Monday, September 30, 2019
Slavery and War
Midterm 1. What fundamental factors drew the Europeans to the exploration, conquest, and colonization of the New World? There were many fundamental factors that drew the Europeans to the exploration, conquest, and colonization of the World such as natural resources, overpopulation and religion. The European explorations have been hearing a lot about all the natural resources that the New World can offer to them. They wanted to travel and find the Far East for the gold, silk, spices, and possible crops that they may be able to bring back to Europe.They believed that the New World would be able to offer all of the natural resources that they may need in order to survive in Europe. They were also very fond of gold and all the other riches they may find. Another reason that drew the Europeans to the New World was due to population. Europe was getting overly populated and the lack of available land caused crowdedness. People were determined to get away from Europe and arrive to the Americ an colonies to establish a new place to live. Due to overcrowding, majority of people in Europe were contracting unknown contagious diseases.Many people also wanted to get out of Europe to avoid being infected. Religion has also become a fundamental factor to the exploration of Europeans. There were many different types of religions that the Europeans wanted to spread to the New World. The Europeans wanted to convert all the Native Americans that they have encountered. The Catholics settled in Maryland, while the Quakers settled in Pennsylvania. The goal of the Puritans was to arrive in the New World and be able to freely worship any religion. They wanted to free themselves from the England’s church and be able to create their own churches.What was the impact on the Indians, Europeans, and Africans when each of their previously separate worlds â€Å"collided†with one another? Indians, Europeans and Africans were all significantly impacted when each of their previously separated worlds â€Å"collided†with another. The Indians were significantly impacted when the Europeans came to the New World. The diseases that the Europeans have contracted from Europe were brought to the New World, and resulted to killing thousands of Indians. The diseases were highly contagious and did not take long for countless amount of Indians to get them.If the diseases did not kill the Indians, the Europeans would mistreat them or force them to get out of their own land and move somewhere else. The Indians did not benefit much from the Europeans and overall caused interactions to negatively affect the Indians. The Africans also did not benefit much from Europeans and the interactions that they had. Europeans did not like the Africans because of the dark color of their skin. In result, Europeans took advantage and turned Africans into slaves in the Americas. Only a few Africans benefitted with the Europeans’ interaction with them; slave traders.Some African s became slave traders and traded their own kind by capturing Africans and selling them to ships to travel to the Americas for profit. The Europeans benefitted the most when their separate worlds â€Å"collided†with the others. Due to their advance weapons and animals; they were able to kill the Indians or remove them form their own native land. After they did this, they were able to explore the land create new colonies, find new animals and plants to use for work and food. The Europeans benefitted from Africans because they enslaved them and did not have to pay for the labor.What caused the shift from indentured servant to African slaves as the dominant labor force in the southern colonies? The institution of slavery began in England because young women and men wanted to find a master who they will serve for (usual terms were from 4 to 5 years) to exchange for food, housing, and a way to get to America. After serving their time, men ended up being farmers, artisans or worse ; unemployed without anything and women ended up getting married. Indentured servants started to decline due do low birth rates and lack of improvement in the economic conditions developed.They often did not want to stay in the southern colonies due to the poor advancement it offered. In result, landowners started to use African slavery as their source of labor. They were free and landowners did not have to worry about paying for the African slaves. 3. What efforts were made to strengthen English control over the colonies in the seventeenth century, and why did they generally fail? After the civil wars that were going on in Europe, England tried to restore their authority on the colonies and make sure that throne was still powerful.After the British throne had been restored by Charles II, he wanted to be able to control his colonies more strictly. However, he was surprised that the orders he have made were not being followed in Massachusetts. The colonies were being taxed a lot by t he English and they also sent out governors of their own to try to take charge of the colonies and made sure that the British laws were being enforced. Charles II wanted to continue the English rule in the New World and tried to overpower the colonies. It generally failed because the English were fighting civil wars themselves, and colonies were left insolated for many years.This can be argued in a good and bad way. The colonies started becoming independent and did not like the idea of being ruled under England anymore. They liked the idea that they were free from England’s rule, which foreshadows terrible events down history. The colonies wanted to be under their own rules and disliked the thought of still being under England’s rule. What were the causes of the Bacon Rebellion and what impact did the rebellion have on Virginia politics and slavery? There were many causes of the Bacon Rebellion.Nathaniel Bacon created an angry group of people (slaves, farmers, servants ) to protest and burn down Indian settlements and Jamestown because they believed that the government was not giving them enough protection. This was caused by a disagreement between the Natives and the newly settled lands to the west. William Berkeley, Virginia’s governor, created a deal with the native. This deal was that there would not be any more settlers settling west of the mountains. However, due to the rapid growing of population, the agreement was difficult to maintain.There were people who were still settling west of the newly settled land where they have agreed not to settle in. This made the Natives very furious and started to harass the settlers. Nathan Bacon wanted support from Berkeley for a militia but Berkeley turned him down. This angered Nathan Bacon and ultimately, gathered people to defend him and others against the natives. After he did that, he invaded Jamestown and exiled Berkeley. Also, it was evidence of a struggle that was continuous between the In dians and the colonies in Virginia.The competition among the easterners and westerners revealed the bitterness they had for each other. It demonstrated the fact that the colony may not be capable of proving stability to the large population of free and landless men (most were former indentured servants). Bacon’s rebellion also made a huge impact on Virginia politics and slavery. The rebellion indicated the fact that it was the first class struggle between the rich and the poor whites living in the New World. It also continued to reduce the amount of Indians living there and open new land for white settlers.It reduced the population of white servants and increased the population of African servants. The indentured servants started to decrease because the landowners knew that indentured servants were to be released after their contract was finished. Landowners turned to Africans slaves because slaves did not have any contracts about how long they were to work for. They did not pose a threat for any uprisings, which the landowners highly approved of. 4. Identify the basic beliefs and assumptions of the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening.The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening impacted the intellectual and spiritual life of the colonies in different ways. The Enlightenment challenged the divine right and the role of religion, which assisted Colonial America to realize that it was possible to challenge the divine right and the King. It resulted in opening the ideas about literature, science and education. It focused more on scientific advancements and helped produce more of an interest in politics and education. The Great Awakening had an idea behind it: â€Å"a new beginning†. It created a new pathway toward religion being shared.T led to the ability to challenge the clergy and the King. The Great Awakening believed that God was coming soon. This caused the believing of others and they started creating churches and school for education. This mea nt that it gave the people a freedom of religion. How did these two movements affect colonial development? The Great Awakening is the religious response to the Enlightenment to the Enlightenment and the Enlightenment was a change from religious thinking to scientific thinking. The Enlightenment gave the colonies opportunity to another option other than religion.This enabled the colonies to challenge traditional beliefs. How did the American colonies move from loyalty to protest to rebellion in the twelve years following the end of the French and Indian War? The American colonies moved from loyalty to protest to rebellion in the twelve years following the end of the French and Indian War. The fertile soil in the Ohio River Valley sparked the interested of the colonists. The idea of colonists entering the land caused the French and Indians to be concerned for they have already established a great trading relationship together.The British, which also included the colonists, defeated th e forces of the French and Indians combined. Ultimately, this war made a severe financial issue to the British because while they were fighting with the French and Indians; they were also fighting in the Seven Years War in Europe. The British needed to find a way to increase revenues to the treasury while saving money. One way the British were able to save money was by passing the Proclamation of 1763. The Proclamation of 1763 was to stop settlers from advancing and settling in west of the Appalachian Mountains.They wanted to separate the colonists from the Indians and prevent any conflict between them. By reducing any conflict between other groups, they would not need as many military forces, which will help them save money. Unfortunately, the colonists did not like this idea because they believed that since they participated in the war, helped fight, and win the war; they would be able to settle in the Ohio River Valley. The British were able to increase the revenue is by adopting the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act stated that all printed items; for example, playing cards, newspapers and pamphlets, would all be taxed.This caused mixed emotions and led to a serious of actions on both the British and the colonists. The colonists did not like that idea and so they would protest about the tax. The British would try to rescind it, change it or enforce it. If the British were forced to rescind the act, they would change it to another tax; for example, Currency Act or Sugar Act). The colonists were not to happy about the acts because they did not elected any representatives to the Parliament. The British Constitution did not allow taxing unless there were representatives in the Parliament.This caused the colonists to be taxed without any representation. However, the British fired back and said that the colonists were being represented. The Parliament counted and represented all Englishmen even though they have not voted. After the French and Indian War, there were many e vents that caused the colonists to be angry. The most obvious reason was because of the series of Parliamentary acts. 6. What advantages and disadvantages did the American rebels and the British possess as the war began? There British and the American rebels both had many advantages and disadvantages as the war began.The British had many advantages compared to the Americans as the Revolutionary War began. The British had the confidence that they were going to win the war. The unlimited amount of money to buy any materials/resources they needed, and the significantly huge amount of trained soldiers were big advantages for them. The disadvantage the British had was