Wednesday, October 30, 2019
India Reflection on one of female characters in Witness the Night Essay
India Reflection on one of female characters in Witness the Night - Essay Example Simran understands the culture, the history, and the people of Jullundur, and she equally knows that this culture is a part of her. Simran’s personal scars do not deter her from attempting to correct the injustices Durga Atwal faces in the hands of the police officers. Simran understands her imperfections, and she admits this when she says, â€Å"we all have our little flaws. Mine has always been to stride in where others feel it shrewder not to.†India has one of the world’s worst gender ratio with increased preference for male children over the girls. Religious, economic and cultural reasons are the basis for male preference. The boy child is considered as a king while the girl is nothing (Walia 1). Simran’s gender forces her to be quite rebellious in order to survive in this society. The Indian society expects Simran to be loyal and obedient to men; she is supposed to have married by this time, and because of her character, she is considered an outcast. Simran knew she would face these challenges following her decision; she knew the society would look down on her. Because of this, Simran avoids the society she is supposed to associate with; she looks down on people who look down on her. Simran becomes extremely blunt to the society’s thought on her and decides to live her life the best way she knows. Simran’s war of life enlightens several awful issues that happen to women and girls in the India n society. There is a relation between Simran’s choices and decisions to several recent happenings in India. It is apparent that the increase in wealth and literacy levels in India has contributed to the experienced crisis of missing girls. Increased selective abortions in India are high among educated and affluent families (Yardley 1). The research further reveals that better educated, high-income women families were likely than poorer females to abort a girl, particularly during a second pregnancy
Monday, October 28, 2019
Grammar school Essay Example for Free
Grammar school Essay From 1834, the year of emancipation of slaves in Dominica and the other British West Indian colonies to 1845, the popular education that was existent was really religious education. The concept of a state system of education in the West Indies emerged in Britain in 1833 as part of the act to emancipate slaves in British custody. Prior to that, the masses of the people had practically no formal education. In Dominica, from 1834 onwards, the British subsidized primary education through grants but basically, education was imported and promoted mainly by missionaries. The content of education was divorced from the interests and needs of the masses and the community. Emphasis was on the classics and the arts. There is little doubt that the churches original interest in education was the creation of influential educated elite. In practice, their interests were denominational, especially seen in the establishment of secondary schools. Proposed educational policies depended greatly on the availability of funds, which were always insufficient. Therefore, changes and reforms were minimal. The newly elected legislative councils and their leaders gave little support. In reality, education, in practice was for a privileged minority. The populace remained virtually ignorant and illiterate. The pre-emancipation society was therefore not in any sense an educated one. Where slaves received any instruction at all it was of a religious nature provided by the church at long intervals. The authorities had no aims or standards; hence there was no system of formal education. It was against this background that the British Imperial Government incorporated an education grant in the 1833 Act of Emancipation to assist in the educational development of the Negroes. Establishing schools for the masses was provided for by the Act, which included grant money from the imperial government to provide education in the ex-slave colonies. This grant money is known as the Negro Education Grant. It was regarded as an urgent matter. The total grant amounted to a mere ? 30,000 per annum for five years for all the BWI of almost one million people. The decision to allocate the grant was executed through the local legislatures and the religious bodies. The grant was decreased each year and ended in 1845. The denominations were offered financial help to build schools, and later to assist in the payment of teachers’ salaries as the best means of developing a system of education. Dominica’s share of the Grant amounted only to ? 600 to be spent on 14,000 ex-slaves. This amount was very insignificant and was spent mainly by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPCK). After two years it became apparent that the desired and intended results were not forthcoming because of the many difficulties faced. Some churches were unable to accept more grants because they could not bear the recurrent expenditure on their schools. In August 1837, the grant was switched to pay one-third of teachers’ salaries instead. This was insufficient, and the societies did not expand their operations further. As the expected expansion did not materialise the imperial government was disappointed. Hence, the union of the imperial government, local legislatures and the churches could not fulfil the early ambition to create a viable education system. Thus, in 1841, the imperial government started to withdraw the fund. The Mico trustees who had done the most protested, but to no avail. In 1845 it came to an end, and so the burden fell on the West Indian legislatures and workers to increasingly support the education of their own children. In Dominica, the drive towards education for the masses was assisted by the local legislature, thus complimenting the work done by charities and the churches so that by July 1840, Dominica had 20 schools, 10 teachers, 1,086 pupils and total average attendance was 750. The British Imperial Government gave two main reasons for ending the NEG: 1. English workers were said to be worse-off than West-Indian workers 2. The Baptists were said to be prospering – although they had refused all aid Both claims were false. The churches lacked both money and resources. The British felt in the case of Dominica that the Catholic Church could not and would not provide appropriate education. They therefore supported alternatives to church schools. They decided to provide secular schools and to withdraw grants to the church schools. This was strongly opposed until a compromise was reached. The main success of the period of the NEG was the idea of popular education. The Provision of Secondary Education in Dominica: Providers and Gender Issues From the foregoing, one can appreciate the fact that the provision of education was a task that involved the participation of several providers or stakeholders: The British Imperial Authority, the Local Legislature or Assembly, the Church (especially the Catholics) and the Charities (especially the Mico Trust). Prior to emancipation, the provision of education was the responsibility of the churches and the charities. Education was very limited and very few benefited. In reality, what ever was taught was basically religious education. With the passage of the Act of Emancipation, an attempt was made to establish popular education. The NEG thus provided the needed funds for this purpose but eventually ended in failure. These funds were channelled through the bodies mentioned above, especially through the charities and the churches. By 1868 the main providers were mainly the state (the Local Legislature) and the church. It must not be forgotten that the vast majority of the population were Catholics and therefore co-operation and compromise between the two bodies were of paramount importance. By that date, the majority of primary schools belonged to the state i. e. 18 out of 33 (54%). This was unique, for no other West Indian society had such participation by the state in educational provision. In the case of secondary education, the provision was by the Church (Catholic). The first establishment for the provision of secondary education was the Convent High School (CHS) in 1858. This was exclusively for the children of the local elite. The children of the rural peasantry and the working classes were excluded. The state provided some funds for the school. But there were no secondary education provided for the masses. It is again unique to Dominica in that early period that post-primary education was being provided only to girls when this gender was marginalized in the rest of the W. I and in Britain itself. Even today, in 2000, over 65% of secondary school students are girls. The figures for the Clifton Dupigny Community College, University of Technology (Jamaica) and University of the West Indies are roughly the same. In the case of Dominica, male marginalisation has had a long history, contrary to popular opinion. Due to mounting pressure and clamour for secondary education for boys and the children of the masses, the state established the Dominica Grammar School (DGS) on the 16th of January 1893, with a registration list of 25 boys under the headmastership of one tutor, Mr. W. Skinner (M. A – a graduate from Catherine’s College, Cambridge, England). It was to be run as a government school, with the aim to provide higher education for boys. The building being used was a personal gift from Mr. Dawbiney, a respectable Jamaican who had settled in the island. The DGS remained a boy’s school until 1972. This occurred at a time when the number of girls selected by the Common Entrance Examinations far surpassed that of boys. The first DGS girls came from the CHS and the WHS. The total number of girls on the roll for that year totalled 34 out of a total of 560 students. Thus a reluctant but necessary era commenced in that year – the DGS becoming a co-educational institution under the headship of Mr. J. K. Gough (B. Sc; Dip. Ed. from Scotland). In that same year there were 14 Dominican staff members who were university graduates. Not to be outdone by the Catholics, the Wesleyan Society (Methodists) following the tradition of their rivals, opened the second high school for girls in the island, the Wesley High School (WHS) in October 1927. By that year, 80% of the students accessing secondary education were girls. This again was a unique situation second to none in the W. I. This further marginalized the boys given the restrictive and limited nature of access at the time. At this juncture, it is necessary to appreciate the great effort expended by the churches in the provision of secondary education in the island of Dominica, albeit for denominational reasons. In 1932, the Christian Brothers (Catholics) opened the second educational establishment providing secondary education for boys, the Saint Mary’s Academy (SMA). By that year educational provision was roughly equal for both genders with boys now having the slight edge, notwithstanding the fact that the girls were doing better in entrance and scholarship exams. There were insufficient spaces available. An entrance examination would soon be rigorously applied to ration out, select and match the number of students to the available supply of places. This state of inequitable affairs became unbearable as the girls were now being marginalized in favour of boys who were securing less ‘passes’ than girls in the exams. In other words, the selection was a function of available places. The two boys’ schools had more places than the two girls’ schools. Therefore, fewer girls were selected although their average scores were higher than that of boys who secured places. In the1972/1973 school year, the Labour government of Mr. Edward Oliver Leblanc took the bold step to make the DGS co-educational. This occurred at a time when the number of girls who had succeeded at the Common Entrance Examinations far surpassed that of boys. Since then, girls have kept on increasing the education gap or divide to the extent that in Dominica and the West Indies this problem of ‘male marginalisation’ and ‘male underachievement’ and the like, have now become so serious that it threatens the whole concept of male patriarchy. The year 1972 has been regarded as a milestone in Dominica’s educational history as far as secondary education is concerned. From that year all new secondary