries,the members of V would remain Administration, in command. any revolutions can the historian cite as having left the people better off at the end than they were at the beginning? Unfortunatelythe discrepancybetween its mythand its reality may have made the French Revolution a deceptive model for other nations to imitate. The mythtreatedsociety like a neutral, ahistoricalprotoplasmfrom which old corrupt institutions could be extracted and into which new rules for human interaction could be inserted at will. The reality was that France, with its unusually strong state bureaucracy, could withstand the shocks and traumas of radical constitutional upheaval.In modern history, revolution often seems a luxurythat only privilegedpeoples such as the F rench and the Americansand the English can afford. less(prenominal) fortunatepeoples, from the Russiansin 1918 to the Cambodians in 1975, on whom the burden of the establishedregimes weighed more cruelly, have often enacted their revolutions with catastrophicresults. It is possibly one of the harsherironies of history that, since the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, the more a country appears to need a revolution, the less likely it will be able to accomplish one successfully. WQ SUMMER 1989 55
Human Growth And Development Essay
There are four questions, each of which is worth 25 points for a total of 100 points. MYEDUCATION LAB Activity The Major developmental TheoriesReview the following theoretical persuasions on development psychodynamic theories (e.g., Freud), psycho accessible theories (e.g., Erikson), behaviorist (learning) theories (e.g., Watson, Skinner), societal learning theories (e.g., Bandura), cognitive developmental theories (e.g., Piaget), information processing theories (e.g., Siegler), and bioecological theories (Bronfenbrenner). call into question 1 Which system or theories revolve about more on the vastness of genius than nurture? Which system or theories take a strong pip that nurture is more important than nature? The humanistic perspective contends that heap have a vivid capacity to make decisions about their lives and supremacy their behavior. The humanistic perspective emphasizes let off will and the natural desire of piece to reach their full potential.Question 2 Which theory or theories nidus on the universality of development more than diversity of individuals? The contextual perspective considers the relationship between individuals and their physical, cognitive, personality, and social pieces. The bioecological approach stresses the interrelatedness of developmental areas and the importance of broad cultural factors in human development. Vygotskys sociocultural theory emphasizes the central influence on cognitive development exerted by social interactions between members of a culture.Question 3 Which theory or theories focus more on qualitative diversity than on quantitative change? The Cognitive Theory focuses on qualitative, the goal of the theory is to explain the mechanisms and processes by which the infant, and then the child, develops into an individual who can reason and think using hypotheses. To Piaget, cognitive development was a progressive reorganization of mental processes as a result of biological maturation andenvironmental e xperience.Children construct an understanding of the world around them, and then experience discrepancies between what they already know and what they bankrupt in their environment. The humanistic perspective contends that people have a natural capacity to make decisions about their lives and control their behavior. The humanistic perspective emphasizes free will and the natural desire of humans to reach their full potential.Question 4 Which theory or theories focus more on discontinuity than on continuity over development? The psychodynamic perspective is exemplified by the psychoanalytic theory of Freud and the psychosocial theory of Erikson. Freud focused attention on the unconscious and on stages through with(predicate) which children must pass successfully to avoid harmful fixations. Erikson identified eight distinct stages of development, each characterized by a conflict, or crisis, to work out.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Plot Twist Essay
A spot plait is a alteration in the expected direction or outcome of the plot of a film, television series, video game, novel, comic or other fictional work. It is a common practice in narration employ to keep the stakes of an earreach, usually surprising them with a revelation. Some twists argon foreshadowed and keep and thus be predicted by many watchmans/readers, whereas others are a distinguish shock. When a plot twist happens near the end of a tier, particularly if it changes ones view of the preceding events, it is known as a twist ending.Revealing the existence of a plot twist oft spoils a movie, since the majority of the movie generally builds up to the plot twist. A device used to undermine the expectations of the audience is the false protagonist. It involves presenting a vulcanized fiber at the start of the film as the main character, but then disposing of this character, usually killing them. It is a red herring. Example of a plot twist An early example of the murder mystery genre1 with multiple twists2 was the Arabian Nights tale The Three Apples.It begins with a fisherman discovering a locked chest. The kickoff twist occurs when the chest is broken open and the dead body is found inside. The sign search for the receiver fails, and a twist occurs when two men appear, distributively claiming to be the murderer. A complex chain of events finally reveal the murderer to be the investigators own slave. A flashing pointer is a metaphorical audiovisual cue used in films to come some object or situation that will be referred after, or otherwise used in the advancement of plot, to the attention of the viewers.The device is not introduced into the plot or the dialogue, but is something peripheral however made demonstrable (hence the name) by a particular camera shot or desktop music. An example of this device is a camera close-up in a detestation movie that suggests information like danger from an unlocked door. A original(a) flashin g arrow was used in the 1981 film Student Bodies to sneer this cliched use.1 The use of flashing arrows and that particular joke were both mentioned in Everything Bad is Good for You, where the sources says works that have little use of this and take in figuring things out yourself have a more deductive viewer base. Another example of a literal flashing arrow can be seen in the Ouran High School Host Club. This device is used several times throughout the animefor instance in the first episode, a flashing arrow and high-pitched beeping noise indicate a vasethat a character breaks later on in that scene.Red herring is an idiomatic expression referring to the rhetorical or literary tactic of risible attention away from an item of significance. 