that the soldiers really did not have any purpose in fighting because most of them were being paid to fight. The British soldiers were doing what they were told to do. They did not find any significance about this war.The British soldiers did not have to fight for their independence, unlike the Americans. The Americans had a couple advantages going into the war: the purpose of fighting, which was for their independence (they did not get paid at all unlike the British) and that made them fight harder than the British. They were truly fighting for themselves and valued the significance of this war. They were also fighting on their own land so they knew important landmarks. This was a great advantage for the Americans because they would be able to identify and predict where the British would be.The disadvantages that the Americans faced were that they were very limited in supplies. They did not have the huge amount of money to buy materials, which meant that they valued every bullet, cannon, and guns. They were not as populated as the British soldiers. They also did not have as much soldiers as the British did. The Americans were not also properly trained to fight. They did not have well-experienced captains leading them. Why was the Battle of Saratoga such a key to American success in the Revolutionary War? The French disliked the British for particular reasons like the war they had about gaining territory in North America.The French wanted to weaken the English as much as possible, which meant that French might be able to take revenge for what the British have done to them. In order to win the Revolutionary war, the Americans knew that they needed help from foreign forces. However, the French did not commit to fully support the Americans until they are certain that the Americans were capable of winning. After the Battle of Saratoga, the French started thinking that the Americans were worthy of their support. The Americans’ victory in this battle resulted in France becoming allies to the Americans.The Battle of Saratoga was significant because it was a major turning point of the Revolutionary War. Battle of Saratoga was the first American victory in the Revolutionary War. The confederacy of the Iroquois was neutral during the war. But three of the Iroquois nation fought al ong side with the British forces in the Battle of Saratoga. The confederacy was then weakened severely and with the Americans winning the Battle of Saratoga, the confederacy weakened even more. The result of the confederacy being weakened, the Iroquois nation were forced into Canada.What role did France play in winning the America’s independence and what were the long term implications for France? The France played an extremely important role with the winning of America’s independence. The French and the Americans were allied, and the Americans had no navy at all. The French were able to supply the Americans with the navy that they needed. The Americans also lacked the weapons and supplies they needed to fight in the Revolutionary War. They were able to give the Americans huge amounts of guns, other weaponries and ammunitions. The Americans were also lacking a huge army.The French also gave the Americans half of the army they had in the war. The French were also allied with the Spanish, which was a bad thing for the British. The French supplied the Americans with money that the Americans did not have. The French did not think about the American’s independence during the war, but mainly to try and get rid of the British. They wanted to crush the British armies because of what happened in the French and Indian War. The French disliked the British and that is why they allied with the Americans. If it wasn’t for the French, the American’s chances to winning were close to nothing.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Dance history Essay
Ballet is a form of dancing performed for theatre audiences. Like other dance forms, ballet may tell a story, express a mood, or simply reflect the music. But a ballet dancer’s technique (way of performing) and special skills differ greatly from those of other dancers. Ballet dancers perform many movements that are unnatural for the body. But when these movements are well executed, they look natural. The beginnings of ballet can be traced to Italy during the 1400’s at the time of the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, people developed a great interest in art and learning. At the same time, trade and commerce expanded rapidly, and the dukes who ruled Florence and other Italian city-states grew in wealth. The dukes did much to promote the arts. The Italian city-states became rival art centres as well as competing commercial centers. The Italian dukes competed with one another in giving costly, fancy entertainments that included dance performances. The dancers were not professionals. They were noblemen and noblewomen of a duke’s court who danced to please their ruler and to stir the admiration and envy of his rivals. Catherine de Medici, a member of the ruling family of Florence, became the queen of France in 1547. Catherine introduced into the French court the same kind of entertainments that she had known in Italy. They were staged by Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx, a gifted musician. Beaujoyeulx had come from Italy to be Catherine’s chief musician. Ballet historians consider one of Beaujoyeulx’s entertainments, the Ballet Comique de la Reine, to be the first ballet. It was a magnificent spectacle of about 51/2 hours performed in 1581 in honour of a royal wedding. The ballet told the ancient Greek myth of Circe, who had the magical power to turn men into beasts. The ballet included specially written instrumental music, singing, and spoken verse as well as dancing–all based on the story of Circe. Dance technique was extremely limited, and so Beaujoyeulx depended on spectacular costumes and scenery to impress the audience. To make sure that the audience understood the story, he provided printed copies of the verses used in the ballet. The ballet was a great success, and was much imitated in other European courts. French leadership. The Ballet Comique de la Reine established Paris as the capital of the ballet world. King Louis XIV, who ruled France during the late 1600’s and early 1700’s, strengthened that leadership. Louis greatly enjoyed dancing. He took part in all the ballets given at his court, which his nobles performed, but stopped after he became fat and middle-aged. In 1661, Louis founded the Royal Academy of Dancing to train professional dancers to perform for him and his court. Professional ballet began with the king’s dancing academy. With serious training, the French professionals developed skills that had been impossible for the amateurs. Similar companies developed in other European countries. One of the greatest was the Russian Imperial Ballet of St. Petersburg, whose school was founded in 1738. The French professional dancers became so skilled that they began to perform publicly in theatres. But in 1760, the French choreographer Jean Georges Noverre criticized the professional dancers in his book Lettres sur la danse, et sur les ballets (Letters on Dancing and Ballets). Noverre complained that the dancers cared too much about showing their technical skills and too little about the true purpose of ballet. This purpose, he said, was to represent characters and express their feelings. Noverre urged that ballet dancers stop using masks, bulky costumes, and large wigs to illustrate or explain plot and character. He claimed that the dancers could express these things using only their bodies and faces. So long as the dancers did not look strained or uncomfortable doing difficult steps, they could show such emotions as anger, joy, fear, and love. Noverre developed the ballet d’action, a form of dramatic ballet that told the story completely through movement. Most of Noverre’s ballets told stories taken from ancient Greek myths or dramas. But during the early 1800’s, people no longer cared about old gods and heroes. The romantic period began as people became interested in stories of escape from the real world to dreamlike worlds or foreign lands.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Racist Speech
As a society, we need to realize that with honesty, you have a certain responsibility and walk a fine line between offending people and possibly making racial statements. Therefore, the main difference between my interpretation and the conventional one is my focus is on unintentional vs.. Intentional racist speech. The Balance between racist speech and expression in a college environment can be difficult to decipher; students are encouraged and should express themselves while n campus, this embraces their creativity, passion, talent and allows them to feel Like they're in a safe environment.However, there is a fine line between expressing themselves in an offensive way vs.. An effective way. The article written by Derek Book titled Protecting Freedom of Expression on the Campus focuses on a situation that occurred at Harvard, stating that â€Å"Two students hung Confederate flags in public view, upsetting students who equate the Confederacy with slavery'. According to my deflation t his Is clearly racist speech and started quite the commotion among the Taft at the prestigious university and caused some other colleges to take racist speech too new level.In Books article his statement of colleges â€Å"some have enacted codes to protect their communities from forms of speech that are deemed to be insensitive to the feelings of other groups. †Even the words â€Å"Insensitive to the feelings of other groups†degrades the first amendment and could lead to racism. While some colleges chose not to enforce any restrictions, others varied In their approach and seventy of retribution.There are many ways to deal with this issue but the fact that each institution deals with it differently proves that racist speech continues and the answer remains elusive. Even though communities have the right to regulate speech they must do so very cautiously. If they do, they must apply the rules and limitations across the board and cannot enforce selectively to prohibit c ertain kind of messages and allow others that they think are acceptable; which can again be portrayed as racist speech.He goes on to say that â€Å"I am sure that the vast majority of Harvard students believe hat hanging a Confederate flag in public view-or displaying a swastika in response-is insensitive and unwise because any satisfaction It gives to the students who display these symbols Is far outweighed by the discomfort It causes to many others. †When freedom of speech does not guarantee that the choice made by the student's will be the same choice Book would make. Right after that quote, Book states â€Å"l share this view', but we forget that the flag symbolizing slavery was not the intent but rather an unintentional form of racist speech.If you are an agency of the government including public universities the free speech clause in the first amendment will be upheld even if the event offends the feelings or believes of that community. Book says in his article  "l have difficulty understanding why a university such as Harvard should have less free speech than the surrounding society- or than a public university'. In response Harvard is a private university which means it is not obligated to all government rules and regulation, the problem comes from the ambiguous limitations of the first amendment.Who's to say what is offensive or not in the eyes of the law, there are no tangible words for racist speech which results in many different interpretations. Colleges are not the only institutions with this problem; racist speech can be found everywhere. Even President Barack Obama is trying to end discrimination regarding the military and people who have different sexual preferences. The controversial â€Å"don't ask, don't tell†, passed in 1993, prevents gay men and lesbians from revealing their sexual orientation, and prevents the military from asking about it.This discuss policy has been in effect for over 15 years, and it's been suppor ted by our military at all levels. However, this law of the â€Å"don't ask, don't tell†policy is unconstitutional because the main purpose of the First Amendment is freedom of speech, if lesbians and gay men are not allowed to have this right in the military; then the military and congress who approved this law are both racist. This is an example of racist speech and our government is acting as if it were a private institution and not part of a government that is owned by the people.President Barack Obama wants to put an end to the anti-gay policy because it clearly sends a message of discrimination regarding the right to freedom of speech. It is a battle between our right to freedom of speech and the Military right to pass a law only because it can. Although these incidents seem quite manageable they can easily become a much bigger problem. For instance what if someone decides to burn the offensive flag at Harvard down, we now have crossed the freedom of speech line and ha ve committed an illegal act.Can you imagine what would happen in our public schools if we tried to enforce â€Å"don't ask, don't tell†. Speech can cross over to action which causes racial tension but is also considered a crime. If you minimize racist speech you put a spotlight on racism only making the situation worse igniting the flames that started the problem in the first place. Book says â€Å"it would be better to ignore†however ignoring the problem is a Band-Aid not a solution. In order to come to a universal agreement that will end racism, means making it a priority to our first amendment.Book says â€Å"The fact that speech is protected by the tuition from Harvard the students who felt offended by the flag that symbolized slavery through their eyes, would strongly disagree with Book protesting that it is our right. However our leaders in congress seem to strongly agree, by their actions of standing by â€Å"Don't ask Don't Tell†, they must believe gay men and lesbians do not have the right to voice talk or congregate with others of their persuasion while in the service of our government about their sexual preference. As long as there is freedom of speech, it is considered wrong to tell someone what they can or can't say.