schools have opted to become co-educational with the exception of the Saint Martin’s Secondary School in 1988. Another important milestone in our educational history is the year 1971. For the first time, secondary educational provision moved out of Roseau with the establishment of the co-educational Portsmouth Secondary School (PSS). This greatly reduced the cost burden to parents in the northwest, north and northeast of the island, who, hitherto had to make tremendous sacrifices to provide education for their children in the capital, Roseau. By 1974, the Common Entrance Examinations as a selector of educational life chances was psychologically so devastating to pupils that those who were not selected felt that they were ‘rejects’ and ‘failures’ with no hope or future. It was against this backdrop that a group of concerned persons headed by Ms. Jean Finucane-James decided to provide a ‘second chance’ to those pupils that was not based on a selective exam. This co-educational school was named the Dominica Community High School (DCHS). Apart from the PSS, the early 1970s were characterised for having secondary education concentrated in the capital city of Roseau. The ‘70s was a period of political upheaval. In August 1979, Hurricane David struck and the island was devastated: 43 deaths, massive destruction of crops and the forest, wildlife was decimated, schools and the social and economic infrastructure was destroyed. The economy came to a standstill. Educationally, the students suffered greatly. A large number of students from the northeast could not attend the Roseau schools. In the aftermath of the hurricane, two schools were opened in the northeast: St. Andrew’s High School (SAHS) in 1979, located in Londonderry which is run and operated by the Methodists and in 1980, the Marigot Foundation High School (MFHS) headed by Mr. Martin Roberts, a former Methodist minister. The last named school was eventually renamed the Marigot Secondary School (MSS) when in 1999 it passed over to the state. These two schools are co-educational institutions. In this catchment area the Common Entrance Exams consistently selects more girls than boys. In the 1980s four schools were established. In 1981, the Seventh-Day Adventists began to provide secondary education. The Seventh-day Adventist Secondary School (SASS) is located in the Portsmouth suburb of Granvillia. It is a co-ed school. In that very same year the co-ed St. Joseph Campus of the DGS was opened which later became a separate entity as the St. Joseph Secondary School. In 1996 it was renamed the Isaiah Thomas Secondary School. In 1988, two government co-ed secondary schools were established from what were formerly Junior Secondary Programmes: the Goodwill Secondary School (GSS) and the Grand Bay Secondary School (GBSS). In that same year, the Catholic–run St. Martin’s School for girls upgraded its technical/vocational wing into a fully-fledged secondary school called the St. Martin’s Secondary School (SMSS). With the opening of these new schools and the continued use of the Common Entrance Exams the gender balance continue to be in favour of girls to the detriment of boys. In October 1994 the Nehemiah Christian Foundation headed by Mrs. Rhoda George opened the Nehemiah Comprehensive School with 60 boys and girls. The school is located in Jimmit, Mahaut. In the financial year 1995/96 the government entered into a loan agreement with the World Bank to fund the Basic Education Reform Project (BERP). One of the three main objectives of the project was to expand access to secondary education. Under the project, this objective was fulfilled in the co-ed Castle Bruce Secondary School (CBSS) in 1998. TABLE I DOMINICA: Academic Secondary Schools, 2002/03 |School |Year Founded |Boys |Girls |Total |Status | |Convent High School | | | | | | | |1858 |0 |493 |493 |Assisted | |Dominica Grammar School |1893 |518 |281 |799 |State | |Wesley High School |1927 |0 |287 |287 |Assisted | |St. Mary’s Academy |1932 |420 |0 |420 |Assisted | |Portsmouth Secondary School |1971 |402 |435 |837 |State | |Dominica Community High School |1975 |79 |46 |125 |Assisted | |St. Andrew’s High School |1979 |233 |292 |525 |Assisted | |Marigot Secondary School |1980 |86 |59 |145 |Assisted | |Isaiah Thomas Secondary School |1981 |312 |393 |705 |State | |SDA Secondary School |1981 |108 |87 |195 |Private | |St. Martin’s Secondary School |1988 |0 |306 |306 |Assisted | |Goodwill Secondary School |1988 |380 |262 |642. |State | |Grand Bay Secondary School |1988 |334 |343 |677 |State | |Nehemiah Comprehensive School |1994 |64 |73 |137 |Assisted | |Castle Bruce Secondary School |1998 |266 |291 |557 |State | |Orion Academy |2003 | | | |Private | |Total | |3 202 |3 648 |6 850 | | Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth Affairs, 2002/03 The School Curriculum Several factors impinge on the development of the curriculum in Dominica: slavery, colonialism, politics, economics, religion, socio-cultural biases, parents, teachers and the learners themselves. In the pre-emancipation era the curriculum that existed was of a religious nature. The society was largely illiterate and ignorant. There existed no notion or idea of popular or mass education. With emancipation in 1834, the rudiments of a system of education began to take shape. The limited curriculum was non-scientific and bookishly academic based on rote and memory teaching and learning. By 1868, as the primary system took root the three r’s were taught namely reading, writing and arithmetic. The system that was taking shape was one that would provide labourers and servants and no more. At the secondary level, the curriculum catered for the children of the elite: Maths, Science, Geography, English, Greek, and Latin. The colonial powers and the local legislatures controlled the educational system. In other words, the ruling elites/classes decided who should be taught, what should be taught, when, how and where. The entire process from start to finish was decided for the learner. In 1899, Agriculture was being promoted as a subject to be taught so that the learner would become an agricultural labourer or worker on an estate or join the ranks of the impoverished peasantry. So agricultural schools were encouraged. In this way the islands would remain as sources of primary agricultural produce. When the British abolished the local legislatures and imposed direct crown colony rule the curriculum again was being used as a tool to keep the masses in their place. It limited them to learn the basics and agriculture. Attempts were made to improve education at the end of the First World War (1914-1918): salaries to teachers, payments by results and attempts at compulsory education. The West Indian Conference in Dominica in 1932 urged the region to struggle for compulsory education among other things. This failed. In 1957, the ministerial system was brought to Dominica with some exercise of authority by the house of assembly. But power still lied with the British parliament. Budgets could be passed, but had to be approved by Britain. In 1967, Dominica became an associate state with Gt. Britain. All internal matters were under local jurisdiction, but foreign affairs, trade and defence resided with Gt. Britain. Dominica could now influence and shape educational progress, but very little happened. The primary system continued to develop. The high schools became stagnant. The last one to be established was in 1936 (SMA). Thirty-seven years passed before the next one, the PSS was established. By 1978, the curriculum at the primary was now being driven by the Common Entrance Examinations to the detriment of all else. The same thing could be found at the secondary schools. The entire curriculum was driven by foreign external examinations. The foreign element was removed in 1985 when we switched from the Cambridge and London GCE ‘O’ Levels to the regionally based CXC examinations. But the GCE ‘A’ Levels still continue to dictate the curriculum at the post-secondary level. In 1998, CXC began to test pilot its own ‘A’ Levels known as CAPE, which will soon replace the English-based GCE ‘A’ Levels. The School Curriculum and Examinations The CXC and the GCE curriculum dictate the locus and focus of secondary education in Dominica. These exams cater for the 30-40% of the ability range of secondary students. The entire curriculum was driven by foreign external examinations. The foreign element was removed in 1985 when we switched from the Cambridge and London GCE ‘O’ Levels to the regionally based CXC examinations. But the GCE ‘A’ Levels still continue to dictate the curriculum at the post-secondary level. In 1998, CXC began to test pilot its own ‘A’ Levels known as CAPE, which will soon replace the English-based GCE ‘A’ Levels. The HSC, LSC and GCE dominated the curriculum of secondary schools since the 1880s. The failure rates were very high at both the ‘O’ and ‘A’ Levels. It was also a drain on the scarce resources of the region. The minimum of 5 ‘O’ Level subjects were required to move into the sixth form and five subjects were needed of which 2 must be at ‘A’ Level for university entry. The Caribbean was influenced by educational and curriculum developments in North America and Europe, especially Britain. Revolutionary curricular changes in maths and science were being undertaken in the USA as a result of the Russian success in Sputnik I. In the U. K, the Nuffield Foundation invested heavily in a science development project. In 1969-70, the West Indian Science Curriculum Innovation Project (WISCIP) began at St. Augustine, UWI, and Trinidad. It was a new approach with emphasis on enquiry and experimentation, understanding and constructive thinking. This was introduced in the DGS and the other high schools of the time. During that same period ‘New Mathematics’ was introduced in the schools’ curriculum. All five of the secondary schools in Dominica adopted it. The Convent High School had their first ‘O’ Level candidates in 1971, and the DGS in 1972. Results in all Caribbean schools were not so good at first because of the unfamiliarity with the new approaches and topics such as inverses, identities, algebra of sets and matrices, decimalisation and metrification, vectors, inequalities and topology. At first most of the schools used the School Mathematics Project (SMP) books, but these were replaced by the Joint Schools Project (Caribbean edition) series, as part of the CEDO/UNESCO/UWI Caribbean Mathematics Project. The CXC was established in 1972 to serve the Commonwealth Caribbean. The process took over 10 years. The CXC was to replace the GCE exams. It would develop syllabi, conduct exams and issue certificates. This was a form of asserting cultural and intellectual independence from our colonial past and from Britain. Politically, the Caribbean has eschewed integration. There was the West Indian Federation as colonies of Britain (1958-1962). It ended in failure due to insularity, nationalism and dependency. With independence, the nations can dictate their educational goals and match these to national needs. In Dominica, we have not had a long history of educational reforms established in law. In 1949 an Education Act was passed to regulate and govern the sector. This was changed in 1997 when the new Education Act was passed. This was part of an attempt to harmonise education legislation in the Eastern Caribbean. In 1995 the Basic Education Reform Project was launched (BERP). The Project had three main objectives: 1. to strengthen the management and planning capacity of the Ministry, 2. to enhance the quality of education, and 3. to expand and conserve school places. Economically, we live in an interdependent world, a global village. We are partners bargaining from a position of weakness. Unequal terms of trade, onerous foreign debts, trade deficits and balance of payment problems deplete our resources so that our educational budgets are severely constrained. In general (1999 2004), Dominica spends about 17% of its recurrent budget on education, 1-2% on materials and supplies and about 80% on personal emoluments. New Curriculum Developments. Primary schools follow a curriculum, which has recently been reviewed by the Curriculum Development Unit (CDU). Schools have been provided with curriculum guides for English Language, Mathematics and General Science for Grades K to 6. Curriculum guides for Social Studies, Mathematics, Science and English Language were to become available in September 