1 For example, in mystery fiction, where the identity of a criminal is being sought, an innocent party may be purposefully cast in a guilty light by the author through the employment of deceptive clues, false emphasis, loaded words or other descriptive tricks of the trade.The readers suspicions are thus misdirected, allowing the true culprit to go (temporarily at least) undetected. A false protagonist is some other example of a red herring. In the comic book cull out community, the apparent death and subsequent return of a long-running character is often called a comic book death. While death is a flagitious subject, a comic book death is generally not interpreted seriously and is rarely permanent or meaningful. At least deuce-ace comic book deaths are well known.The first two are the 1980 death of Jean Grey in Marvels puritanical Phoenix Saga and that ofSuperman in DCs highly-publicized 1993 Death of Superman storyline. in that location is one major distinction between the two, however whereas it was never intend that Supermans death be permanent, and that he would return to manner at the conclusion of the story,3 Jeans passing (one of many unorthodox deaths among the X-Men) was written as the true and perma nent death of the character,citation needed only to beretconned a few years later to facilitate her return.In more new-fangled history, the death of Captain America made real-world headlines in early 20074 when he met his apparent end, but Steve Rogers returned in Captain America Reborn in late 2009. Usually more subtle, foreshadowing works on the emblematic level. For example, if a character must break up a schoolyard difference among some boys, it might symbolically foreshadow the family squabbles that will become the primeval conflict of the story.Other times, it is seemingly inconsequential, with the goal of having the audience be impress by the storys climax and yet find it justified. If a character learns that a certain man was a regular at the diner where her mother worked many years before, it helps to justify the events later in which she learns that the man is her biological father. If foreshadowing is not done carefully, the common experiences of living can make the foreshadowing too obvious and allow the audience to predict the outcome of the story.Example a character behaves in an droll and erratic fashion and complains continuously of a headache, then later is diagnosed with a brain tumor. Foreshadowing can also be used venally in a mystery, where a series of events which points to a conclusion is later found to be composed of unlikely coincidences which have been dishonestly added to the story by the author in an artificial way, with the sole purpose of sketch the audience into an incorrect expectation. In such cases, the audience feels manipulated, and the story may be less satisfying.
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States
This year, it was estimated that at least 500,000 people in the United States nominate already died of back up since the disease first surfaced in the 1980s. This figure was verbalise to be the equivalent of the entire population of Las Vegas. In 2008, meanwhile, there were at least 1 million people in the US who atomic snatch 18 living with human immunodeficiency virus/ assist.What is dangerous is that more or less a fifth of them do not know they have the disease. Such ignorance worsens the human immunodeficiency virus/ support pestiferous in the US by greatly increasing the risk of ahead transmission (AVERT n. pag.).Experts pointed out that despite these alarming statistics, the US g e preciseplacenments efforts towards human immunodeficiency virus streak and treatment confronted unsuccessful. For whiz, stigma and discrimination towards HIV-positive individuals continue to persist.In addition, thousands of uninsured Americans slake do not have access to necessary heal th go such as antiretroviral therapy. As a result, the countrys HIV/ back up epidemic conceals on claiming more lives approximately 56,000 Americans argon infected with HIV every year (AVERT n. pag.).Contrary to stereotypes, HIV/ assist affects every last(predicate) sectors of American society. The misconception that the disease affects only homo elicituals and do drugs unfrees stemmed from the particular that in the early years of the epidemic, majority of HIV-positive individuals in the US were homosexuals, intravenous drug engrossrs, hemophiliacs and Haitian immigrants.However, the demographics of people living with HIV/acquired immune deficiency syndrome have changed over the succeeding years. At present, sectors including heterosexual whites, African-Americans and Hispanics are already vulnerable to the affection (AVERT n. pag.).As of 2007, African-Americans constituted about 12% of the follow population of the US. But an estimated 49% of them were diagnosed with HIV in the same year. Health experts consider this to be very ironic, given that several well-known African-Americans such as anchorman pocket Robinson, tennis player Arthur Ashe and rapper Eazy-E died of AIDS in the 1980s and the 1990s.But in bed are they surprised denial of the existence of HIV/AIDS still persists among African-Americans. This forswearing stems from the fact that among African-Americans, openly talking about subtile subjects want sexuality, premarital sex and drug use are still seen as taboo (AVERT n. pag.).Although there has been a decline in the overall number of AIDS- associate deaths in the US at the start of the 21st century, AIDS-related deaths among Hispanics during this period remained comparatively stable. Hispanics made up about 19% of the countrys total population in 2007, but around 15% of this figure is believed to be living with AIDS.Health experts attribute this situation to language barriers, social structures, migration patterns and lack of fix health care services (AVERT n. pag.). These factors expose Hispanics to high-risk behaviors that will finally lead to AIDS, such as unprotected sex and drug abuse.Despite the fact that no sector of American society is safe from HIV/AIDS, homosexuals remain to be one of the nigh vulnerable groups. In 2007, about two-thirds of anthropoid adolescents and adults who were diagnosed with HIV were homosexuals.This figure was said to be the result of unprotected sex among an increasing number of homosexuals. According to experts, most homosexuals are complacent about condom use because they believe in the misconception that antiretroviral drugs cure HIV/AIDS.This anomalous belief is not without fatal consequences it was estimated in 2008 that HIV/AIDS diagnoses among homosexuals amongst 2001 and 2006 increased by 8.6% (AVERT n. pag.).Critics pointed out that the US government did not deteriorate enough money on HIV/AIDS pr howevertion measures. In October 2007, Congress reduced the countrys federal AIDS stripe budget for the 2008 fiscal year by $692 million (the reduction was ab initio announced as $3 million) a move that would further keep cheap and or free antiretroviral drugs out of reach of indigent AIDS uncomplainings (AVERT n. pag.).Furthermore, the US refused to cooperate with the United Nations in the latters programs to chair the spread of HIV/AIDS. The US, for instance, blocked the UNs anti-HIV/AIDS program of providing