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Employment Relations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Employment Relations - Assignment Example Employment relations theories The study of employment relations has led to several theory perspectives that have helped explain the nature of employment relations. The following is some of the perspectives draw. The first is Unitarianism, a perspective based on workplace conflicts between the employees and the manager. This theory explains that conflicts at the workplace are inevitable, and they should be seen as a unifier and not a dissolvent (Lloyd and Newell, 2001: 357). In the organization, the employee carries the same interest as the manager and that is to see the organization thrive. In case of disagreement the two parties agree to disagree for the benefit of the organization. The main cause for conflicts according to Bryson (2005: 1111) is a clash of personality, promotion, lack of communication skills and dissidents deviation. This can be easily solved by the management through finding the problem and solving it. In Taylor’s scientific management theory (1974:44) he s tates that employees have limited ambitions and tend to act immature and avoid their responsibilities whenever they can. Companies that choose to subscribe to Taylor’s theory set clear roles and directives on assignments undertaken at work. The approach here gives management an upper hand because it has great authority on the workers (Taylor: 1974: 47). The other theory applicable in this case is the human relations theory where workers are viewed as individuals who are self motivated and have a sense of self-fulfillment in the organization. In this theory workers are granted the autonomy to operate in a manner that they feel the job satisfaction (Gennard and Judge, 2005: 76). Organizations that adopt this approach create a self-governing environment and allow employees to govern themselves. The second set of assumption is pluralism and unlike Unitarianism pluralism believes that work conflict is necessary and healthy for the organization. Businesses are made up of different complex groups with each group carrying different interests (Daniel, 2006: 36). The management and employees are considered been in different groups here. The assumption here is that there different forms of authority making conflict inevitable. The conflict is taken as a positive factor because it is this situation that sheds light on the employee’s grievances. Conflict also forces management to come up with innovative ways to handle the disagreements. Pluralists according to Daniel (2006: 36) agree with the two competing sides because it is believed to result to amicable solutions. This is because management not only comes up with conflict solutions but also fair solutions that keep their power balanced. Dunlop’s system theory is one of the greatest approaches used by most pluralists (Hollishead et al., 2003: 19). This theory states that employment relations are made up of a wide sub-system that determines how parties involved in the work environment can keep out con flicts at the workplace. There are four elements according to Hollishead et al. (2003: 23) that are important factors in employment relations, and that are the actors, the environment, set rules and ideologies that are binding. Another theory recently drawn is the strategic choice theory
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Outside speech Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Outside speech - Assignment Example Second, it is the role of the human resource development section to improve on the quality of this employee through programs such as training and seminars to make them fit in the contemporary environment. Therefore, as emerging leaders of this great nation, we shall be in various leadership positions in the future. To make the workforce that one has go that extra mile to not only deliver to the given goals of the company, they need motivation. Motivation can be done through increased salaries, recognition of the best performing employees and promotions. On top of that, motivation without creating a good ethical culture in the business may not work well or deliver the desired results in the company. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, as leaders in the future, let us uphold great ethical standards both while serving and out of the work place. As managers and human resource personnel, let us know that to make the given employees to work they not only need motivation but a good working environment that will make them own up the responsibilities that they are given.’ I gave the speech to students during an organized trade fair where the students were accorded the chance to interact and give their views on ways to improve organizational performance. The goal of the speech was to pin point the need of merging the knowledge in human resource management and human resource development to get a highly performing employee team. In the speech, I provided the audience with the approaches to both ideas since most people rarely understand the difference between the two and how they can be merged to increase the organizational performance. I made the speech in the following manner; - Since I had prepared to give this speech having explored various strengths and drawbacks while doing it, I did not suffer from anxiety. All the points that I was to address were coherently put
Phlebotomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Phlebotomy - Essay Example Professionalism is required while medical assistants work with patients. Therefore, efficiency, competence and a show of concern to patient needs and feelings are crucial (Lindh, Poole, Tamparo, & Dahl, 2010). A phlebotomist should understand the blood circulatory system and the composition of blood so as to be able to collect blood from an individual or patient. For instance, blood forms in the body organs, and bone marrow is responsible for the formation of blood cells. Blood is produced in sites such as the spleen, thymus and the lymph nodes (Lindh, Poole, Tamparo, & Dahl, 2010). Blood performs crucial functions in the body such as transporting oxygen to body tissues and organs and removing carbon dioxide from such organs and tissues, the waste product of functions of the organs and tissues. In addition, blood carries nutrients to all parts of the body and removes wastes products, which it moves to organs such as the kidney, lungs, liver and the skin for excretion (Lindh, Poole, Tamparo, & Dahl, 2010). Components of the blood circulatory system include the heart, veins, arteries and capillaries. The heart is responsible for the pumping of blood through the body in arteries, veins and capillaries (Lindh, Poole, Tamparo, & Dahl, 2010). Arteries enable blood to flow away from the heart while blood flows into the heart through veins. Capillaries connect veins and arteries. Arteries are thick walled to enable them withstand pressure, and they normally branch to form arterioles which also branch to form capillaries (Lindh, Poole, Tamparo, & Dahl, 2010). Capillaries join to form venules which supply blood back to the veins. Blood is composed of the liquid part which is plasma, red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells (Hoeltke, 2013). The circulatory is divided into two systems and these are the pulmonary system and the systemic system. Blood is circulated to the lungs for enrichment
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
BHS 499 (Senior Capstone Project) Module 2 CBT Essay
BHS 499 (Senior Capstone Project) Module 2 CBT - Essay Example Moreover, there were reports that 21 individuals have been documented to have waited for 24 months for their insurance and are struggling to survive (Robert M. Hayes, Deane Beebe, and Heidi Kreamer, 2007). Levit, Smith, Cowan, Lazenby, Sensenig, and Catlin reported (2003; p 155) that the US health care system which has tremendously developed, is found to be the most expensive in the world with a total spending that continues to increase. In fact, national health expenditures have heightened dramatically beginning 1970 from $73.1 billion up to $1.4 trillion as of 2001. Blumberg and Nichols argue, United States does not oblige their citizens to acquire a comprehensive health insurance unlike other industrial nations. Therefore, even if an individual has more than a single option for acquiring an insurance coverage, each option is linked with a choice as well as the opportunity cost of taking it. But are several people in US uninsured There are certain factors which have caused the increase spending in health care over time and consequently contributed by many Americans are uninsured. These factors are: The greater demand of consumers for health services, advances and costs in medical technology, the aging of the population, prevalence of chronic disease, introduction of new at the same time expensive technologies, health care labor market wage increases, increased spending on prescription drugs and changes in the insurance marketplace. These factors are said to be interrelated in the manner to which they propel health care spending. Inadequate health insurance throughout the nation, population characteristics, differences in employment patterns and public program eligibility standards vary one state to another (Hoffman and Wang, 2004; p. 33). On the other hand, President Obama also emphasized that his government will exert more effort to add $6 billion funds for National Institutes of Health Cancer Researches. National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a very importal health care agency that engage in the drug development process; from clinical trials program until drug discovery research. The agency also expedite discoveries of various interventions that are directed to save people's lives such as Cancer Research. Cancer research contributes in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of several major diseases (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000). In the past years of flat budgets, NCI received about three percent (3%) budget increase.Scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have demonstrated the breakthroughs that reduced and will still continue to reduce sufferings and allow people to live longer and healthier lives. However in the past, the NIH budget severely limited the large medical advances. B etween 1999 and 2003, there was supposed to be a 15% additional budget to the NIH but unluckily, there was only a 3.2 % increase in 2004; 2% in 2005; 1% in 2006 (the lowest percentage% increase since 1970); and out of 27 NIH institutes, the National Cancer Institute had the greatest appropriation with $4.84 billion (Alliance for Aging Research, 2009).According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMMS), health care expenditure is expected to transcend $3 trillion in the subsequent decade with just about Evolution of the Problem