1999 for grades K to 6. A curriculum guide for Social Studies has been prepared for Form 1 at the secondary level. Workbooks for Grades k to 3 for English were to have been made available from September 1999. In addition a curriculum guide for Health and Family Life covering primary and secondary age ranges is being monitored and supported in schools. A draft national policy for this was presented to Cabinet in August 1998 but has not yet been officially approved. The CDU has planned to review Music, PE, Art and Craft, and Agriculture in 2001 as well as to start writing and production of support materials for pupils and teachers. The revised primary schools curriculum appears to be appropriate at the national level. The main problem appears to be in its delivery. The main need at the primary level for curriculum development is in relation to adapting the teacher’s guides for multigrade teaching and provision of differentiated activities for all subjects and all classrooms. Dominica does not have a National Curriculum and therefore, the curriculum de facto is determined by each school and in practice is closely related to the requirements of the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) other external examinations and higher ability students. A balance needs to be struck between the academic and practical skills education in the secondary sector in any future national curriculum. The Ministry of Education has outlined the following process to arrive at the promulgation and implementation of the National Curriculum (NC): National Curriculum Committee (NCC) established in school year 1999/2000 NCC reviews existing curriculum: locally and regionally Under the NCC, Subject Teams and Subject Areas are established Development of Syllabi, and Curriculum Guides in Core Subject Areas Curriculum Training of Staff/Subject Team Members Resource Provision First Draft National Curriculum in Core Subject Areas Review of Draft Curriculum Development of Curricula in other subject areas. Establishment of National Norms and Standards for all subjects Piloting of National Curriculum in a cross-section of schools Promulgation of National Curriculum by Minister of Education Use by all schools of the National Curriculum as of September 2003 The Secondary Education Support Project (SESP) had been working with the Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) to write and pilot a revised curriculum for Forms 1 to 3 in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, incorporating activities for average and below average ability pupils. Drafts of curriculum guides for Form 1 have been completed and were made available to schools in September 1999. All the guides for the four core subjects were made available in 2001. The CDU also has completed work in Music, Art, Craft, and Agriculture. However, the major curriculum need resides in the consideration of a curriculum which will meet the needs of all students – academic, technical/vocational, aesthetic, spiritual, moral and for citizenship and fulfill the ambitions set out in the 1997 Education Act. This would be especially so when Universal Secondary Education is achieved.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
An Analysis of the Use of Action to Find Happiness Essay -- Uncle Vanya
In a hotel suite, Dominic Cobb’s wife jumps off a ledge and dies in hopes of returning to what she thinks is the real world. Cobb must then decide whether he should forget the past and move on to find his own enjoyment or stay within an unconstructed dream space, where he is able to live with his wife. In Uncle Vanya, Anton Chekhov tells the story of a family of unhappy souls who have trouble finding pleasure in the world. As a result, Andre Gregory and Louis Malle use the opening sequence of Vanya on 42nd Street to foreshadow Chekhov’s argument that humans must take action find happiness, but only after they make peace with the past. Throughout Anton Chekhov’s play Uncle Vanya, idle characters are unhappy while active characters are more content, which shows that action gives way to happiness. For instance, Yelena claims there is no happiness for her on the earth (Chekhov 171). However, Yelena does not do any work around the house, and she depends on her husband, Serabryakov, for food, lodging, and money. Others cherish and love her, and she has all the necessities of life without working, yet she is still upset. Since she has all needs for free, the only possible cause to her sorrow is her idleness. Furthermore, Vanya asserts that he is lazy and does nothing except complain; yet, he still claims that his brother-in-law, Serabryakov, has â€Å"destroyed my [his] life (Chekhov 148, 186).†Following the death of his sister, Vanya has worked for Serabryakov around the estate. However, since Yelena’s arrival, Vanya has become an idle man and no longer works for Serabryakov. Since he is not active enough to move forward in life, he lurks over the past, which makes him an unhappy man. On the other hand, Waffles, who constantly plays his gu... ...ife better, one must follow the path to happiness and move forward instead of waiting for someone else to guide them to the end of the path. With common street-signs and the characters in Uncle Vanya, the directors of Vanya on 42nd Street reveal that humans are able to find true happiness, but only after they make peace with the past. Chekhov’s argument has a monumental impact to the hopeless, and reassures society that even though humans are dominated by repentance, happiness can still be found. Through the use of illusions and character behaviors, Chekhov demonstrates how the failure to let go of the past leads to complications with happiness. With street signs, Malle and Gregory indicate that in order to prevent from jumping into a realm of misery, humans must take action to reach happiness, where it is fundamental for the subconscious to leave behind the past.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mercantilism vs. Laissez-faire Essay
Mercantilism suggested that a country’s goverment should play an active role in the economy by urging more exports than imports, especially through the use of tariffs. A nations wealth, when it comes to mercantilism lays in its gold and silver amounts. Many physiocrats of the time opposed mercantilism because they saw it as exploition of business. The government collected substantial fees from guilds, and other groups. Therefore using them for their own profit. The government also restricted economic innovation, and regulated which goods would be made and what regions are to be traded with. This brought out many critics in the aristocratic classes. One of mercantilisms greatest critics was Adam Smith. Adam Smith wrote: †The man who buys, does not always mean to sell again, but frequently to use or to consume; whereas he who sells, always means to buy again.†(Adam Smith, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations) This basically means that in order to sell, you must regain what you’ve sold, and will sell again, but those who buy will use what they’ve bought. Adam Smith had â€Å"laissez-faire†ideology which meant that an individuals self-interest is the motor of economic progress. He believed each individual should be free to pursue their economic interests freely, without restriction by the government, which he believed should not concern itself with economic affairs. High tariffs, guild restrictions, and mercantilist restraints just obstructed economic activity. Physiocrats who advocated Laissez-faire ideology also believed that agriculture is the sole productive economic activity and encouraged the improvement of cultivation. Because they considered land to be the sole source of wealth, they urged the adoption of a tax on land as the only economically justifiable tax. So essentially â€Å"Laissez-faire†and mercantilist are completely opposite in the sense that mercantilism is for the government, for restriction and monarchial control, and Laissez-faire is for the individual, the consumer, the masses, the good of the country.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Pros and Cons of Computers in Kindergarten Essay
Pros and Cons of Computers in Kindergarten Research Essay Assignment Pros and cons of using computers in kindergarten classrooms Having computers in kindergarten classrooms could improve the level of instruction and can address long-term success in schools. The real pros and cons of using technology in the classroom create a stalemate that can prevent technology from being used more widely in the classroom. Whether we use technology with young children–and if so, how-are critical issues facing early childhood educators and parents. The questions about when children should start using computers; developmentally appropriate computer activities in preschool, kindergarten, and early primary classrooms; benefits of computer use; integration of computers into classrooms; and teacher training. As children enter kindergarten and the primary grades, it is important that they continue to have access to a computer center with a library of developmentally appropriate software. Fun and educational computer activities allow kindergarteners to socialize improve classmate relations; learn about modern communication and problem-solving skills. Children need opportunities to make choices about some of their computer experiences. In addition, kindergarten or primary-grade teachers will want to use the computer for more directed activities that match their learning objectives. For example, to enhance language skills and using the template provided in Starfall or similar software. Children could also work in small groups using software such as Scholastic’s Magic School Bus Explores the Rainforest to compare two of the seven ecozones in the program. Using software such as Edmark’s Kids’ Desk: Internet Safe, other small groups can investigate these two ecozones on Internet Web sites selected by the teacher. The groups then merge to share their discoveries and write a report on the ecozones, illustrating each with pictures drawn by members of the group or downloaded from the Internet sites. Through exploring computer experiences, these children build memory skills, learn how to seek out information, use knowledge until they have a clear understanding from multiple sources, and integrate their knowledge of how each ecosystem functions. In the process, they learn to delegate responsibility, interact with others, solve problems, and cooperate to reach a goal. Kindergarten children have a positive outlook and an accepting nature. They take pride in their new reading and counting skills and love to converse and share ideas. They are eager to behave well; they are trusting; and they don’t question authority. Kids at this age may be capable at using computers, i.e. following commands, using the mouse, and playing computer games (Jaeger, 2010). In order to understand the pros and cons of computers in the kindergarten classroom, we need to take a look at some of the pros and cons and the goals related to of reading the children’s achievement. Pros: By incorporat ing technology into lessons, students will become more engaged in and excited about the subject at hand. Lessons that would normally be tedious can be much more engaging with virtual field trips and streaming videos. Cons: Finding the right materials online to integrate into a lesson is not always easy. This means teachers may spend a lot more time planning lessons and become overwhelmed and frustrated. Pros: Computers allow students to learn through exploring the internet and doing research. The act of looking up information and researching papers with such an extensive resource can keep students engaged in a project and learning. Cons: Some students will explore beyond the bounds and parameters of the project and become distracted by other activities that they find on the internet. Pros: In special needs classrooms, each student is able to go at his or her own pace with the help of technology. This allows the students get individual instruction directly from the computer, which allows the teacher to accomplish more while feeling less stretched. Special needs students who are handicapped can also make use of assistive technology, which can allow them to communicate better. Cons: Special needs technology can be very expensive and take an inordinate amount of money to acquire and operate. Research has shown that children who use computers