drug dependents access to clean needles.Officials at the US State Department warrant this decision by arguing that this program index be misinterpreted as an endorsement of drug abuse by providing dependents with a place to come drugs ( n. pag.).Simply put, the US believes that the only way for drug dependents to avoid HIV/AIDS is to completely abstain from drugs. But studies show that a drug dependent will suffer relapse at least four time before becoming fully rehabilitated ( n. pag. ).The UNs point in ingress the anti-HIV/AIDS program is that while drug dependents are ridding themselves of their habit, steps might as well be taken to ensure that they are healthy. later on all, what is the point of getting rehabilitated from drug abuse when one ends up HIV-positive later?How is the US currently dealing with the HIV/AIDS epidemic in its own turf? For one, not all schools in the country interpret HIV/AIDS education. Those that do adopt a curriculum that travel into one of the following categories abstinence-only, abstinence-plus or comprehensive.As a result, students are erectd incomplete and even inaccurate cultivation about HIV/AIDS. Even schools that provide the most comprehensive HIV/AIDS education reportedly fail to provide or gloss over important information (AVERT n. pag.).In the end, it is still the late people who pay the heaviest price for such errors. Their ignorance about HIV/AIDS renders them vulnerable to the disease when they start having s exual relations later in life as adults.It also doesnt help that whatever information they will learn about HIV/AIDS are in the main in the form of myths HIV could be transmitted from kissing, HIV is undersized enough to pass through the pores in latex condoms, only homosexuals could originate the disease, etc. (AVERT n. pag.)In addition, the US government focused so much on encouraging as many people as possible to undergo HIV political campaigning that they failed to inform people regarding guidelines surrounding the procedure. In busy clinics and hospitals, for instance, patients may not be properly informed that they are world tested for HIV or that they have the right to refuse the test (AVERT n. pag.).Formalities such as the need for written consent and lengthy pre-test prevention counseling also discourage people from taking HIV scrutiny (AVERT n. pag.). Furthermore, health experts failed to recognize social and cultural factors behind a patients reluctance to undergo HIV testing.Ethnic minorities in the US moldiness be educated about HIV/AIDS in such a manner that their religious and or cultural sensibilities are recognised before lecturing African-Americans about practicing safe sex, for instance, they must first be given the assurance that openly discussing sex is not shameful as their culture dictates.If the US wants to put a stop to its HIV/AIDS epidemic, it must first put an end to its inconsistent and shortsighted anti-HIV/AIDS measures. All schools must be required to provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS education to its students. Comprehensive HIV/AIDS education, however, means complete and objective information about the disease.Students are provided options on how to avoid HIV/AIDS, whether through abstinence or through condoms.Second, the US government must spend more money on health care services for AIDS patients and for HIV/AIDS research. Studies show that as long as they have consistent access to proper health care services, AIDS pat ients can still live long and healthy lives despite their illness.Lastly, man health and social workers must educate people about HIV/AIDS in such a manner that their personal, religious and or cultural concerns about the disease are addressed. People must be given the assurance that openly discussing HIV/AIDS, sexuality and other related topics does not make them promiscuous.Indeed, what makes HIV/AIDS a very sensitive subject is that discussing it touches other taboo subjects such as drug use and sex. But in the context of the disease, ignorance kills. People may hide in stereotypes, but HIV/AIDS does not. HIV/AIDS asks only one thing Are you human?
Saturday, February 23, 2019
A Model of Christian Charity Essay
In 1630, buns Winthrop led a fleet of 17 ships and a thousand puritans from England to the Massach intenttts Bay. With a impudently place to c solely home, John Winthrop and the puritans hoped for a fresh start in the stark naked world. The of import priming for this refreshed beginning was due to the fact that they had broken apart from Englands Church and had declared to start their own church. They believed that starting a new church was ordained by God and that the Massachusetts Bay playing area was given to them by God in order to start the Church. With a plan to start a new Church, John Winthrop created, A bewilder of saviorian Charity to help set guidelines. These guidelines were a mix of logical system and Biblical teachings that would be used to help start the new Church. Without these guidelines the new Church surely would have not been very successful. Winthrop was essential to the al-Qaida of the new Church, and without him, the Church would have surely failed.J ohn Winthrops typography gives a foundation in which the puritans can build the Church. A main point that John Winthrop wrote is that Christians need to start serving the Lord with all of their heart and try to increase the body of Christ. Increasing the body of Christ meaning that the puritans would influence others to trust in Christ and grow the tribe of Christ followers. The body of Christ means the community of those who follow Christ, and the ism that Winthrop wrote told the puritans that they need to profess themselves as followers of Christ. They need to be adequate to(p) to show others the Christ in them. Winthrop says that Christians are bound together by the love of Christ, and that love is unbreakable.Another main point that Winthrop mentions is that they need to go against the crowd, the crowd meaning the face Church. Since the puritans are breaking away from the slope Church, then it would be wrong to copy the English Church. That would be likewise easy, instead they need to do what they feel is right and go against the English Church entirely. These main points of Winthrops powder compact were vital to the foundation of the new Church.At the end of his covenant, Winthrop discusses what will happen if the puritans were to break the covenant. If the puritans were to break thecovenant then the Lord will strike them down for not tutelage the covenant. Winthrop explains that Massachusetts would be a city on a heap in which people would admire and look up to. Not matchless that breaks the covenant and disobeys God, rather one that praises him. The puritans need to be a beam of light to the world and show others the way to Christ. After the puritans had landed in Massachusetts, they began the new Church and succeeded in doing so. Later in history, people use Winthrops ideas to say that God had chosen the United States as a beacon of democracy and freedom for others to follow, just like people followed the puritans.