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
A thesis for a 5 page paper Analyzing and comparing the mise en scene
A for a 5 page paper Analyzing and comparing the mise en scene of David O'Russel's three kings to Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan - Thesis Example The battle scenes pictured using a variety of unorthodox and experimental cinematic techniques were highly praised by top critics not only at the time the movies were released but are still appreciated due to their realism of the fights. Also it is obvious that both movies aim to portray history and toxic waste of the wars in a first class manner as the sequence and details of the two wars as shown in the movies happen to be closely connected to the real historical details. Mise-en-scene is one of the cinematic techniques among others noted most by the viewers. Both Three Kings and Saving Private Ryan include a collection of good mise-en-scenes quite effective to ground the themes of these movies. The theme of Saving Private Ryan is related to exploring the intensity and severity of WWII and one of the mise-en-scenes in it in which Private Daniel Jackson is shown amidst a battle ready to shot his rifle works quite effectively to support the theme. The expression on Jackson’s face immediately captures the attention of the viewers as it is one strongly indicative of vengeance, severity, and passionate intensity which are also the elements of WWII. Similarly, the dominant and camera proxemics features in the mise-en-scene from Three Kings in which a Republican Guard soldier is shown aiming his rocket launcher work well to strengthen the theme of this movie. The first thing one is drawn to is the soldier’s expression and then how the camera i s set extremely close up to his face and weapon as a way of highlighting every little detail on his face and weapon etc. It is obvious after watching both movies that both Russell and Spielberg intended to present the ugly and toxic details of the Gulf War and WWII in a close connection with the real historical accounts of the two battles. Another worth mentioning point is that both directors made
Monday, September 23, 2019
Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 21
Ethics - Essay Example The construction costs are greatly reduced in this plant. The effects of the same include use of cheaper controls from Lutz and Lutz, a decision not to line the evaporation ponds that would have prevented the leakage of hazardous substances into the groundwater, and a decision not to purchase pipes and connectors of high steel or high pressure alloy materials (Mandel & Martin, 2003). In the long run, the plan was not successful as leakages were experienced in the connections as well as failure to control the system automatically; thus, leading to the plan manager doing manual controls (Mandel & Martin, 2003). Worse still, the plant manager dies whilst manually controlling the plant. This case has various stakeholders that had vested interests in the outcome. First was the Phaust administration that wanted to introduce a product that would see to a tough competition with Chemitoil’s paint remover. Fred Martinez was yet another stakeholder who aimed at getting profits from selling off Chemitoil’s design to favor Phaust Chemical manufacturers (Mandel & Martin, 2003). Chuck, the vice president of Phaust is also a major stakeholder and plays a major role in advising Fred to cut down the construction costs of the new plant in Mexico. The new plant manager who dies during the manufacturing process is also a stakeholder as he agrees to control the manufacturing process manually as opposed to automatic control (Mandel & Martin, 2003). The personality types and communication techniques of the stakeholders clearly explain the motivation behind their decisions. Phaust administration was motivation py greed to maintain the markets as the major manufacturer of the major paint remover, and the need to compete with Chemitoil so as to prevent them from taking over the industry. Fred Martinez was motivated by the need to acquire money from Phaust as
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Commedia DelArte - Character Analysis Essay Example for Free
Commedia DelArte Character Analysis Essay PANTALONE: Pantalone is of top pecking order. He is wealthy and controls the finance in the character world of commedia, therefore his orders are usually obeyed by all. He is the father of Isabella. He wears dark colours of black, grey and red; dynamic Pantaloons, tight-fitting long red trousers or red breeches and stockings, a short tight-fitting jacket, a loose long black cloak with plain sleeves, red-woollen skull-cap and yellow turkish slippers. He is lean and scrawny and often short in stature. He wears a mask with a long, hooked nose with bushy eyebrows, sometimes also a moustache. Pointed beard just forward as if to meet the nose coming down, thus giving a very dynamic profile. His signature props are a gold chain hung around his neck with a large medallion as well as a dagger and a money pouch. He also carried a ubiquitous handkerchief and used a walking cane. His back bends giving him a hunched old mans stoop, which protected his purse and effectively restricted the motion of his legs. His feet are together, toes apart, knees well bent and facing apart creating a focus on his crutch. His legs are also much more muscled with the possibility of sustaining extreme forward positions of the torso or making large strides. Bullying, aggressively and mean-minded, Pantalone, a pauper who had squandered his dignity along with his cash. Hes always on the prowl and he could be termed a Beelzebub of sex. Any woman who happens to cross his path becomes at once an object of winks, leers and nudges he parades up and down in a series of showily self-important struts, trips, trots and sudden halts. His walk is small and slow and he can only walk at one pace; whatever his feet do his legs cannot go any faster, whatever the motive or stimulus. Hes old in body, but his head, feet and hands are still active. The hands (which he cant keep to himself) flutter continuously, gesticulating each thought as it comes into his head. The only way he can stop this is to hold them behind his back, underneath his cloak. His voice is similar to a high pitched squawk that continuously breaks. Its cold and prudish and demanding. Pantalone gives voice to the darker side of the male consciousness, a secret hero to the unenlightened males in the audience. He is mean to his servants, narrow-mindedly proscriptive to his children, fawning to Il Dottore, scheming with Il Capitano, lecherous with Colombina and indulgent to himself. He is too self-interested to be aware of spectators, therefore takes no notice of them. Pantalone operates on the assumption that everything can be bought and sold, and this turns out to be true, with the exception of loyalty (and love). But he also loves money for its own sake and will therefore only part with it when there is no other option. He always wants to marry his daughter to a wealthy man and avoid giving her a dowry. When things do not go his way he quickly slips into emotional extremes, particularly enraged petty tyranny. He has a long memory and never forgets or forgives the slightest past transgression. Pantalone is action, not words. IL CAPITANO: IlCapitano is a loner. He is never indigenous to the town where the scenario is set and is able to pretend to high status as a result. His downfall to the level of actual social standing is an essential part of the denouement. Being a Capitan he wore a feathered helmet or hat, huge boots and exaggerated garters. His clothes were sometimes diagonally striped or slashed, but whatever the style, close scrutiny reveals the truth: Magnificent in words, but his purse is always empty and under his beautifully richly damascened cuirass he wears but a frayed and tattered leather jerkin. Il Capitano himself, however, always claims that his tattered undergarments are caused by the amazing virility of his body hair bursting through whenever he gets angry. Il Capitano appears large, whether physically or egotistically, he is a large presence on stage. He trys to attract attention from women and intimidate men. He wears a mask with a great menacing nose and fierce, bristling moustaches, which seemed like veritable iron spikes defending the entrance to a citadel only too ready to capitulate. The mask, in its general aspect, was intended to emphasize the contrast between a brave appearance and a craven nature. His signature prop is a long sword that he never actually uses for fighting. His feet are planted apart in order to occupy maximum space, his chest is pushed forward and his back is always straight and tall standing with his hips wide. His walk is a long stride where the heels of his boots come down first, then the foot rolls onto the ball, then he steps again off the ball of his foot giving him rise and bounce in his step so his head can be among the clouds. However, his actual steps are small (he is in no hurry to get to war, but wants to do so with maximum effect). When he hears a frightening noise he drops everything, but only succeeds in running on the spot, head thrown back, arms in the air, kicking his feet forward and howling piteously. When he hears a wolf (or small dog) he shrinks little by little until he has made himself unnoticeable as possible, then scurries away in a crouch. When fleeing from a mouse he adopts a kind of leaping promenade walk in order to prevent it running up his legs. When scared witless he occasionally runs to be seen, to show off his legs. He often stands at attention or with his hand on his sword, nose in the air and his chest puffed out. When hes not pretending to be brave he is cowering with fear. His movements are slow, deliberate and mechanical with his gestures being extravagant and sustained. His speech is loud and proud turning to a squeak when frightened. He was originally employed by Pantalone to do his dirty work for him. They worked well together as lechers with financial aspirations: IlCapitano to get rich, Pantalone to remain so. Pantalone would often congratulate Il Capitano on his efforts, and then betray him to others. He is almost used as a prop by all the other characters. The whole world is an audience. He stops whenever he sees the actual audience and makes a salutation so that he can be admired. Initially his magnificence may take in the other characters, but never the audience: something in his very first entrance (a trip for example) should give him away. IL DOTTORE: Il Dottore is the head of another family and is often the father of a lover, usually Lelio. He is the equivalent of Pantalone who thinks he has brains. He wears a black academic dress satirising Bolognese scholars, a long jacket with black coat over-reaching to his heels, black shoes, stockings and breeches, and black skull-cap. His appearance is grand: his huge size comes directly from Carnival and contrasts with Pantalone. His mask covers the nose and forehead and sometimes the cheeks, which are red as he is apparently fond of the bottle. His signature props include a book and a white handkerchief. He would stand with his weight back on his heels, belly forward and his hands gesturing in front. He walks peripatetically in figures of eight, using tiny, mincing steps. His walking posture descends while he thinks (out loud, of course) and rises up again on the solution of the problem. When posing, he leans forward with a hand on his face, usually tapping his forehead or stroking his beard in a pensive manner. When posing behind another performer, he sometimes does something malicious such as preparing to knock them out with a mallet. His movements are relatively static in front of the audience. He needs all the space to himself and gains it by gesturing out from the body as if sowing a seed. He parps like a trombone when speaking and pronounces S as Sh. He is a neighbour and friend or rival of Pantalone (either way, the two are inseparable), and since he is a natural parasite, sees the advantage of being patronized by him. To acknowledge or talk to the audience he needs a context in order to make a direct address the giving of a lecture for example. He gives the other characters a break from physical exertion by his prolixity sometimes to the point where he has to be carried off by them, still talking. For this reason he stays a relatively long time onstage. A survivor, not a target figure like Pantalone. He is essentially belly, not intellect and is extremely vocal. IlDottore is inclined, like Pantalone, to be stingy, but in his case it is because he doesnt have any money. The doctor is an eternal gasbag; he cannot open his mouth without spitting out a Latin phrase or quotation. He believes someone suffers from an ailment, which they obviously do not, and offers to cure them. He spontaneously diagnoses performers on stage, tries to enlist assistance to help him perform experimental surgeries on himself and others, as well as performs random experiments in the name of science and medicine.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Industry Interaction And Placement Committee Commerce Essay