with supporting activities that reinforce the major objectives of the programs have significantly greater developmental gains when compared to children without computer experiences in similar classrooms-gains in intelligence, nonverbal skills, structural knowledge, long-term memory, manual dexterity, verbal skills, problem solving, abstraction, and conceptual skills (Haugland, 1992). The benefits of providing computers to kindergarten and primary-grade children vary depending upon the kind of computer experiences offered and how frequently children have access to computers. The potential gains for kindergarten and primary children are tremendous, including improved motor skills, enhanced mathematical thinking, increased creativity, higher scores on tests of critical thinking and problem solving. In addition, computers enhance children’s self-concept, and children demonstrate increasing levels of spoken communication and cooperation. Children share leadership roles more frequently and develop positive attitudes toward learning. In conclusion, early childhood programs serve diverse populations and have different schedules, curriculums, staffing patterns, resources, and so on. Goals for computer use and the steps that schools take to integrate computers into their classrooms may be completely different but equally successful. A viable beginning is for teachers, administrators, and parents to share magazine, journal, and newspaper articles they have seen regarding children using computers. The understanding of computers in the kindergarten classroom is accompanied by both a personal and professional commitment to early success for all children. Reference 1. Jaeger, V. (2010). Parenting Resources Guide. Niagara Region Public Health 2. KidSource Online. Computers and Young Children. Retrieved from 3. S.W. Haugland. The effect of computer software on preschool children’s developmental gains. Journal of Computing in Childhood Education, 1992.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
20 Tips for Freelance Writers
20 Tips for Freelance Writers 20 Tips for Freelance Writers 20 Tips for Freelance Writers By Mark Nichol Whether you’re moonlighting as a writer or it’s your sole source of income, you must take it seriously in all aspects, from workplace organization to work habits to professional development to marketing to client relations. Here’s some advice about succeeding as a professional writer: 1. Establish a professional work environment. Even if you don’t have a dedicated home office, set up your workspace to maximize your comfort and productivity, with equipment, supplies, and reference works well organized and handy. Impress on family and friends the importance of respecting your space and your time. (Working at home is a much more familiar concept than it used to be, but some people still don’t consider freelancing a real job). 2. Research reasonable compensation for your particular market niche or for the media in which you want to be published, and ask for it. If you’re just starting out, negotiate at the low end of the range. When you’ve reached a certain level of success, expect high-end compensation. Don’t waste your time on projects that pay little or nothing unless the topic or the client has some special meaning for you. Accepting meager pay depresses the freelance industry. But be realistic about your monetary worth in a highly competitive business. 3. Educate yourself about marketing, negotiation, and general communication skills to help build confidence when it comes time to submitting queries, discussing compensation, and corresponding during and between projects. 4. Develop the discipline to do the hardest or least pleasant tasks first and save the best for last. You may have a hard time getting started each day, but you’ll be glad you got the difficult work out of the way, and the day will only get better. 5. If you devote a certain amount of time to working each day but you temporarily have too little work to fill it, spend the rest of the time researching your next clients or projects and writing and submitting queries. 6. Treat all your correspondence as if it were an assignment: Write impeccably, with no content or factual errors. Double-check personal names, job titles, and company names before you type them. 7. Keep meticulous records when tracking submissions and responses, scheduling assignment timelines, and updating contact information. 8. Advertise using strategies old and new, from flyers and newspaper ads to online marketing and your own professional Web site. But don’t wait for work to come to you. In addition to researching national or international companies, organizations, and publications you’d like to write for, investigate local opportunities such as community-based nonprofit organizations. 9. Build relationships with other freelance writers. Establish client-exchange agreements: If you’re too busy to accept a project, you’ll recommend someone else; in return, they’ll do the same for you. Don’t treat colleagues as an enemy you have to keep client contacts or trade secrets from. 10. Join professional organizations and attend workshop and conferences when you can. Research the writing business, and keep up on emerging opportunities and trends. 11. Don’t miss deadlines. Don’t miss deadlines. Don’t miss deadlines. Did I mention that you shouldn’t miss deadlines? 12. If you’re going to miss a deadline, let your client know as soon as possible. Don’t offer a reason, don’t make excuses, don’t ask for forgiveness. Simply request the shortest possible extension you can manage, promise that the project will be in your client’s email in-box or on their desk first thing in the morning on the new deadline date, and deliver on that promise. When you submit the project, ask for a chance to redeem yourself a new project you will complete for a reduced or waived fee and get it in early. 13. Expect and accept revisions, formatting alterations, scheduling changes, and anything else you can imagine (and some things you can’t). If you can’t be flexible about such things, you’re in the wrong line of work. 14. Be firm and insistent about being paid on time. Clients may assume that your freelance work is a sideline, not the way you make a living, and may not appreciate the importance of paying you punctually. Correct this misapprehension in no uncertain terms. If the issue strains your working relationship, that’s a sign that a relationship with this client is not a good investment of your time and energy. 15. Ask satisfied clients to serve as references or write brief referral notes. Keep reference contact information and referrals in a single Microsoft Word document so you can copy and paste them into a new document or into the body of an email to a client as needed. 16. Once you’ve developed a successful track record, consider presenting yourself as an authority on freelance writing. (If you’re successful, you must be doing it right.) Look for opportunities to speak about your work before community groups, teach classes and workshops, and write about the business of writing. These activities will look good on your resume and may result in acquisition of new clients. 17. Prioritize your clients: When you find projects that are engaging and rewarding, knock yourself out keeping that client happy. If another client asks for numerous rewrites, is always slow in responding, or won’t give you a â€Å"raise†after several projects or when you decide to raise your rates for cost-of-living increases, jettison that client to make room for a better relationship. Keeping that client in hopes that things will get better is a counterproductive strain on your business. 18. Communicate with your clients: If you’re unsure about assignment procedures, restate them in reply in your own words and ask for confirmation that you understand directions. Help clients understand their own work: Some companies and organizations assign project management to people with insufficient aptitude or time for managing projects successfully. Tactfully suggest more efficient procedures or more effective design, presentation, or organization, regardless of the person’s apparent level of expertise. 19. Ask what else you can do to help with the project. Does the client need a source list for fact-checking? Would they like a sidebar, or links to pertinent Web sites? Are they unsure about whether to present the product as a brochure or a newsletter, or how many parts to divide it into? Clients have problems. Offer to solve them or, at the very least, help this project go smoothly as much as possible so that they can attend to problem projects. 20. Do everything in your power to build an association in clients’ minds between you and successful, high-quality projects. Think of, and market, yourself as a problem solver. Build a relationship so that when clients need help, they think of you. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of InfinitivesWhat is Dative Case?The "Pied" in The Pied Piper
Monday, October 21, 2019
President Obamas First Executive Order
President Obamas First Executive Order Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13489 on Jan. 21, 2009, one day after being sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. To hear the conspiracy theorists describe it, Obamas first executive order officially closed off his personal records to the public, especially his birth certificate. What did this order actually aim to do? In fact, Obamas first executive order had exactly the opposite goal. Its aim was to shed more light on presidential record, including his own, after eight years of secrecy imposed by former President George W. Bush. What Obamas First Executive Order Really Said Executive orders are official documents, numbered consecutively, through which the President of the United States manages the operations of the federal government. Presidential executive orders are much like the written orders or instructions issued by the president or CEO of a private-sector company to that company’s department heads. Starting with George Washington in 1789, all presidents have issued executive orders. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, still holds the record for executive orders, penning 3,522 of them during his 12 years in office. President Obamas first executive order merely rescinded an earlier executive order severely limiting public access to presidential records after they left office. That now-rescinded executive order, 13233, was signed by then-President George W. Bush on Nov. 1, 2001. It allowed former presidents and even family members to declare executive privilege and block public access to White House records for virtually any reason. Rescinding Bush-Era Secrecy Bushs measure was criticized heavily and challenged in court. The Society of American Archivists called Bushs executive order a complete abnegation of the original 1978 Presidential Records Act. The Presidential Records Act mandates the preservation of presidential records and makes them available to the public. Obama agreed with the criticism. For a long time now, theres been too much secrecy in this city. This administration stands on the side not of those who seek to withhold information but with those who seek it to be known, Obama said after signing the order rescinding the Bush-era measure.The mere fact that you have the legal power to keep something secret does not mean you should always use it. Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency. So Obamas first executive order didnt seek to shut down access to his own personal records, as conspiracy theorists claim. Its goal was exactly the opposite- to open up White House records to the public. The Authority for Executive Orders Capable of at least changing the ways in which the laws enacted by Congress are applied, presidential executive orders can be controversial. Where does the president get the power to issue them? The U.S. Constitution does not explicitly provide for executive orders. However, Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution mentions relates the term â€Å"executive Power†to the president’s constitutionally-assigned to â€Å"take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.†Thus, the power to issue executive orders can be interpreted by the courts as a necessary presidential power. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that all executive orders must be supported either by a specific clause of the Constitution or by an act of Congress. The Supreme Court has the authority to block executive orders that it determines to exceed the Constitutional limits of presidential power or involve issues that should be handled through legislation. As with all other official actions of the legislative or executive branches, executive orders are subject to the process of judicial review by the Supreme Court and can be overturned if found to be unconstitutional in nature or function. Updated by Robert Longley