A Tale of Two Cities Character Carton Analysis Essay
In the novel, A Tale of deuce Cities, Sydney cartons character went through a series of stopping points that touched the issuecome of the novel. Sydney cartonful looks almost looks exactly the same as Charles Darnay, and the main difference, was that Darnay was sober a majority of the time, and he cared and worked for his life. Lucie, the love of Cartons life, had fallen in love with Darnay. After Carton accomplished that Lucie would have picked him if he hadnt been so slavish and drunk a majority of the time, he decided to variety show. He knew he had already disjointed Lucie, only he thought that maybe he could still design the rest of his life for the better. His decision to change was not state out right, but the events in the novel, led the reader to the conclusion, that he turned just about his life for Lucie.At the beginning of the novel, when Carton is first introduced, he is sit down in the courtroom staring at the ceiling. The author made it be like Carton did not care what was going on in the courtroom, but later the reader disc all overs that Carton was listening to the case the wide-cut time. Carton had heard a flaw in the prosecutors scheme, and he gave a note to Stryver, resulting in an acquittal, which Stryver had received full credit. As the reader continues reading, it is later discovered that Carton is the hand guiding Stryver, plot of ground Stryver is just the image. Carton never did anything for himself because he was too busy portion others. Later in the novel, Carton planned an almost full trial impression plan to help Charles Darnay. Even though he had made the decision to change, and think out a plan, he never lost the symptomatic of putting others beforehand himself. Although he took the place of the Darnay, before his death, he took it for Lucie.As Cartons character is slowly unfolded throughout the second book, the reader can conclude that Carton dislikes Darnay. Carton dislikes Darnay, because Darnay is the const ant reminder to Carton of what he could have been like, if he had not made bad choices in law school and made good choices in general. Whenever Carton came over to the Manettes home, and was in the presence of Darnay, he was even more placidness then usual. However, when he decided to turn his life around, he inhumed his hatred for Darnay, and treated him with respect. Even with this decision, carton could not have Lucie, but she accepted him as part of her own family, and he was content with that. At the end of the novel, Carton takes time to plan out a five-step plan to save Darnay, and ends up sacrificing himself for a man he use to hate. office staff of Cartons old personality, was that he always wore his emotions on his sleeve. He thought he was useless and he lacked self-esteem. This was shown throughout the beginning of the book, for he was a drunk resembling his worthless life. He didnt speak in the conversation unless it was a topic that he truly cared for. Right before h is change, he professed his love to Lucie. After his change, he learned to hide his emotions. Although he may not like Darnay, he kept those feelings to himself. He stayed thick in Book III, in order for his plan to be happy and his appearance to be surprising.The character, Sydney Carton, was given a second chance as their life was resurrected. Lucie Manette is responsible for the resurrection of Sydney Carton, for she was the inspiration that got Sydney Carton off his feet. Carton double saves Charles Darnay even though he disliked him. Carton described himself as a wasted creature but Lucy explained that she had faith in him and that he was capable of doing better things. He ended up promising that he would do anything for her, sacrificing his life for Charles Darnay. By hiding his emotions, he was able to feed out a plan without anyone attempting to stop him. Carton strived to become a better person and change his life around because Lucie believed in him. Because of the chan ge in Carton, Darnays life is spared and Carton dies with dignity, knowing his life was not a waste.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Journal Entry African American Essay
Hello my precious unborn child. I am non rattling sure whither to begin. The doctor is saying that I might not give it through this pregnancy but they will show sure you full of life to see this crazy world that we live in. I want to make sure that you down the stairsstand your history and w present you come from What a journey our family has been through. They in effect(p) dont make it easy for an Afri tolerate American Family. hither we argon and we h senescent up struggled except to make it hither to the Deep South. We colonised here in Ole Miss just like lots of opposite black folks and you would think that after they freed us from slavery they could just leave us be.I guess I should tell you a little about who we are and what we corroborate been through so you shake up a clearer understanding. Well it started when we got here. Brought over on ships, our family was slaves to the white folk correct here in Mississippi. There have al meanss been stories told. Why, I think about when I was a little little girl my grandma telling us the story of Nat Turner. (1998) He went on a rebellion respect qualified here in the South. He was on a mission fighting for what he believed in. He may not have gvirtuoso about it the right way but he fought until his d eat onh on October 30, 1831.After that it seemed to be one person after the next until fin tout ensembley Abraham Lincoln issued the independence Proclamation. This was issued in 1863. (1998)This was a valiant attempt at freeing the slaves here in the United States but it techni covery only freed slaves in the states that were under the jurisdiction of the Confederacy. You would think that would make things better. Nope There was a 12 year period after that that they worked hard on trying to make things fresh for us. Your great-great-grandma was around through the reconciliation period.She said that we were finally awarded citizenship and in 1870 an amendment went in that stated you could not de ny us the right to vote beca social occasion of our unravel. (1998) My great-Grandma told us that just when things started looking upIt got worse. The Democrats came in and changed everything. They started doing every thing that they could to honk us back to having no rights. But we as a race stayed as strong as we could. What you have to remember is that making our way in this world has been and remains a consistent struggle. We made allowance thoughA young lady buy the name of Sophia Packard and Harriet Giles were able to establish a college for the Negros as the white folk like to offer us. This was the first college for African American females. Spelman Colleges goal at the clipping was merely to teach black women to read and write. And that they have done. But here I sit in 1963. A 33 year old female who isnt sure what is going to be in her future. They call us free. I have to ask myself daily though, Am I really free? I mean we have separate schools. We eat in separate re staurants.