Industry Interaction And Placement Committee Commerce Essay I got selected in LT power through campus placement after completing my Graduation from Nirma University, Ahmedabad. I worked in business development department of LT power for 4 years and 11 months. My global exposure involves the interaction with global vendors of energy sectors, corporate partners, consultants and government agencies, which mainly involved SIEMENS, ABB, MHI, SKODA, Schneider, Wartsila, GE, NTPC, MAHEGENCO, GSECL, TCE, Fichtner, EIL, GMR etc. I was interacting and negotiating with different companies simultaneously for the techno commercial offers of different equipment of the power plant including Gas turbine and steam turbine. My position provided me the opportunities to interact with sales manager to managing director of the different companies. This experience helps me to be a confident individual while dealing with the people who are having experience equal to my age. I managed to increase my vendor support portfolio for almost 5 times in business development department of LT Power by developing more vendors and keeping fruitful relationship with every vendor. I had represented my companies in international market and created business relationship with many international vendors. I am confident that my experience and working philosophy will help me to bring many companies for placement and industrial experience sharing purpose in our college. I maintained relationship with all the global vendors throughout the year during my professional period, which was more than just at professional level. This relationship helped me a lot to get the work done at critical point of time during submission. I am confident that I will create the fruitful interaction with all the companies while dealing with them for placement purpose. I was part of a team, who were dealing with more than Rs. 1000 Cr bidding gas based power plant projects. My exposure in this team helped me to understand the criticality of the confidential matters and deadlines of the submission. My experience will help me to work under tremendous amounts of pressure and help me to take decisions in order to ensure a smooth recruitment process at Great Lakes IEMR. I had organized various events for more than 500 people in my college period which helped me to be a good team member and event co-ordinator. I will use this rich experience to organized placement activities in our campus. I believe in small initiatives to achieve larger goal. Working beyond the call of duty, I actively participated in Employee engagement initiatives at LT power, an initiative to make LT power a better place to work by incorporating hobbies of people in professional ambience. With this positive attitude, I hope to add value to placement committee. 2.If you were selected, what would be your action plan for the committee? I will start with preparing placement brochure for the companies, whom we are approaching for the placements. This brochure involves the details of all students like academic background, experience, professional and personal achievements, faculty details, course provided, institute values, details of expert lectures etc. I prepare pre placement interaction meeting with the companies on one to one basis to highlight the values of our institute and our expertise in energy sector. I will arrange one workshop of CV building and GD/PI/Case, Personality development program for the students to sharpen their interview skills especially by professionals if possible. I will arrange mock interviews to build up the confidence of the student and work on the area of improvements of all the students. I will arrange alumni meet wherein our alumni not only shared their experiences vis -a-vis the realities of the corporate life but also help our juniors to make them understand the growing expectation of the corporate world so that students can mould themselves as per the recruiters expectations. I will be in touch with all the companies throughout the year by sending development news, monthly address of the senior people and festival greetings. I will try to help every student define his/her career interest through individual expert counselling. This will eventually help me to call companies from whom students get the maximum benefit. 3.Draft an official mail to a Senior HR Manager of one of our preferred recruiters (say XYZ corp) introducing Great Lakes IEMR (class of 2014, Institute, its uniqueness etc) and thereby inviting the company for a student  interaction. Great Lakes IEMR, Gurgaon 815, Udyog Vihar, Phase V, Gurgaon, India 122016 Tel: +91-124-4934000, Fax: +91-124-4934001 Date: 27th July, 2012 SUBJECT: Invitation for the Student Interaction program at Great Lakes IEMR, Gurgaon  Dear Sir, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you for the Student Interaction program at Great Lakes Institute of Energy Management and Research (IEMR), Gurgaon. This is the time for us to expose the best talent in energy sector we have, to the industrial world that waits to apply and absorb the talent developed by each student. In spite of being the less experience of Great Lakes IEMR in educational sector, I am confident that your requirement will not just be met by Great Lakes IEMR students, but will be surpassed your requirement substantially. The students of 2014 mix in the batch have come under one roof from the most diverse milestone of industries. This diversity in students profile like business development, Consultancies, EPC, Project management, Software development etc. helped students to understand varied backgrounds of business and culture. The domain specific curriculum here has been specifically aligned to the needs and aspirations of the energy industry through an extensive case-study based pedagogy simulating real-life decision-making to ensure that students not just imbibe academic concepts but develop the analytical and decisionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœmaking skills to be the leaders in the everà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœchanging world of business. Their diversity and specialization will give you varied options as you look forward for bright young men and women to be a part of your industry. The master key amongst the best organizations of today is Knowledge and domain expertise. In line with this requirement, we have guided Students to developed their expertise in functional areas like Finance, Marketing, Operations, Human Resources, Organizational Behaviour and given them a unique opportunity to choose an area of specialization from a set of fast growing industry domains both in India and globally like Power, Oil Gas, Renewable energy and Sustainability Environmental Management. Domain Expertise this word itself has a lot of meaning and purpose for all of us at Great Lakes IEMR. It is the premise on which the academic programs are developed. The distinguished faculty at Great Lakes IEMR and session of industry interface, which forms the most dynamic part in academic and consulting circles, have taken the pains to make sure that the student of today is constantly acclimatised to the dynamics of change and takes his rightful place amongst the future prime movers of the Energy industry. I welcome you to experience this domain specialization. Having stamped its class in academic and corporate circles, the alumni of Great Lakes IEMR today are doing the most challenging and demanding roles in power industry. This is testimony to the trust and belief that the power industry has bestowed in us for the initiative taken by Great Lakes IEMR to develop the best minds in Energy Sector with domain specialization. This journey from darkness to light for the students would not be possible but for the strong believe that Great Lakes IEMR shares with the energy sector. I feel privileged to invite you to be a part of student interaction process this year. I am confident that your organization and the industry will benefit immensely from your choice of domain specialized graduates at Great Lakes IEMR. With best regards and good wishes, Placement Co coordinator Great Lakes IEMR 4.Prepare a SWOT( Strengths , Weakness , Opportunity , Threats ) analysis for GLIEMR as an institution wrt placements . STRENGTHS: Domain specialization (Flexibility to specialize and gain domain knowledge in key emerging sectors) Industrial exposure (Almost 26 Domain specific industrial lectures and site visits) Outstanding placement response by industry players in first year itself Prestigious brand of Great Lakes Institute of Management Location of the college (In Corporate hub) Unique and proprietary Conscientious Leadership Development Program Distinguished Faculty with PhDs or MBAs from top business schools Leadership initiatives taken by students to develop different committees Energy sector provides enough entrepreneur opportunities WEAKNESS: Lack of institute experience in educational sector, past record Lack of international footprints AICTE, government approval is not available for the course which is necessary for the government companies to take part in placement process Energy domain is highly policy driven market, Government policies may affect the market in negative way Concentration of the people on renewable energies may affect the future scope of OilGas sector and thermal power plants Past placement record is not strong enough Lack of alumni team Not well established network with energy sector companies No tie up with global educational energy centres, energy research institutes (ECN, Nanyang Technological University Energy Research Institute, CERI) Our course structure is design for the Indian market, which doesnt provide international opportunities OPPURTUNITY: Lack of best education institute which provides PGPM domain specialization courses in India. This provide us the opportunity to develop ourselves and become number one in domain specific courses Demand growth is exponential in energy sector. Approx. 1,00,000 MW is planning to get added in 12th year plan, which provides tremendous growth opportunities for the energy sector Energy trading is gearing up in India, specialization in energy trading provides tremendous growth opportunities in India Our campus is located in Gurgaon, Corporate Hub of India. This provides us enough opportunities to bring maximum multi-national companies located in Gurgaon for the campus placement THREATS: Government interference in Energy Sector. Energy sector is highly policy driven market. Change in government policy may affect the sector badly Lack of fuel resources affect the market in negative manner because of force major activities Chinese equipment may affect the Indian power sector negatively, which will reduce the employment opportunities in energy sector of India
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Essay -- Julius Ca