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Californium Facts
Californium Facts Californium is a radioactive rare earth element that can be used as a neutron source. Atomic Number: 98Symbol: CfAtomic Weight: 251.0796Discovery: G.T. Seaborg, S.G. Tompson, A. Ghiorso, K. Street Jr. 1950 (United States)Word Origin: State and University of California Properties: Californium metal has not been produced. Californium (III) is the only ion stable in aqueous solutions. Attempts to reduce or oxidize californium (III) have been unsuccessful. Californium-252 is a very strong neutron emitter. Uses: Californium is an efficient neutron source. It is used in neutron moisture gauges and as a portable neutron source for metal detection. Isotopes: The isotope Cf-249 results from the beta decay of Bk-249. Heavier isotopes of californium are produced by intense neutron irradiation by the reactions. Cf-249, Cf-250, Cf-251, and Cf-252 have been isolated. Sources: Californium was first produced in 1950 by bombarding Cm-242 with 35 MeV helium ions. Electron Configuration [Rn] 7s2Â 5f10 Californium Physical Data Element Classification: Radioactive Rare Earth (Actinide)Density (g/cc): 15.1Melting Point (K): 900Atomic Radius (pm): 295Pauling Negativity Number: 1.3First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): (610)Oxidation States: 4, 3 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Significance of the Vietnamese Boat People in Canadian Immigration Research Paper
The Significance of the Vietnamese Boat People in Canadian Immigration History - Research Paper Example These people have impacted Canadian culture and its economy greatly. This paper will focus on the migration of Vietnamese people to Canada during the Vietnam War. The paper will discuss the importance of the event and the role of government in the immigration of Vietnamese people. Vietnam War started in 1955 between the communist North Vietnam and the non-communist South Vietnam. The United States of America was also supporting South Vietnam. Vietnam’s People army (Northern Vietnam military) was getting help from communist countries like the Soviet Union. The war was actually a cold war battle between the then two superpowers of the world. They were fighting; the difference was that the battle was not fought directly. The war ended after 20 years of bloodshed and many lives were lost in the process. It is very important to understand the plight of the Vietnamese people in order to understand their reasons for migration to other countries. They were left with no option but to find shelter in foreign countries due to the conflict. They were desperate to leave their homeland. It was not for a better future only that these people were migrating to other countries. They were migrating to save their lives! Canada was not militarily involved in the conflict but its role was very important. It was always with the western capitalist countries but it was not directly aiding the United States in war. But Canada was heavily affected by the influx of thousands of Vietnamese settlers from the war region.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Markiting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Markiting - Assignment Example This is where the reader learns, what he has already anticipated from the title. The body should fully justify the topic, and this article’s body does just the same. This piece truly gives its readers, what it promises in the title. The reader gets to know the about the ‘failed bid’ of ‘Sharon Angel’ in the first paragraph. Each paragraph contains a strong topic sentence, which connects it with the last paragraph and smoothes way for the next one. The very first line of the article; ‘Is a vote worth $97?’ invites the reader to find out, what is the story behind it. This article also uses strong action verbs where appropriate, to move the audience along with the flow. This article, although written in past tense, provides an interesting account of the mid-term elections, and keeps the audience hang on to every word. This piece of writing also has an element of honesty. The writer has justly manifested what he/she believes to be the truth. This article contains integrity of opinions and feelings. It is also open and direct. It is neither lengthy nor ambiguous. This is a reader-friendly article. It is written in a kind of informal style, and immediately puts the reader at ease. It does not contain too many, too hard words, nor does it beat about the bush. It contains simple and short paragraphs making it easier to understand. This article is very edifying, providing complete information in easy terms that even a layman would understand. The theme of the article was kind of methodological, and required statistics and facts. It was not a fictional topic, where one could depict one’s opinions and thoughts. The writer made effective use of research to provide accurate facts and figures to clearly describe the ‘most expensive midterm election in U.S. history’. The writer has also provided the visual representation of the elections, and clear, concise tables that summarizes all the figures that could not be
Service Blueprints Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Service Blueprints - Essay Example According to the researches conducted by Dr. Sabine Moeller (2005) and Wong (2004), humans never get satisfied just by the products that they purchase; in fact, they are looking for the best service as well so that there complete service experience is enhanced. In order to survive in today’s dynamic and competitive environment, the organizations need to design blueprints for their services so that they have clear picture about the level of service as perceived by the customer and what they can do to enhance their experience (Weber and Sparks, 2004). According to Bitner et al. (2007), from the organization’s perspective, the service blueprint is best described as the perfect mix of all the components both physical and non-physical ones and the systems of the services must be designed incorporating appropriate processes of customers and achieving the desired level of service performance. According to Chuang (2007), service blueprint can be best described as â€Å"Service blueprinting is the most effective tool used by the service providers for developing a visual template of expressing their goals and desires and link them to the perceptions of the customers and their needs as well with the progress happening in the service delivery process.†Similar to the blueprints used by architects, these service blueprints will act as a communication tool for the service providers and also the service designers as well. The service designers will help their clients in understanding the complete mechanism of the service design and will enable them to keep the track and delivery status and level of their services. The best aspect of the service blueprint is that all the stakeholders can have a visual look at the complete service process and the customers can even discuss any modifications required in the blueprint so the service level of the service providers get enhanced to a much higher level (Spraragen and Chan, 2008). The main aim of the blue print as identified by Mueller et al. (2003) is to ensure that the highest quality of service is provided to the customers and every element important for the customers is incorporated in the service delivery process. Hence, it is rightly stated by Chuang (2007) that the service blueprint is the best tool for helping the service providers in designing appropriate service delivery mechanism so that the customers remain attracted and loyal to the companies. Hence, every service provider must design its service blueprint so that the customers are satisfied with the service quality and are able to generate good stream of revenues as well. Various Lines of interaction in service blueprint According to Dr. Sabine Moeller (2005), there are six major lines in the service blueprints that are crucial for monitoring the level of service provided by the service providers i.e. Line of provider influence (it is the word of mouth about provider or impersonal communication activities or the service provide r), line of customer-customer interaction (the moment at which the interaction takes place on a customer level), line of provider-customer interaction (interaction between the customers and providers that is on bilateral level and the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Orlando Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Orlando - Essay Example he novel, by choosing not to grow old during the three centuries time span of the storyline and most importantly changing gender from male to female, is depicted in such a manner as to provoke the reader’s thought by sincerely analyzing all aspects of the two sexes’ behavioral attributes. Although Woolf’s work of Orlando is a passionate depiction based on the life of her friend and lover Vita Sackville-West as it was originally intended to be, the novel gives us a far more illustrative view of the world concerning gender specifics, sexuality and human nature as it had been during the second half of the previous millennium. According to Wikipedia, the novel can be read as a ‘roman à clef’ which is a work of literature describing real life, behind a faà §ade of fiction and where the main character is usually a famous personality, or in some cases, the author. Woolf has used immense material from the writings of Vita as a basis for her own novel. Even though the main character here is based on the life of Vita, using the overtones of fiction and the liberties made available through fantasy, Woolf was able to construct a well documented biography of Vita, without subjecting herself to criticism or controversy. Themes such as homosexuality have bee n subtly brought into the picture by fictionalizing the real life character as a male who transforms into a female later on. This show the ingeniousness of Virginia Woolf, as most other works of English fiction directly approaching the subject of homosexuality had been banned during her years. Therefore even though she has titled her work as a biography, the novel has been classified as fiction, and this shows how Woolf had intended to cross the boundaries set between fiction and non-fiction with Orlando, â€Å"so the novel is not only about trans-gender, but also trans-genre, so to speak.†(Wikipedia) The book offers us considerable insight into the study and comparison between the male and female mind, as Woolf