(2010) They give us totally different bathrooms to use and all this is because of the color of my skin. I look at this world and I think to myself, I put my clothes on the exact aforementioned(prenominal) way as everyone else. Should the color of our skin really make things so much different for us? Every single day we have leaders out there fighting for what is fair and what is right. Take Martin Luther poof for instance. (2007) He is on a mission. He is part of a multitude called the SCLC. (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) He has made major st put one overs.I mean in Montgomery Alabama the black folks get to ride on the same buses with the same rights as the white folks. I can only hope that by the time that you grow up and are able to read and understand all this that you look at all this and have a hard time believing it. As I sit here and write to you and I look across the passage of this tiny little home I live in I see the neighbors and in their front yard is a cross that person has lit on fire. Why, because today he walked a white girl to school. Rumors started and now everyone knows that this little girl likes him.Yet he is being penalize for it. It shouldnt matter. If there is one thing that you need to know and one thing that I can teach you through this letter it is to be you. Know yourself. Never let anyone tell you that you can not do something. Most importantly, remember that loves has no boundaries. It sees no color. It does not understand hate. It does not segregate nor does it discriminate. I hope that you never have to endure the hardships that we have to endure during these trying times. Always remember to live with no declination and never look back I love you with all my heart-. momma Works Citied Page African American Slavery (1998) Long Island University Retrieved from http//www. liu. edu/cwis/CWP/depository library/aaslavry. htmturner Timeline Search for African American History (2010) Google Search railway l ocomotive http//www. google. com/search? q=african+american+history&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=p&tbs=tl1,tll1850,tlh1899&ei=lrPUS9avLoK78gbfpL3qDw&oi=timeline_histogram_nav&ct=timeline-histogram&cd=8&ved=0CIcBEMkBKAg History of African Americans Information Please Database. (2007) Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved from http//www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmtimeline. html.
Ethical Treatment of Prisoners Essay
Some people believe the history of department of corrections shows continuous movement toward more humane treatment of prisoners as smart set has progressed. In the beginning penaltys for prisoners were considered a corporal penalization which was whipping, beheading, dismembering, torture or even death. There was fines, dispersion of property were parkland which was more common than the physical torture. Execution was the economic and corporal penalisation as the earth was forfeited. The economic and physical sanctions nonplus given way of imprisonment less(prenominal) depreciation in the liberty of parole and probation.When there atomic number 18 thousands of crimes incarcerated passim the United States, the ethical treatment of prisoners rights must be analyzed. Through expose the years many modifications constitute been comprise to accommodate inmates and hold their basic human rights. Have we as a corporation through enough regarding the ethical treatment of priso ners or suck up we made their lives in prison too easy that it is no longer a punishment for them? There atomic number 18 many people in the United States who put on strong feelings of what is right and wrong and fall on both sides of this question.Utilitarianism is the touch that moral rules should be choices made by a society to shape up the happiness of its members Mosser (2010). Through the utilitarian view the argument could be made that these prisoners are being treated to good and not good enough. Utilitarianism gives an understandable, supposed foundation for moral conclusion making. Prior to coming to a decision upon a course of action, the utilitarian is asked to consider its effects on the blameless population over an infinite period of clipping Mosser (2010).One worry with this method of decision-making is that many people might not agree with the lead that maximization of happiness should be the basis for morality. An example of this is an philia for an eye if you kill almostone in my family then I will have your life. In earlier history like the cowboy era this is how criminals were treated. Now, this is no longer accepted in our society. Our societys ethical determine have changed. For hundreds of years, prisoners had no rights. That is until 1909 when the Georgia domineering Court ruled that although convicts have lost their freedom they do have civil rights Davenport (2009).During this era, institutions were legally insubordinate in state and federal courts from fairnesssuits, also called the hands-off doctrine, wardens ran their facilities as they snarl necessary and were not held accountable for the conditions that existed in their facility Davenport (2009). Prisoners were beaten on a regular basis and denied the basics such as food, medical care, and protection from staff or other inmates. These types of incidents continued for many of years. In the 1960s several legal avenues opened for prisoners. Prisoners would now hav e the ability to have their grievances heard in state and federal courts.One of the major changes that enabled this is the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment another is the civil rights provisions of Section 1983 of call 42 of the U. S. Code Davenport (2009). The Eighth Amendment asserts that excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted Davenport (2009). The cruel and unusual punishment clause was not intended for prisoners rather the focus was on punishment outside the virtue. The clause also did not apply to state prisoners.The arbitrary Court heard very few cases in this era. In the 1960s, the Supreme Court began to incorporate the Bill of Rights to state laws. This meant the cruel and unusual punishment clause now included prisons and prisoners. Prisoners then began to charge up suits to change the way prisons operated, citing cruel and unusual punishment, inadequate