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, the story revolves around the various individuals who would vie for control of the Roman Empire. All of these individuals exhibit various attributes, values, and techniques in order to facilitate this goal, from Cassius’ intelligence, Brutus’ charm and honor, to Antony’s gift to drive a crowd. And although all three desire to become the new strongman leader of Rome, it is Antony who succeeds gaining the most control through his own specific talents, most specifically noted at Caesar’s funeral. At the funeral scene, Antony exhibits several qualities beneficial to a Roman leader, such as oratory and appeasement skills. The dialogue depicted in Act III, scene ii provides a valuable and insightful perspective on how these values were desirable for leadership in the late Roman Republic. One of these important virtues necessary for rule is the ability to move a large crowd with impressive orating skills. This ability is seen particularly by Brutus in his first speech, as he manages to move the Roman crowd from fear at the assassination to disdain of the now late Julius Caesar. As Brutus spoke to the masses, he made sure to cleverly weigh his loyalty to Caesar to his loyalty to Rome, as he claims, â€Å"not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more†(III, ii, 23-24). He even more cleverly sets the crowd with himself and against Caesar as he dares those loyal to Rome to challenge his judgement: â€Å"Who is here so vile that will not love his country? If any, speak, for him have I offended. I pause for a reply†(III, ii, 33-36). Thus, while playing on the crowd’s loyalties and using his love for Rome and... ...and whipping them into a fury. This ability to appease, employed by Octavius later in history to much success, also characterizes the typical Roman strongman as the primary example of an exceptional leader. The capability of moving the public with strong words and to gratify their desires are indeed qualities advantageous to being a leader in ancient Rome. As Antony displays, these abilities can set an individual apart from his counterparts and place the upper hand in favor of the person with most control of the general public. Thus, his control of the crowds lends him the power he needs to turn the tables against Brutus and the conspirators, and he succeeds in gaining control of Roman leadership with his beneficial set of talents, abilities, and virtues. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. New York: Folger Shakespeare Library, 1992
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Experiments :: essays research papers
newspaper measuring cups 1 cup of dry cornstarch large bowl or pan food coloring (if you want) 1/2 cup of water Put newspaper down on your counter or tabletop. Put the cornstarch into the bowl. Add a drop or two of food coloring. (Use whatever colors you like.) Add water slowly, mixing the cornstarch and water with your fingers until all the powder is wet. Keep adding water until the Ooze feels like a liquid when you're mixing it slowly. Then try tapping on the surface with your finger or a spoon. When Ooze is just right, it won't splash--it will feel solid. If you Ooze is too powdery, add a little more water. If it's too wet, add more cornstarch. Play around with your Ooze! Pick up a handful and squeeze it. Stop squeezing and it will drip through your fingers. Rest your fingers on the surface of the Ooze. Let them sink down to the bottom of the bowl. Then try to pull them out fast. What happens? Take a blob and roll it between your hands to make a ball. Then stop rolling. The Ooze will trickle away between your fingers. Put a small plastic toy on the surface. Does it stay there or does it sin k? Ketchup, like Ooze, is a non-Newtonian fluid. Physicists say that the best way to get ketchup to flow is to turn the bottle over and be patient. Smacking the bottom of the bottle actually slows the ketchup down! Why does my Ooze act like that? Your Ooze is made up of tiny, solid particles of cornstarch suspended in water. Chemists call this type of mixture a colloid. As you found out when you experimented with your Ooze, this colloid behaves strangely. When you bang on it with a spoon or quickly squeeze a handful of Ooze, it freezes in place, acting like a solid. The harder you push, the thicker the Ooze becomes. But when you open your hand and let your Ooze ooze, it drips like a liquid. Try to stir the Ooze quickly with a finger, and it will resist your movement. Stir it slowly, and it will flow around your finger easily. Most liquids don't act like that. If you stir a cup of water with your finger, the water moves out of the way easily--and it doesn't matter whether you stir it quickly or slowly.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A True Betrayal Of Nature :: essays research papers
In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Victor betrays nature by creating the Monster. It is the responsibility of nature, and not man, to create human beings. Victor has done something unnatural, he has created life after death, "I have created a monster." Victor is soon punished for interfering with nature when his own creation turns against its creator. The monster murders William Frankenstein, Victor's brother; Henry Clerval, Victor's best friend; and Elizabeth Lavenza, Victor's bride. The Monster kills all those that are closest in Victor's life in a form of retaliation for Victor's creation of a monster, one without a companion, one rejected by all of civilization. "I determined to seek that justice which I vainly attempted to gain from any other being that wore the human form" (Frankenstein, p.136, line 13). It is the death of Victor's family that signifies his punishment " I have never seen a man so wretched a condition" (Frankenstein, p.20). Victor's repentance comes in two parts: when he decides to destroy his own creation: "I am going to unexplored region, to 'the land of mist and snow;' but I shall kill no albatross, therefore do not be alarmed for my safety" (Frankenstein, p.15, line 25) and when the blame shifts from Victor to the Monster, and the Monster decides to kill himself "Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live?" (Frankenstein, p.132, line 1). The penance is done by the end of the book and the Monster is removed from civilization. However, that is not to say that Victor is absolved of his betrayal. Victor is in constant sorrow for his creation because it caused the death of so many in his life. In the poem "The Rime of Ancient Mariner," the mariner betrays nature by murdering the Albatross: "I had killed the bird that made the breeze blow" (AM, p.08, line 52). The Albatross represents nature. The representation is meaningless to the mariner until he sees the how things are quickly changed after the death: "Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink" (AM, p.10, line 02). Finally, after suffering, and losing his entire crew, the mariner realizes the Albatross as a symbol of nature and he comprehends the evil he has done. The mariner receives a sufficient punishment, "I looked upon the rotting sea, and drew my eyes away; I looked upon the rotting deck, and there the dead men lay" (AM, p.18, line 11). After the killing of the Albatross and the loss of the mariner's crew, his suffering include having his soul in agoney soon afterwards.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Our Biggest Enemies Is Always Ourselves
Our biggest enemies is always ourselves People work long hours because they fear poverty. People eat too much because they fear starvation. People get married because they fear being alone and so on. On balance, we always fear something, but fear never does. We needn’t fear to disappear completely because some degree of caution is to avoid tragedy. While I was thinking about my fear of heights, I couldn't climb high enough. When I thought about a necessary cleaning job, I had motivation and so on.But, one day, when I realized that it was not fear of heights, I was able to climb where I needed to go. And I shine a light on that shadow of fear by finding a motivator to focus on instead of my fear. When we focus on fear, on the shadows, all we see are the shadows. If we look for the light or turn on a light ourselves, the shadows disappear, or at least lessen greatly. Fear is entirely imposed on ourselves by ourselves. Rarely is fear imposed on us. Even in movies and at theme par ks we choose to frighten ourselves.We need to be as determined and as vigilant about freeing ourselves from our adopted fear. And for this, say to ourselves â€Å"I am not afraid of this and I can do this. I am taking control of myself. â€Å"Repeat it until it becomes a part of your being. And a few times before you do what you must do and what you were afraid to do. Be sure you have motivation for doing it first. You can think about your motivator as you do whatever caused you to fear before. Just do it! Then be proud of yourself. You have overcome the most powerful enemy you will ever have.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Crooks monologue- Of mice and men Essay
I’m so tired, both physically and mentally, but I bet you, there aint no one in the whole world who could, I mean who would help me. All this because I’m black. Is that even fair? Is that even my fault? I’m just a man too, I’m just a man like any other man round here. We were all brought into this world in the same way, We all were once young free souls with a childhood, we all know what the difference between the good and the evil is. , So why? Why. That is the question that I have asked myself from the day when they took my family, from the day my family were.. Well, I already know the answer to that, however unfair it may seem. They’ve done this to us because they see us differently, they are all lazy people who can only be bothered to see what’s on the surface and not even attempt to dig deeper, and they are judgemental people whom the god has created. God, my family brought me up to trust, and to have faith and to look up to god. I remember, that night, When my mum was putting me to bed she said- You need to have someone to look up to , someone who you have faith in, someone who you think about, someone who you ask for help when you’re stuck and I want you to remember that that man is god. But now, I even find myself questioning myself about the existence of this Supreme Being who is meant to help, who is meant to make everything fair and good. If anything or anyone so supreme was there to watch upon us, then why am I having to suffer? I have done no sin, I could not choose my skin colour, And I defiantly cant change that, however much I want to do so. I’m not going to lie, In the past I hated myself too, for being black- Because of my colour, I’ve been isolated from society, I’ve been hurt, I’ve even been denied the chance to even hope for my American dream. All this because I’m black. But now I’ve realised that I’m just lucky to at least be living, to at least have a job, to at least have a bed to sleep on at night. You see, I work up at the ranch full of white guys, the boss made sure that my job was somewhat secured after the day when one of the horses kicked me in the back and crippled me. Although my back hurts like a bitch every second in every minute in every hour in every day I’m grateful for it. Without it, who knows where I would be now? Probably dead or left for the dead out in the streets. And let me tell you , the thought of that is way better than living in the ranch and being ignored by those white ranch workers. Well, I’m not always ignored, I mean last Christmas I actually was invited in to celebrate with them, they even gave me some whiskey,It was by far an amazing night for me, but then again anything’s better than spending Christmas alone in the dark with the horses. And one of the new guys even came into my room and actually gave me company for the first time in many many years. That guy’s name is Lennie small, There’s no dening that he’s a heck of a strong worker, a giant guy, but there’s also no dening that he’s one stupid bastard. I’m not even saying this for the meaness, it’s the truth, I mean when a white guy steps into a black guys room to keep him company there’s only two possible reasons as to why he would do so- Either he’s opened his eyes and seen beneath just the surface or because he’s a stupid bastard. In lennie’s case it was the second reason. At that time, I thought that it would be a laugh to take advantage of him, I couldn’t wait to get the feeling of being ble to torment someone, anyone. So I did. Sure as hell I did, I told him that George ain’t coming back for him, I filled his head with complexe ideas about George leaving him to fend for himself, It was pure pleasure, just watching him squirm, panick, be helpless. I let him have a little taste of what it was like to be me, to be alone. But stopped as soon as lennie started to talk back, I was damn scared, but who wouldn’t be scared of a huge, dumb guy who isn’t even aware of his own strength? Soon another white guy also came in,his name is candy, an old guy with one hand completely missing. This one hesitated more coming in my room than Lennie did, making me aware that his eyes were also one of them many eyes who could only be bothered to see what is on the surface. He told me that he would soon bust outa this place to get his own place with George and Lennie, so I told him straight up, that I’d seen to many guys with dreams similar to them and that I know that it would always only just stay a far away dream, nothing more. This was until they told me that they had the money for it. I was going to tell them about my dream and even ask them to let me stay with them, but that evil bitch came to my door at that exact moment, She heard a bit of talking from me about my dream. That bitch was curley’s wife, Curley’s the bosses son so its not like I could have talked back to her while she told me that I could never ever get my dream. She crushed me slowly with her words, but I was thankful for the wakeup call. If she hadn’t said thatI would have just built up false expectation for myself, that would soon be crushed. That’s just my life, Ablack guy with no chance in the white society. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