Special Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Special Education - Assignment Example Investigation Congress passed Public Law 94 -142 also known as Education of Handicapped Children Act. The act has been codified as the Individuals and Disabilities Education Act or IDEA. The law requires United States schools to offer free appropriate public education to all children with disabilities. Complying with the requirements will precipitate to the United States government’s release of federal funds to the requesting state. In addition, Title 20 of the United States Code Section 1400 states education for children with special disabilities is compulsory. The law clearly shows that the state that does not comply with the Public Law 94 -142 also known as Education of Handicapped Children Act will be meted repercussions like disapproval of fund requests. The law was created because congress found a need to formally institutionalize special learning education as the most appropriate learning venue for student who are too slow to absorb the lessons taught in class. On the s ide of the students with normal learning ability, slowing down the day’s lessons in order to cater to the learning capacity of the students with learning disabilities would create boredom. ... Although each interpretation has its proponents and critics, limited theory and few data are available to guide these important policy decisions. Yet, these decisions will have long-lasting impact on children with learning disabilities, and it is from this perspective that we seek better understanding of the contexts in which children receive their formal education. Studying in a normal classroom learning environment may be psychologically disadvantageous to the children with special learning disabilities. Some of the students with normal learning abilities may criticize or discriminate the classmates with special learning needs. There is a possibility that the intelligent classmates may even complain that the teacher is too slow in teaching the day’s lessons for the sake of the classmates with special learning needs. There is a slight probability that the students with normal learning ability may even ridicule the students with special learning needs. Pijl and Pijl (5) emphas ized the analysis of 31 related researches conducted using the meta –analysis technique showed that there are vivid differences in the learning ability of students with normal learning abilities and students with special learning abilities. The test focused on general intelligence and neuropsychological tests. This means that the students with special learning needs generated lower general intelligence scores compared to students with normal learning capacities. In the same manner, the students with special learning needs generated lower general neuropsychological test scores compared to students with normal learning capacities. The findings indicate that students in regular education
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Orlando Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Orlando - Essay Example he novel, by choosing not to grow old during the three centuries time span of the storyline and most importantly changing gender from male to female, is depicted in such a manner as to provoke the reader’s thought by sincerely analyzing all aspects of the two sexes’ behavioral attributes. Although Woolf’s work of Orlando is a passionate depiction based on the life of her friend and lover Vita Sackville-West as it was originally intended to be, the novel gives us a far more illustrative view of the world concerning gender specifics, sexuality and human nature as it had been during the second half of the previous millennium. According to Wikipedia, the novel can be read as a ‘roman à clef’ which is a work of literature describing real life, behind a faà §ade of fiction and where the main character is usually a famous personality, or in some cases, the author. Woolf has used immense material from the writings of Vita as a basis for her own novel. Even though the main character here is based on the life of Vita, using the overtones of fiction and the liberties made available through fantasy, Woolf was able to construct a well documented biography of Vita, without subjecting herself to criticism or controversy. Themes such as homosexuality have bee n subtly brought into the picture by fictionalizing the real life character as a male who transforms into a female later on. This show the ingeniousness of Virginia Woolf, as most other works of English fiction directly approaching the subject of homosexuality had been banned during her years. Therefore even though she has titled her work as a biography, the novel has been classified as fiction, and this shows how Woolf had intended to cross the boundaries set between fiction and non-fiction with Orlando, â€Å"so the novel is not only about trans-gender, but also trans-genre, so to speak.†(Wikipedia) The book offers us considerable insight into the study and comparison between the male and female mind, as Woolf
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Book Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Book Analysis - Essay Example His efforts in the fight for the rights of different people gained him respect and admiration across the globe. This is the first ever written hypothetical book that highlights the plights that arose when Castro left office. The book explains the truth on the life of Che Guevara on his mission during his lifetime. Che Guevara went for an exile when his was in his revolutionary mission in Bolivia. Many thought he had passed on after he went missing during the period he was away in exile. Later he came back to the public face and fights for the good of the people as his main mission and aim. The book is a biography on the life and death of Che Guevera. Body This section highlights different thematic issues that surround this book. It is important to highlight that this themes will be explained in a vivid manner. I will also highlight different justifications for the themes and how they relate to the author and Che Guevara. Revolution Revolution is seen as the main theme. In the novel, the main theme that is clearly highlighted, and comes out clearly is Che Guevara’s fight for revolution. In the novel, the author talks much of Che Guevera in his mission as a revolutionist. He fought a guerilla type of warfare and his main target in the revolutionary mission was on the call for unity and fights against the racial discrimination on the country. In the novel, John Blackthorm has discussed the various conferences where Che was giving his speech on the call for unity in the country. Unity This book has highlighted the theme of unity. Unity is an aspect that has been stressed by the author. The author has connected this theme with Che Guevara in a better manner. Such issues have been explained in vibrant manner. Che was seen to unify different people in the fight for people’s rights. This book has noted that one of the instances where Che was calling on the unity of the people was in the international conference on the global disarmament and his message wa s that there should be unity among all the anti-colonialists and the imperialist’s movements and there should be a common cause between them and the community. Che worked closely with Castro in the role they undertook of fighting against individualism in the society. He rather encouraged unity and people to work as a whole unit in the state. In brief, it is true to note that Che Guavara has earned respect for his efforts in ensuring unity. Discrimination The book reveals clearly that Che worked for the benefit of the people and not a spy on the people. In the speeches that Che made in various conferences, He in many times wanted for free soviet help. In the partnership that Che made with Washington, this was for the strengthening of the economy of Cuba and against the Soviet Union. Che referred to the racial discrimination that led to the apartheid system in the country. In his speech, Che Guevera said, "How can countries that murder its own children and discriminates between them daily, because of the color of their skins and allows the Negroes murderers to go scot free. Actually protects them and punishes the Negroes for demanding for respect for their lawful rights as human beings, claim to be the guardian of liberty?" In the novel, the instances that remains unforgettable in my entire life. The first one is the case where the writer acknowledges the fruits
Monday, October 14, 2019
Evaluating Strategic Management Essay Example for Free
Evaluating Strategic Management Essay The strategic management process result in decision that can have significant, long lasting consequences. In many organizations, strategy evaluation is simply an appraisal of how well an organization has performed. Strategy evaluation includes three basic activities: 1. Examining the underlying bases of firm strategy 2. Comparing expected result with actual result 3. Taking corrective action to ensure that performance conform to plan. Strategy evaluation is becoming increasingly difficult with the passage of time, for many reasons. domestic And world economies were more stable in years past, product life cycles were longer, product development cycles were longer, technological advancement was slower, change occurred less frequently, there were fewer competitors, foreign companies were weak, and there were more regulated industries. Other reasons why strategy evaluation is more difficult today include the following trends: 1. A dramatic increase in the environment ‘s complexity 2. The increasing difficulty of predicting the future with accuracy 3. The increasing number of variables 4. The rapid rate of obsolescence of even the best plans 5. The increase in the number of both domestic and world events affecting organizations 6. The decreasing time span for which planning can be done with any degree of certainty Four Criteria (Richard Rummelt in evaluating strategic management: †¢ Consistency Strategy should not present inconsistent goals and policies. Conflict and interdepartmental bickering symptomatic of managerial disorder and strategic inconsistency †¢ Consonance Need for strategies to examine sets of trends †¢ Adaptive response to external environment †¢ Trends are results of interactions among other trends †¢ Feasibility Neither overtax resources or create unsolvable sub problems †¢ Organizations must demonstrate the abilities, competencies, skills and talents to carry out a given strategy †¢ Advantage Creation or maintenance of competitive advantage †¢ Superiority in resources, skills, or position Nowadays, the strategy evaluation is become difficult because adjusting with the trends happened. There are some reasons for it: 1. Increase in environment’s complexity 2. Difficulty predicting future with accuracy 3. Increasing number of variables 4. Rate of obsolescence of plans 5. Domestic and global events 6. Decreasing time span for planning certainty a.Reviewing Bases of Strategy – Develop revised EFE Matrix – Develop revised IFE Matrix Review effectiveness of strategy is important to evaluate how far these strategy matches with our goals, the way are: 1. Competitors’ reaction to strategy 2. Competitors’ change in strategy 3. Competitors’ changes in strengths and weaknesses 4. Reasons for competitors’ strategic change 5. Reasons for competitors’ successful strategies 6. Competitors’ present market positions and profitability 7. Potential for competitor retaliation 8. Potential for cooperation with competitors b.Measuring Organizational Performance †¢ Comparing expected to actual results †¢ Investigating deviations from plan †¢ Evaluating individual performance †¢ Progress toward stated objectives
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Radio Frequency Identification Rfid Tourism Essay
Radio Frequency Identification Rfid Tourism Essay Chapter 1 Introduction The 21st century has experienced massive changes and growth in several fields of the world economy. International trade, communication, technology, financial services, manufacturing, and other fields of business have recorded immense growth. To this end, competition is cutthroat as businesses become global and multinational conglomerates dictate business trends. In this regard, international transport, both human and commodity, has immensely increased. The number of ships, airlines, cross-border railways, international highways, and other forms of transport are recording immense volumes of transportation. Such colossal volumes create identification and tracking headaches for businesses as they strive to meet the needs of the customers. Commodities in transit tend to get lost in huge piles of baggage, creating a nightmare for both the client and the business. In the past, several technologies have been used to identify and track baggage. One such technology has been the use of a bar code system, a collection of unique numbers that identifies the specific baggage. While this technology may be effective in identifying items, it was found wanting when it comes to tracking. To solve this, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has been introduced as a means of solving both the identification and tracking requirements. The RFID system is composed of two basic units, the tag and the receiver unit. The tag is a device that contains a small, inexpensive, programmable memory chip and a transponder unit that is attached to the commodity to be transported. The chip is a memory unit that contains unique information regarding the baggage, and the transponder transmits that information to a receiver. Hence, when the baggage or commodity passes through a magnetic reader, the information regarding the baggage is captured and retrieved via the transponder. This information not only identifies what the baggage is and who the