healthcare, demandi ng more entrance fee to courts and due process. plurality who are employed in the justice dust have to exhibit strength of mind and body to prove they are worthy to be in charge of those who may be a danger to society.This fact alone places these individuals in a position of baron, and without a personal and professional code of ethics to live by this power could be taken out of context. This could lead to damage within the system, as well as out on the street. For these people must make moral decisions everyday. A personal set of ethics plunder a great deal be hard to define. Ethics are not on a persons mind as they make various choices throughout the day. When a person sub-consciously makes one judgment or another, they are not aware that ethics plays a role in the decisions that are made.In examining ethical egoism and utilitarianism my personal view is definitely closer to utilitarianism than ethical egoism. Utilitarianism is an exceedingly, even extremely demanding moral view for close to people. If we have a craft to always bring about the best outcome, than any time we can increase the well-being of others, we have a moral duty to do so. I believe it is morally better to help the most people at a time than to serve the self pertain of one person. The thousands of crimes incarcerated throughout the United States had their day in court and are now housed in a penal institution to serve out their sentence.As a society we have passed ethical laws to protect the prisoners against persecute from others and to make sure they are treated with respect. Through the eyes of utilitarianism arguments are made that these prisoners are being treated to good by some and not good enough by others. Regardless of which theories or ethical beliefs a person chooses to believe in they must pursue the law or they could end up as a prisoner in the United States. Those in the justice system sworn to protect prisoners can not choose to follow their own beliefs but the y must follow the laws and regulation set forth before them.Ethics as a form of intellectual inquiry does not provide answers to moral questions. People with beliefs about right and wrong do. Societies are built upon those beliefs. As we have analyzed the ethical treatment of prisoners with theories of ethics we can argue that societys views of right and wrong coincide with reality, are representative of the intent moral order, and encompass the will of the people with regards to their treatment. Davenport, A. U. (2009). Basic criminal law the constitution, procedure, and crimes (2nd Ed. ). Upper Saddle River Pearson
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories Essay
Arthur Conan Doyle was a well copen writer during the everyplacenice Era and mum is today. He was famous for his stories. One of his books had a fictional character that caught throngs attention. This character is a spectacular detective, secret agent Holmes. People love Sherlock Holmes so much because he ever so solves the case and always defeat evil. In fact, in one of Arthurs short story, The stippled bent, Sherlock Holmes was described as the Scotland Yard Jack-in-office and the busybodyThis level of time is called the straightlaced Era because the ruler during this time was Queen Victoria. in that location were a lot of crimes committed at this time. Common ones were murder and medicate abuse, which were feared greatly by hoi polloi. The life style of people in the Victorian Era was contrastive to everyday life. In the Victorian Times, there were tercet different groups of people. These were the upper class rich and powerful people who go intot need to work, mi ddle class have to work to keep back but not physical work, and lower/working class scant(p) people with no silver and works physically.The Speckled Band and The cosmos with the Twisted Lip are one of Arthur Conan Doyles stories. This piece of musical composition is to show how these two stories give the readers an idea of how people lived and behaved in the Victorian Era and what people expected of certain people because of either their gender, their ethnicity or their class.In Victorian Times, wo custody were treated differently to men. Women within this time were considered to be very emotional. We know this because in The macrocosm with the Twisted Lip when Mrs St Clair apothegm the blood on a window, she fainted at the sight of blood. The quotation tells us that women were hysterical and they are not strong enough to receive tough news because theyd sometimes break down.Another situation that proves this is when Sherlock was being assured by Mrs St Clair that if he an swers her question, he should not dither about my feelings. I am not hysterical, nor given to fainting. Also ratting the readers that, women knew their weaknesses and their strengths. However, men in the Victorian Times always thought things through. We know this because Sherlock said, the impression of a woman may be more valuable than the conclusion of an analytical reasoner. This let the reader know that men looks at the fact and take time to analyse and observe things and they fall apartt just jump to conclusions.They thought they could handle situations for themselves and dont need womens help at all. The readers detect this when Mrs St Clair was escorted homeas her presence was no help We know that Nevilles wife truism everything and the police knew that she saw her husband but still said she couldnt help their investigation. Men had everything and they were in authorisation financially. Women couldnt have control over their money until they were settled with their own h usbands. This happened to Helen Stoner, from the story of The Speckled Band. She wanted Sherlock Holmes to investigate something for her but she didnt have the money on her then however she guaranteed Holmes that in a month or six weeks I shall be married, with control of my income Men had authority over a lot of things. People that were not British were disliked by a lot of the Victorians. They are thought to be a jeopardy in the society and are unwanted.There were different ethnic people in the Victorian Era. These people were not White British. They had different modus vivendi to Victorian people. Some of this people were the Malays. Malays was what they called Malaysian people. In the story of The Man with the Twisted Lip the Malays were mentioned just once. This was when Dr Watson, Sherlock Holmes assistant and loyal friend, entered an opium den, a swallow Malay attendant had hurried up with a pipage Opium den is like a drug den which was run and supplied by the Malaysians. I n the same story, we are made known to a different ethnic individual, lascar. A lascar is an East Indian sailor.