International Economics of Thailand Essay
The country of Thailand is located in the southeast Asia region, south of China and immediately bordering Burma to the west, Laos to the East and Cambodia to the south. Around 65 million people inhabit Thailand with the capital and its largest city being Bangkok; the national currency is the baht. After a series of political and military turmoil thrashed the country in the mid 2000’s, December of 2007 earmarked the reinstatement of a democratic government as well as the inclusion of full democratic elections. The official language is Thai and has remained that since the country’s early beginnings. Buddhism encompasses most the Thailand’s population in terms of religion, nearly 95%, with all belonging to the Theravada denomination. On a global scale Thailand is quite a large country for how small it is geographically; it ranks 50th as far as total area, and is the 20th most populous in the world. Thailand is abundant in both land and labor factors of production. The land measures roughly 510,890 sq km and is full of natural resources such as tin, rubber, natural gas, timber, lead, fish, and many metals. The large amount of agricultural production lead to a GDP of $539.3 billion in 2009. The 2009 household consumption expenditure was 2.05% even though the real GDP growth rate was -2.2%2. The final factor of production for Thailand, labor, is another one of their most abundant resources. In 2009, the labor force was comprised of 38.43 million people. They were divided between 42.4% working in agriculture, 19.7% in industry, and 37.9% in services3. This is consistent with the large amount of arable land throughout the country. With much production occurring in the agricultural sector, is makes sense that Thailand exports agricultural commodities. The country also exports machinery and electronic components, and jewelry. The machinery and electronic parts are a major export because of the size of the labor force. Jewelry exports are large due to the amount of natural metals and jewels found in the land. The exports drive the economy and account for more than half of GDP. In 2009, exports totaled $150.7 billion. The major importers are the United States at 10.94%, China at 10.58%, Japan with 10.32%, Hong Kong with 6.22%, and Australia importing 5.62%3. The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 severely hurt Thailand’s exports with most industries dropping a large percent. Imports were also affected the financial crises. in 2009, they totaled $118 billion. Most imports were in capital goods, intermediate goods, and raw materials. This is because of the lack of capital factors of production and the large labor force. Thailand imports from Japan (18.7%), China (12.73%), Malaysia (6.41%), United States (6.31%), and UAE (4.98%)3. [pic] It seems to be that the groups benefiting most from trade are the farmers and factory workers. The farmers have the largest labor force and therefore the highest amount of exports in the country. The factory workers are also benefiting from the import of cheap intermediate goods and raw materials from China and Malaysia. They then use the abundance of labor to produce machinery for export. In 2009, Thailand had a trade surplus of roughly $32.7 billion. Long before the liberalization of Thailand’s economy and its move to become an export-promoting economy in the mid 1980s, Thai governments have pursued Free Trade Agreements (FTA’s) and economic cooperation with fellow countries in the Eastern Hemisphere and of course, the USA. In 1967, Thailand help create the Association for South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). ASEAN was founded to promote nation building, tackle communism and increase economic cooperation. This act has served as the foundation for establishing future FTA’s. Continuous dialog and a desire for economic growth led to the eventual signing of the ASEAN Free-Trade Agreement (AFTA). This paved the way for the elimination of tariffs for goods with 40% of its free on-board value having local input from ASEAN member countries (asean). Following the success of AFTA and its role in facilitating local manufacturing industries, ASEAN countries sought to expand these FTA’s. This has led to signed FTA’s between ASEAN and China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. In addition, Thai and US authorities have been working on an inconclusive US-Thailand FTA since 2004. These agreements have grown Thailand’s export markets and such access to vast growing economies has allowed Thailand to quickly return to growth following the 2008 Global Recession. Unfortunately, with all the free-trade agreements, Thailand continues to have multiple barriers to entry for most foreign entrants and even some domestic ones. They are primarily in the service and transport sectors as well as sectors with significant local production. These include tariffs, quantitative barriers, customs barriers and taxation. Few of the most affected industries are finance, law, telecommunications, air and maritime transport, wood, textiles, transport equipment and professional services. In the finance industry, foreign investors are allowed a limited equity investment of up to 49% of the company. Any investment that amounts to greater than that is treated on a case-by-case basis by the government. In addition, foreign banks have limitations on their lending capabilities and the expansion of branches. Telecommunications also limits foreign investment and in addition to this, the government allocates frequency spectrum that have resulted in two telecommunications companies dominating the industry (Dee, 2004) (US Embassy, Bangkok, 2009). On the other hand, foreigners may own Law firms in Thailand, but only Thai-citizens may provide legal services. At-best, in certain cases, foreign citizens can serve in a limited capacity as a consultant. Such a nationality requirement extends to other professional services such as accountants and physicians as well where Thai-citizens have a higher priorit and only non-citizens that are a resident of Thailand and fluent in Thai are eligible. Industries such as wood and wood products (12.5% tariff), transport equipment (31% tariff) and textiles (25% tariff) continue to have import tariffs and licenses to encourage local production and ensure it is not harmed. All of these tariffs are between 2 and 4 times the global average (Dee, 2004). Such tariffs are common practice all over the world to protect local businesses. In addition to these tariffs, Thailand’s barriers include several indirect methods that have a less tangible impact. Thailand’s complicated tax system is one such example. When one adds up the import tariff, excise duties and other sales tax on imported alcohol, the price is 400% higher. To complement these barriers, Thailand’s government adapted a â€Å"Buy Thai†policy, much to the resentment of foreign investors. In addition, the Customs department reserves the right to arbitrarily increase the import value of goods (US Embassy, Bangkok, 2009). Lastly, the lack of enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and Patent laws cost US companies $400 million in 2007 (US Embassy, Bangkok, 2009). Pharma companies and Hollywood have had the most direct impact due to copyright infringements, delayed patents and its non-enforcement. Such haphazard barriers by the Thai government can dissuade potential investors. These barriers have a multi-purpose aim. Some tariffs are meant to be revenue generating tariffs, while others cost escalating. These cost-escalating tariffs stand to protect a local industry such as textile manufacturing, wood and timber logging. Barriers in the maritime and air transport have large capital requirements to enter it as well as a vested government interest in the form of state-owned airlines, airports and ports. Other barriers related to haphazard law enforcement and the â€Å"buy Thai†policy and seem less so economic barriers and more so politically motivated ones. A reversal in such barriers would allow air-passenger transport, maritime transport and communications to benefit the most and enable the finance, law and professional services industry to shore up its presence in Thailand while continuing to expand trade, commerce and therefore economic growth in the country. Simultaneously, the government aimed to stimulate domestic and foreign private investment over the coming decade by adapting Export Promotion (EP) policies that decreased import tariffs, eliminated export tariffs and established the Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI). While initial investments were aimed at domestic-market production, this quickly moved to export-oriented production that was not limited by the size of the domestic market. This led to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) ballooning from $40 million in 1970-1974 to $19 billion in 2006 (Kohpaiboon). Countries such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan had successfully adapted to export promotion policies while even more countries saw the negative effects of import substitution policies (South America). These polar effects point out the benefits of a trade-centered integrated economy. An exponential increase in FDI requires a stable banking system that is globally integrated. Unlike its Asian peers, almost half of Thailand’s 37 banks are foreign banks such as HSBC, Citibank and Standard Chartered. This has resulted in a strong banking system with assets worth 200% of GDP (Datamonitor, 2010). Other developing countries continue struggle with a government dominated banking system and low population penetration. Sustained growth in FDI has had spillover effects on Thailand’s human capital development and R&D projects to further aid economic growth. The BOI, since 2006 has been actively promoting R&D investments, bagging projects from companies such as Toyota, Honda and Siam Cement. In addition to this, the government has allocated $3 billion in the next 5-year plan for R&D projects with institutes such as Asian Institute of Technology taking lead (Datamonitor, 2010). Such spending has allowed domestic companies to adapt current technologies used world over while evolving new ones. This is a drastic change from the mid-1980s in Thailand when oxes and manual labor characterized agriculture and industry alike. In order for the results of R&D projects to be useful and then successful, an educated workforce is necessary. Starting in 1960, Thailand expanded its schooling system and made schooling mandatory for the first 7 years (Ministry of Education, 1998). A full generation later, the basic impact is visible. By 2006, Thailand boasted a 92% literacy rate, comparable in the region (Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and Malaysia boast 90%+ literacy rates) and allocates 27% of its national budget to education (Malaysia allocated 20%) (UNDP, 2009). One current constraint is that 80% of the current workforce has had only primary education. However, the long-term impact of education should change this statistic over the coming decade and encourage further labor efficiencies. Unfortunately, a primary educated workforce is not Thailand’s main constraint to growth. In the years following a decade of high-paced growth, the Asian Financial Crisis, consequent political upheavals, natural disasters, corruption and such threatened to derail the Thai story of growth. In spite of all this growth, the high short-term external debt of its government nearly bankrupted Thailand, caused the stock exchange to lose 75% of its market value and devalued the then-pegged Baht by over 50%. The Thai economy came to a halt with layoffs across industries, depressed asset prices and a 12% cumulative drop in output for 1997-1998. This