owner is, but it also provides information regarding where the baggage has originated (Garfinkel, Juels, Pappu, 2005). The receiver unit is composed of an interrogator which emits a signal that activates the transponder. Once the transponder has forwarded data to the interrogator, the receiver unit has an inbuilt decoder that translates the data and relays it in a manner that can be understood. The RFID concept has since become the preferred tracking technology for most shipments. However, the technology has not been implemented in consumer goods found in stores. This is because tags are still comparably expensive when it comes to consumer goods. Huge shipments such as shipping containers have employed RFID technology as international sea ports have increased their annual luggage capacities. In the aviation industry, much controversy surrounds the use of RFID technology. Some airlines are finding it expensive to introduce, while leading airlines are introducing RFID with a competitive edge in mind. There are also social issues that surround the implementation of RFID. These social issues range from human tracking to tracking baggage even after it has left the airport. Opponents of RFID technology argue that such tracking infringes on privacy and should therefore not be used in any of its forms. While the above argument may be true, RFID provides unrivalled efficiency in han dling goods in transit. History Roberti (2011) explains that RFID technology has been in use for quite a few years now. It is noted that RFID technology was employed in the Second World War in order to identify enemy gunships and fighter planes. In 1980, RFID tags were used to identify military equipment. Garfinkel et al. (2005) assert that recent growth can be attributed to the rise of invasive commerce. In this way, businesses make use of RFID technology to track movement of commodities and by extension understand consumer behavior. These businesses are able to do this by embedding smart readers and transmitters onto commodities in order to track them over a wider distance using a networked system to gather data from different locations. This information provides businesses with a clearer view of which consumers prefer what commodity. This allows businesses to align their production with consumer preference. Uses of RFID As previously mentioned, RFID was first used in warfare to discern friend from enemy. Similarly, the military used the RFID system during the cold war era to identify, manage, and track nuclear weapons. Today, there are several applications of RFID, which may include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Supermarkets and retail stores use RFID to manage inventory, equipment, and staff. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Airports and airlines use RFID to manage staff, passengers, and baggage. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Hospitals have used the technology to manage key equipment, inventory, and staff. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Manufacturing businesses have used RFID to manage inventory and employees. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The military uses the technology to track and monitor personnel and dangerous material such as nuclear weapons. Advantages of RFID One of the greatest advantages of RFID tags is the ability to track consumer goods right from the manufacturer to the point of sale. In general, most goods are produced in foreign nations and shipped to destination countries. However, due to a lack of tracking systems, some goods are lost during transportation, and this is a huge loss for businesses. RFID will give such businesses the opportunity to track shipments. Another advantage of RFID is the ability to decode past information regarding where a person or goods have been. Such historical information is important in providing crucial information regarding past occurrences. The third advantage is that RFID is automated technology that does not require a human being to actively read it, as the bar code system does. Therefore, it eliminates the human error element in tracking and managing movement of goods. Disadvantages of RFID In general, RFID can be dangerous technology if not properly managed. For instance, if RFID is embedded in shoes or clothing, such pieces of clothing can be used to track the movements of an individual around the world. Such tracking highly invades the privacy of an individual without that individuals knowledge or consent. Such tracking may also be a dangerous security risk for individuals. Emirates Airlines The airline industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. As international commerce has rapidly increased, so has the airline industry. Asia, in particular China, India, South Korea, Singapore, the Arabian Gulf, and Malaysia, has spurred growth. The United Arab Emirates has also experienced immense growth, and Emirate Airlines is right in the middle of this growth. Emirates Airlines is the biggest airline in the Middle East with more than two thousand flights per week. The airline prides itself on a 50,000 staff base and long-range flights (, 2008). The airline started off as a business of necessity. The company website explains that in the mid-1980s, the top airline at the time, Gulf Air, reduced flight services into Dubai. Thus, the royal family in Dubai decided to invest in a new airline, and in March 1985, emirates airlines started operating (, 2008). The airline has since registered rapid growth, becoming one of the biggest purchasers of aircrafts. It prides itself on a long-range fleet of both Boeing and Airbus aircrafts. In its hangers are the dream liners Boeing 777 and the magnificent Airbus A380. Such immense growth and investment has led the airline to be a major player in the airline industry. (2008) confirms this by asserting that in 2011, the airline was the fourth largest airline in the world. This success has been attributed to excellence in in-flight service and consistent profits. The company expects to receive an order of 90 Airbus A380 aircraft by 2017. This is the single largest purchase of passenger aircrafts in aviation history securing, its future in the aviation industry. Dubai International Airport DXB Dubai is one of the seven emirates making up the United Arab Emirates and one of the fastest developing locations in the globe. At the center of this development is the Dubai International Airport, referred to as DXB in the aviation world. The airport is the biggest aviation hub in the Middle East, handling 65% of all passengers travelling through the Middle East. The airport handles over 130 airlines that make about six thousand flights per week (, 2008). Home to emirate airlines, DXB has committed an entire terminal to the airline. Dubai International Airport sits about 4km north of central Dubai and handles over 50 million passengers annually. Similarly, it is also the sixth busiest airport in terms of cargo, handling slightly over 2.2 million tons annually. The airport is an important economic establishment in the UAE. The airport provides over 58,000 jobs with hundreds of thousands of indirect employment opportunities. With rapid growth in international tourists visiting Dubai, the airport forecasts that by 2017, it will handle three times the number of passengers visiting today. Similarly, as China and the rest of Asia lead the world in economic growth, Dubai is seeking a more central role as the linkage between the Far East and the rest of the world. Cargo haulage is set to increase at incredible rates. Dubai international airport is constantly looking to expand in order to meet its future needs. A second airport that seeks to complement DXB is Al Maktoum International Airport. Problem Statement With the recent rise in terrorism, drug smuggling, and huge numbers of passengers and cargo, Dubai International Airport and Emirates Airlines are looking to turn to RFID technology. While the concept of RFID may be both timely and necessary, several pertinent issues impact the implementation of RFID at both DXB and Emirates airlines. This research reviews the controversial issues surrounding RFID implementation. The result of this research is to establish whether implementing RFID will be beneficial to DXB and Emirates Airlines. The reason RFID is the preferred technology for the airline and the airport is the ease with which the technology improves management and efficiency. The technology could be used to manage both cargo and passengers. With increasing volumes of baggage, the cost of monitoring such luggage has kept increasing as well. This cost is draining company resources and leading to continually diminishing efficiency. A shift to RFID would help the airline and DXB to become the leading airline and location, respectively, in terms of efficiency in handling both passengers and luggage. Benefits of RFID to Emirates Airlines Emirates airlines has been experiencing an increasing number of passengers and by extension baggage. In addition, with the introduction of Boeing Dreamliners and Airbus A380, airlines have to find a means of bettering their passenger and baggage handling efficiency. With the introduction of RFID technology, Emirates Airlines will shift its business efficiency to new heights. Furthermore, the airline has been experiencing increasing numbers of barcode misreads, and tracing such lost baggage has been a headache. The airline finds such baggage and, at its own cost, ships the baggage to the customers preferred destination. RFID provides effective tracing mechanisms, and the number of such mistakes will be greatly reduced. Benefits to DXB There are several advantages that DXB would accrue by implementing RFID technology. Some of the advantages include: Security: RFID has the advantage of tagging both employees and baggage, and the chips contain information about the state and the location of the subjects. This provides effective security management throughout the entire airport. The tags may also be used as security keys for staff, hence managing the movement of both staff and passengers. Managing Equipment: RFID chips could also be used on equipment and other important airport tools. The technology will provide better equipment management for the airport. Situational Analysis In February 2008, Emirates Airlines announced its first trials with RFID. The airline was to partner with Londons Heathrow, DXB, and Hong Kong International Airport in testing early uses of RFID technology (, 2008). The airline in partnership with DXB and the other airports was going to invest nearly AED 2 million in the technology. The airline was targeting nearly half a million bags over a six-month period. According to Emirates Airlines, RFID not only helps the airline run the business more effectively, but it also gives customers some peace of mind knowing that their baggage is properly and securely handled. Premise This research is based on RFID and the different aspects and the challenges that come with implementing RFID technology both at the Dubai airport and at Emirates Airlines. This paper will explore the different aspects regarding RFID technology, its current applications and the need for the technology at the airport. This paper will delve into the advantages that will accrue upon adopting RFID technology. Definitions Decoder- device translating radio waves to data. DXB- Dubai International Airport RFID- Radio Frequency Identification technology RFID chips- programmable silicon devices that hold subject information. Transponder- transmitter devices that emit radio waves with subject information. Delimitation One of the main limitations is the lack of resources to perform live tests of the different versions of RFID technology. Thus, for the purpose of results and recommendations, this research will rely on scholarly works and case studies on the same. Another limitation that is likely to hamper the project is the time constraints required to evaluate the entire project. Implementing RFID at an international airport and such a massive airline will have several impacts over a long period of time. This project may not have sufficient time to evaluate the challenges and results of implementing RFID.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Variety of Feminisms and their Contributions to Gender Equality by