Comment of the way Blake uses imagery in Songs of Innocence andSongs of Experience Essay
Comment of the way Blake uses imagery in Songs of innocence and Songs of Experience to give different perspectives on the human condition.Blake portrays very different views on the human condition in Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience by using imagery. He uses different sorts of imagery to build a persona in the readers mind. Blake may intend to use language to associate lyric poem to a larger picture, perhaps by using connotations. This method adds a lot of depth and meaning to the poem. An example of this can be install in LONDON. The use of the word blackning may appear unsubdivided and straighforward, yet Blake may of intended this word to have several meanings. drab is a sinister colour which may be associated with annoyance, as substantially as suggesting Londons filth. This foreboding connotation would complement the poems tone and imply quite pessimistic views on the human condition.Blake often uses bold and striking descriptions, which assembling to the re aders imaginations and often helps them relate to the poems setting, characters, or overall meaning on a more personal level. In Nurses Song, Blake builds an reckon setting in the readers mind. This gives a happy and postive view on life, by describing a setting typical of dreams, or fairy stories in which evil is non-existent. This is a huge contrast from the descriptive language use in poems from Songs of Experience. Here, difficulter and perhaps more realistic and brutal images are portrayed. For example, in The Tyger, the counterbalance two lines set a very specific scene.Forests of the night is a fairly simple yet strikingly threatening line. A turned forest is the place the reader would least like to be, especially go with by a tiger. The use of alliteration, burning bright emphasises the harsh and strong b sound, and helps set the scene. Perhaps this use of the word burning is alleged(a) to put the idea of hell into the readers mind. The physical and mechanical language used later on is extremely vivid, and one cannot help associating this with the industrial revolution, which would of been occuring at the time Blake wrote his poems.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
West African Theater Essay
African theatre is influenced by African prominent traditions and western theatre. The influence of western United Statesern movements originates from European presence, European education , and the artists socialisation outside of Africa. The magnitude of foreign influence varies from plain to country. This influence slowed the suppuration of African theatre in Zimbabwe. For example, productions continued to exemplify Western theatre. The Afrocentricity in West Africa in the 1960s was a reaction to the oppression of cut Directors. They left a mark on production styles. Examples of such oppression can be seen in the Daniel Surano Theatre in Senegal. This is where the productions of Aim Csaire can be seen. The productions of Bernard Dadi reflect French comic traditions and Jean Pliya is angiotensin-converting enzyme the many of playwrights foc utilize on the European historical events. The writing of Western playwrights has resulted in a literary style that appeals to a sop histicated and rargon audience to which dance and music productions have a minor mathematical function in the theatrical arts.Village theatre in Africa is based on the tried and true traditions of music, cry, dance, and drama. This produced a fertile foundation for the development of urban contemporary theatrics. Theatric entrepreneurs built upon the traditional crossroads storytelling and borrowed production styles from the European productions performed in West African urban areas in the 20s and 30s. Concert productions traveled in Togo and Ghana. During the 50s the Ghanaian Trios appeared with Bob Cole and his company performing for audiences in capital of Ghana with hilarious dramatizations of the local events. The get-go professional theatres in Nigeria were produced by the localactor-managers. The three most successful were Kola Ogunmola, Duro Ladipa, and Hubert Ogunde. They were all Yoruba and started work as teachers by making plays based on the Bible stories in Africa n churches. Ogundes first production was The Garden of Eden (1944) in the church building of the Lord. Then in 1945 he make a satire called hip-hop and Hunger. It was based on the clash between Nigerian workers and the European bosses. Ogundes success had allowed him to create the Ogunde concert party. It had a style exchangeable to the British concert parties of the time. They performed domestic comedies and political satires between the opening and the closing with interjections of song and dance unrelated to the plot.The touristyity Nigerian independence in 1960 brought an explosion of productions in the urban arts focussed on new African forms and the censure of European influences. This resulted in an imaginative presence in literary and popular theatre that was to be influential throughout Africa. Yoruba opera house companies, also know as traveling theatres, had hit the road. Ladipo produced spectacular productions based on themes from Yoruba mythology and history. His s erial on the kingdom of Oyo was published in 1964 as Three Yoruba Productions (Oba Koso The queen regnant Did Not Hang, Oba Moro The King of Ghosts, and Oba Waja The King Is Dead), had the power and mythology similar to a traditional Greek tradegy.Kola Ogunmola created comedies portraying himself as the dire actor and mime. He modified the techniques of Ogunde by replacing the saxophones with the Yoruba drum. He wrote strictly structured lines without destroying the gentility of the social satires. His most commonly seen production is Ife Owo (1950 deal of Money). His greatest success was with Omuti Apa Kini (1963). Although Ogunmola and Ladipo died in the 70s, their legacy lived on as embellish trucks transported Yoruba Opera companies to one-night performances in towns and villages. The Yoruba musical drama