led to an inevitable $40 billion IMF-led rescue package for the most affected Asian economies (Hunter, Kaufman, & Krueger, 1999). The package allowed Thailand’s economy to stay solvent and resume growth only in 1999. The Asian Financial Crisis marked a start in Thailand’s sporadic political upheavals. This culminated in 2006 when Prime Minister Thaksin was removed from office in a bloodless coup while he attending the UN General Assembly in front of the world’s eyes. The 4 years since has seen scores of public demonstrations, 3 Prime Ministers and a riot culminating in the summer 2010 stand-off between the armed forces and pro-Thaksin demonstrators in central Bangkok. Meanwhile, neighboring countries such as Philippines, Vietnam and even Indonesia have moved toward political stability with their leaders transitioning their country into a period of economic growth (Marshall, 2010). These upheavals are a source of concern to international and domestic businesses and have a negative ripple effect through the economy. In fact, Thaksin is not the only corrupt politician to grace Thailand. Corruption plagues many institutions and bureaucracy’s there. Transparency international ranked Thailand 84th out of 178 countries on the Global Corruption Index with China falling ahead in 78th position and India just behind in 87th place. Like most sizable developing countries, corruption is rampant in Thailand and other high-profile cases include the governor of Bangkok, Mr. Apirak. In 2009, the Thai government reported that the most number of corruption complaints within government agencies were filed against the Customs Department (Datamonitor, 2010). Taking cue from Singapore, Thailand must be more pro-active in reducing this rampant corruption in order to focus on economic and social development. Singapore along with New Zealand and Denmark topped the least for least corrupt countries (Zee News, 2010). Another growth constraint is natural disasters. In 2004, an earthquake followed by a tsunami caused widespread havoc and destruction. While Thailand’s direct impact was lower than Indonesia, with over 5,000 lives lost, 30,000 fishing boats and 120,000 tourism jobs lost, its effects cannot be ignored. Such continued disasters can hamper progress and instead undo years of economic development. Countries ranging from Indonesia to Seychelles were affected by this (United Nations, 2005). As the 1997 Financial Crisis demonstrated, Thailand is very integrated into the world’s economy. Therefore, with the arrival of the Great Recession in 2008, demand for its export-oriented production began to fall. Thailand’s dependence on exports put the country into a yearlong recession that it is now out of. In fact, Thailand is expected to grow at 4% this year. This quick recovery has been due to the deliberate public spending undertaken by the government. With the government undertaking a 5-year plan to boost infrastructure spending and reduce poverty, Thailand should see sustained growth over the coming years. As Thailand emerges from the Great Recession of 2008, there are several helpful pointers Thailand has taken from its experiences since the Asian Financial Crisis. The Thai government has learned of the benefits of a balanced budget, they successfully reduced government debt between 2002 and 2008, repaid IMF loans (2 years early) and regained growth. While corruption continues to exist, Thailand has an increasingly tougher National Counter Corruption Commission and current Prime Minister Abhisit has proposed a Reconciliation Plan to create a more transparent, clean government. The tsunami has resulted in the implementation of an emergency alert system thereby preventing future calamities, social and economic losses. With a majority of new growth coming from Asia, Thailand is optimally situated as an export economy in the region. Strong historical ties to the US will ensure economic cooperation as the US economic recovery progresses. Continued spending on education will result in an efficient, productive labor-force allowing Thailand to grow from just an international finance center to an advanced technology driven, export oriented economy in the years to come. Economic policy outlook The government is pushing ahead with a major fiscal stimulus program worth Bt1.4trn (US$43bn), which is to run until 2012. However, the fiscal position is weak, and the government could struggle to finance the program in full without risking future financial stability. This second-stage stimulus program, known as Thai Khem Khaeng (Strong Thailand), centers on infrastructure projects as well as investment in agriculture, education and health. Owing to the fact that the government has only limited fiscal freedom (constitutional restrictions cap the budget deficit in any year at 20% of total expenditure), the majority of the programs spending is off-budget and is financed through increased borrowing. The government actually plans to reduce budgetary spending in fiscal year 2009/10 (October-September) in an attempt to contain the fiscal deficit, which ballooned in 2008/09 owing to a first-stage stimulus program that included cash grants and subsidies. The government is proposing another expansionary budget in 2010/11. As the economy begins to recover in 2010, the Bank of Thailand (BOT, the central bank) will begin to raise interest rates to contain inflation. As for the fiscal policy, the government will run a substantial budget deficit in 2010-11, but it should be narrower than in 2009, when it reached the equivalent of 4.4% of GDP. After reducing planned expenditure in 2009/10 by Bt200bn (US$5.8bn), the government proposes to increase it by about Bt400bn in 2010/11. It is also stimulating the economy with the Thai Khem Khaeng program of off-budget expenditure. Whether or not the program succeeds in stimulating growth, hinges mostly on its implementation. There is a risk that some funds will be lost to corruption or will be wasted, as was highlighted by a recent admission by the Comptrollergenerals Department that funding for projects previously rejected by the Budget Bureau had been approved owing to the government!s determination to proceed with economic stimulus. Assuming that the government receives full parliamentary approval to borrow another Bt400bn in the next three years, public debt could rise sharply relative to GDP in 2010-11. However, the finance minister, Korn Chatikavanij, recently said that as revenue growth so far in 2009/10 had exceeded expectations, the government might not need to borrow as much as it had originally planned. The BOT will begin to tighten monetary policy in second half of 2010 as the economy starts to recover and core inflation (which excludes raw foods and energy) accelerates. However, the central bank will not raise interest rates sharply, as there are still major risks to the recovery, and core inflation, which stood at 0.5% in January-February, remains at the low end of the official target range of 0.5-3%. The BOT has also expressed concern that prematurely raising the one-day repurchase rate†which stands at 1.25%, having been lowered by 250 basis points between December 2008 and April 2009†³could lead to inflows of foreign capital, pushing up asset prices to unsustainable levels and causing the baht to strengthen further. Works Cited CIA. (2010). Thailand. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from CIA – The World Factbook: Datamonitor. (2010). Thailand, In-depth PESTLE Insights. Datamonitor. Falvey, L. (2001). Thai Agriculture: Golden Cradle of Millennia. White Lotus Co Ltd. Hunter, W., Kaufman, G., & Krueger, T. (1999). The Asian Financial Crisis: Origins, Implications and Solutions. Ministry of Education. (1998). History of Thai Education. Retrieved November 2010, from Ministry of Education, Thailand: UNDP. (2009). United Nations Development Programme. United Nations. United Nations. (2005). Impact on Thailand. United Nations. Zee News. (2010, October 26). India Slips Three Places in Global Corruption Rankings. Retrieved November 2010, from Zee News: Citation â€Å"Thailand.†Country Report. Thailand (2010): 1-27. Business Source Premier. EBSCO. Web. 13 Dec. 2010 ASEAN. (n.d.). Overview – asean. Retrieved from association of southeast asian nations: Dee, P. (2004). A Systematic Evaluation of Services Trade Barriers: The Case of Thailand. Washington DC: Australian National University. â€Å"Thailand†. World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agnecy. Accessed November 23, 2010. â€Å"Thailand Natural Resources†. Index Mundi. Updated 2010. Accessed November 23, 2010.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Acc/230 Week 2 Assignment Lucent Technologies Case
Week 2 Individual: Lucent Technologies Case Assignment: Read Case 2. 1: Lucent Technologies on pp. 79 and 80 (Ch. 2) of the text. Compose a 500- to 750-word paper that includes your answers to questions 2-4 on p. 79. Question #2: Evalutat the asset, debt, and equity structure of Lucent Technologies, as well as trends and changes found on the common-size balance sheet. After reviewing the case of Lucent Technologies, we discover that the assets for Lucent Technologies suffered a decline between 2003 and 2004.According to the information provided in the case revealing, the current assets in 2003 was 49. 4% of Lucent Technologies total assets, whereas the current assets in 2004 decreased to 48. 5%. Although, after reviewing the case the percentage of inventory rose from 4. 0% in 2003 to 4. 8% in 2004. We can then calculate there is about a 20% increase in the total inventory holdings. Also it is apparent that Lucent Technologies entire assets in 2003 was 24% and had a decrease in 2004 t o about 20%. This can be measured by the company's cash equivalents and cash.The total debt structure of Lucent Technologies decreased between 2003 and 2004. Lucent Technologies had a decrease in their current liability. In 2003 their current liability was 25. 6% and decreased to 24. 3% during 2004. According to the debts that increased from 23% in 2003 to 26. 4% a year later in the company's total liability, the debts of Lucent Technologies would be considered long term. In 2003, Lucent Technologies had decreased in the representation of total liabilities and shareholders equity on the equity side for Lucent Technologies when compared to a year later.Improvements can happen and the situation of the company now can improve as the year progresses so the company won't look deficit. Question #3: What concerns would investors and creditors have based on only this information? Based on only this information for Lucent Technologies, a concern investors and creditors would have when lookin g at this balance sheet would be the debt structure. When looking at the given information we see a decrease in the total liability, but an increase in the long term liabilities.This could caurse harm to the company since the current liabilities are decreasing from one year to the next. Although, since there is an increase shown for the long term liabilities it balances out to prevent showing a loss. The equity portion is in a superior position for the company. In conclusion, with the given information, Lucent Technologies has been improving looking at 2003 and 2004 and will continue to improve steadily. Question #4: What additional financial and non financial information would investors and creditors need to make investing and lending decision for Lucent Technologies?Some additional financial information that investors and creditors would need in order to make investing and lending decisions for Lucent Technologies would be the company's financial statements. Investors and creditor s would need financial statements for Lucent Technologies because the financial statements contain all the financial information that the investors and creditors would need to make sound investing and lending decisions for Lucent Technologies. The financial statements are the inner workings in a company.The financial statements of a company can be looked at and compared with previous years, in order to find trends in the financial statements and guide investors and creditors to figure out where the company stands and what direction the company may have facing them. Some nonfinancial information that investors and lending decisions for Lucent Technologies would be to know the operating units were created to work together in order to provide cost-efficient solutions and innovative for customers. The business structure can sometimes play a key roll in financial decisions.
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