Obaluaye (1970) was composed by akin(predicate) Euba and it had an impact on the work of literary playwrights such as olla Rotimi. and Wole Soyinka. Ola and Wole spent ma ny years as university playwrights/directors and their ability to dress their own works led them to have a strong theatric achievement set.Wole Soyinka was a brilliant critic and satirist who was the first African to clear the Nobel Prize for Literature in 86 was regarded as Africas better(p) writer. His art reflects the difficulties facing an African playwright writing in English. He moved from naturalistic treatment of his subjects to the Yoruba view of subjects. His early satires The Trials of Brother Jero (1960) and king of beasts and the Jewel (1963) are popular with all English-speaking audiences. However the philosophical and verbal complexities in his later works are aimed at the involve few. Death and the Kings Horseman (1975) and The Strong Breed (1963) are focused on the impact of cultural conflict. On the other hand, Soyinkas political satires, such as Kongis Harvest (1965), are both(prenominal) raw and entertainment focused. A Dance of the Forests (1963) and The R oad (1965) described the mingled striking paradoxes of African life through the Yoruba myths. Secondly, Soyinka criticized the myth of the glorious African past by rejecting the African concept that the revival of African culture has to come from African cultural heritage to be made for and performed to proceed the Nigerian independence of October 1960. His drama became pessimistic after the civil war in Nigeria. This can be seen in Madmen and Specialists (1970). He also used past historical events and new versions of emeritus productions to create new productions. His rendering of the Bacchae of Euripides was observed by many in the National Theatre of capital of the United Kingdom in 1973. The Opera Wonyosi was a version of The Beggars Opera that was seen in the University of Ife in 1977.Ola Rotimi created theatrical English imbedded with African proverbs and idioms. His style of directing made good use of active movement and resulted in enthusiastic responses from universit ies and popular audiences. Rotimi was best at historical tragedies such as Ovonramwen Nogbaisi (1971) and Kurunmi (1969) which dealt with the Yoruba wars. He also had a knack for satire. An example would be Our married man Is Gone Mad Again (1966). In the field of directing, Soyinka and Rotimi both made imaginative use of dance and music.Intercultural exchange had strange results in Ghana. In the 60s SakaAcquayes The Lost Fisherman is a musical based on the highlife and it was a popular success. Another success story was Efua Sutherlands traveling theatre which produced productions based on the village storytelling and local village themes. Her productions in English used the Greek models. Ama Ata Aidoo was the most famous Ghanaian playwright in the post 60s period. The Dilemma of a Ghost (1964) showed the change cultural conflict occurring Ghanaian village when a young bad returned from his studies abroad and he brought his new African American wife on with him. Anowa (1970) is a play that deals with the role of Africa in the slave trade and the retainer like treatment of women.Commonly, Hausa drama has a strong appeal and originates from the dramatic style of the old storytelling. It is centered on social problems. It is especially focused on the stories involving the Hausa family and its complications with polygamy. This idea has been contreversial in many productions such as Tabarmar Kunya (1969 outcome of Shame) by Dauda Kano and Adamu dan Gogo. Some productions satirize the uneducated peoples dependence on Muslim scholars. An example would be Umaru Balarme Ahmeds Buleke (1970) and it shows characters who run short the hectic modern lifestyle and continued to hold onto the roots of the old country. The productions are commonly performed in schools and frequently broadcasted on television and radio. Kabbada is an distinguished Ethiopian playwright who created the historically based production Hannibal and it was performed in Dakar, Senegal, in 1966. The most remarkable work of Mangistu Lamm is the play Yalaccha Gabbiccha (Marriage of Unequals) and it deals with social inequality. It was performed for the first time in the Addis Ababa in 1964. It is a production showing a family going through a transition from the ways of the old country to the soulless reality of city life.Somalianan theatre had been firmly grounded since the 50s and is in truth popular. Many have yet to be published to the mass public. Shabeelnagood (Leopard Among the Women) was create verbally by Xasan Sheikh Mumin and it is a production about a flint trickster who marries nave and young women. It was originally published in Somali and translated to English in 1974. It had its first performance in Mogadishu in 1968 and it also had radioserialization along with a successful tour. Somali theatre has been compared to the theatre of the Elizabethan era in England because of its unique gang of popular culture and sophisticated art and its capacity to generate have-to doe with for a large demographic section of the 20th century population. ain AnalysisUpon analyzing the information it is understood that the European empires injected their artistic theology into West African field of battle resulting in an entertaining composite style. In some(a) ways this was a positive change for the artists in African theater it was this change that created a modern African style with the ability to comport traditional storytelling to a broader audience.Bibliography1.Abiodun, Rowland, Henry John. Drewal, and John Pemberton. The Yoruba Artist New notional Perspectives on African Arts. Washington Smithsonian Institution, 1994. 9 Sept. 2013. Web. 9 Dec. 2013. 2. Ann Wynne, Elizabeth Gunner, and Peggy Harper junior African Theatre (art). Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. 3.Ogunba, Oyin, and Abiola Irele. Theatre in Africa. Ibadan, Nigeria Ibadan UP, 1978. Web. 9 Dec. 2013.
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