There are many branches of feministic theorems. As Judith Lorber wrote in her article, The Variety of Feminisms and their Contributions to Gender Equality feminist denominations arose from different views, making many contributions to improve women’s status. Lorber discusses the views of, â€Å"gender reform feminisms, gender resistant feminisms, and gender revolution feminisms†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1) etcetera, all which have fought to improve women’s rights. Though there are many different aspects of viewing feminism, writer and contributor of, Allen Brizee suggests that the main ideology that holds those aspects together is the oppression of women in general. Though, it is when talking about male dominance, women’s resistance, and women’s social roles, that the views on feminism changes. In the book, The Awakening, Kate Chopin greatly reveals women’s resistance within a male dominated society through her main character Edna Pontellier. Si milarly, in her short, The Story of an Hour, Chopin emphasized the oppression that married women went through with their husbands during the late 1800s. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman compelled readers, showing how women’s roles seemed insignificant during the early 1900s. The feminist theory suggested by Brizee can be seen within each of these narratives, and their protagonists. Even to present day, the belief of societies being male-centered still stands. Yet, during the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was clearer that the patriarchal lifestyle was happening. Married women of the era were seen as ‘property’ to their husbands. Robert, Edna’s lover from The Awakening, described her as, â€Å"-not free; you were Mr. Pontellier’s wife. I couldn’t help loving you†¦ so long as I went away from y... ... by her difference from male norms and values.†Sadly many women became exactly what the male powered societies want them to be, because unconsciously, those societies have influenced them to also believe it is the right thing for them to do. Works Cited Brizee, Allen. "Welcome to the Purdue OWL." Purdue OWL: Literary Theory and Schools of Criticism. Ed. J. Case Tompkins. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. New York: Avon, 1972. Print. Chopin, Kate. The Story of an Hour. Logan, IA: Perfection Learning, 2001. Print. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. New York: Feminist, 1973. Print. Hall, Donald. Literacy and Cultural Theory. Houghton, Mifflin Co. 2001. 199-213. Lorber, Judith. The Variety of Feminisms and their Contribution to Gender Equality. Roxbury Pub. 1998. 1-15.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Chains Book Report
Chains Summer Reading and Book Report In the year of 1776, America was much different than it is today. Back then, we were ruled by the British Royal Family, and we only had a total of thirteen colonies. Chains was based in the time of slavery and of the Revolutionary War. Isabel and Ruth were slaves for Miss Finch; in her will, Miss Finch wrote for the sisters to be freed once she had passed. After the funeral, the will could not be acquired. Now the girls were slaves, not free. After this unfortunate event, Isabel was confident that she could find the lawyer who had written the will to prove that they were free.The sisters were then returned to the slave market and sold to the Lockton's, together. The relationship between the British Government and the American Colonies started to crumble. There were several reasons for this. Some people in the Colonies, like the Lockton's, hadn't yet decided which side they are on, Loyalists or Patriots, so they played on both. These people, the à ¢â‚¬Å"half pats†, would get information from America that would be useful in the time of war, and transmit this information to the British Government. This information proved to be crucial to help the Patriots win the Revolutionary War.The Patriots desperately wanted their independence, because there was an official religion and mostly, of the incredibly heavy taxes set in America. New York City was very different than it is today; no taxi's, no Time Square, and absolutely no skyscrapers, but there was tension in the air as if something on a large scale was about to occur. There were grand mansions on the street corners, people going to the shops in carriages, and mostly there were slaves. During the time of war, soldiers were rummaging through houses looking for anything made of lead, for ammunition.The Loyalists and the Patriots were both using spies to help them gain the advantage in the Revolutionary War. The British Government was using the Lockton's as well as other â₠¬Å"half pats†, while the Patriots were using Isabel and other slaves for spies. Many of the â€Å"half pats†we're under surveillance by the continental army during the time of the Revolutionary War. The first major theme of Chains is determination, as a result of Isabel being very determined to find the lawyer that had written Miss finch's will to prove that she and her sister were free.Even though Mr. Roberts acquired the sisters from Miss Finch, he sold the sisters to the Lockton's. Isabel told Mr. Roberts that in Miss Finch's will the sisters should be freed. He informed Isabel that was a lie and said she couldn't read. Isabel still was very determined to prove him wrong. The second important theme is patience. If it wasn't for Isabel having abundant patience, then the sisters' wouldn't be in the place that they are now. Isabel worked every day for hours upon hours and did not complain about anything.She would clean, sweep, wash, dry and any other job that Master or Madam Lockton needed, yet still she had patience that something great would finally happen to them. The third major theme of this book is family. When Isabel and Ruth's mother died, all of her belongings were given to the girls, but once Miss Finch passed, those belonging weren't Isabel's and Ruth's anymore. When they were sold, Isabel took some flower seeds to plant as a memoir of their mother. As if it couldn't get any worse, Ruth was then separated from Isabel to be Madam Lockton's personal slave.Family was very important because since Isabel lost Ruth, she has no family left. Chains could greatly change the world today. First, if we all learned to appreciate all of our belongings and not crave more and more, then we would all be a completely altered people. In the book, Isabel was taken from her former home and put in a new dwelling with basically nothing. The only thing that Isabel and Ruth were able to snatch were a handful of their mothers flower seeds. Ruth didn't even get to grab her precious doll that her mother had made for her before she had passed.Secondly, if we started to spend more time with our family, then the world could be changed as well. The only family that Isabel and Ruth had was their mother, and when she passed they had no one left, not one single family member they knew. Lastly, if we were all as determined as Isabel was, then the world would also be forever changed. We would be determined to finish homework on time, get good grades on tests, and mostly, be determined to follow the golden rule. Treat others like you would like to be treated. If that happened, then there would be no murders, no stealing, basically no crime, and in schools no bullying.Isabel was so determined to find her former owner's will to prove they were free. If she couldn't find the will the consequences would be life as a slave. I feel as if I am changed on the inside, because all that Isabel and Ruth went through was so extreme. If I was in their place, I wou ld probably not be as determined, or as courageous as either of them. I can definitely relate to Isabel, because it appeared Ruth had special needs. It seemed she did not talk very much and when she did it sounded as if she was in her own little world.I relate to this because I have a brother with special needs. I feel responsible to keep an eye on him, help him, and mostly protect him. Like Isabel I need to protect him from from the dangers of other people and of many items that could harm him. I really started to appreciate most things that we take for granted like having a family, the house that I live in, my iPad, my iPod and my phone, and a bed. Isabel and Ruth were explaining that to make their bed more firm they would add corn husk to it, while we all complain about springs or foam.All of the little things that we don't really notice all come into play when they're gone. I already knew that slavery was quite a big deal, but after reading it from a slaves point of view totally changes what I though was real history. I also didn't realize that the tension between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain was so large. I didn't know that the British government were using Loyalists as â€Å"half pats†to gain information from the patriots. This book helped me learn so much about the relationship between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain.I really did love this book but there were a couple of things that didn't quite make sense to me, like, what did Mr. Roberts do to the will at the beginning? Or did he do anything to it at all? The main part that I did dislike very much was when they would talk and they would use slang words, and I would get lost and have to reread to finally understand. Overall this was an excellent book. It described the tension between the Colonies and Great Britain, why the Patriots and the Loyalists split, why the Loyalists still remained in the Colonies, and why the Patriots sought independence and freedom.In conclusion Chai ns tells us to appreciate the things that we have and the people that we love. This book is not just a book that has a story that goes along with it, it is a moral that we all should abide by. Just think, if we all followed all of the themes and morals in this book, we could say we are pretty close to perfect. To be and to follow all of the themes and morals are nearly impossible but if we believe that we can, we can achieve anything.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Disadvantages of Homeschooling Essay
Is it a bad thing that homeschooled kids may be different than public school kids? Some people say that homeschooled children are smart and polite. On the other hand, there is a different opinion that home-educated children are lazy, old-fashioned, naive and do not have a good education. Homeschooling is the education of children at home by parents who have numerous reasons for it; for example, better test results, religious reasons, and living in isolated rural areas. Robert Paul Reyes in his article â€Å"Home Schooling; Not a Good Idea†explains, â€Å"The proponents of home schooling say it gives parents control of their children’s curriculum and protects them from the violence, sex, drugs, and other social ills that beset the public school system†(1). Homeschooling is a legal choice for parents to teach their children, but I am against home education for everyone. There are many important reasons for anti-homeschooling including lack of social skills, unqualified teacher-parents, and a lack of knowledge and education for special needs children. One reason against homeschooling is that children are unprepared socially in real life by studying at home. Some parents do not like public schools. They state, that it is enough for kids to communicate only with family members (Reyes 1). However, children who study at home during their informative years will find it extremely difficult to live in the real world. These kids do not experience other cultures and do not have communicational skills. â€Å"How can a young person learn to appreciate other cultures if he or she doesn’t live among them? (Scaccia 2) For example, my neighbor, a girl 23 years old, was homeschooled as a child, and then worked in a store. She absolutely does not have social skills. She cannot hold a job, because she cannot work with customers or on a team with other employees. Thit is why studying in public school children can learn basic manners, teamwork, and respect for others. The second reason for anti- homeschooling is that a parent cannot teach a child in every subject as well as an educated teacher. †Not everyone is qualified to be a teacher. A lot of parents can’t balance a checkbook or find Iraq on a map  let alone teach their young Algebra & Geography. Just because you love little Johnny does not qualify you to be his teacher†¦ My mom and dad loved me, but it was a 6th grade teacher that instilled in me a love of reading and writing. †(Reyes 1) Some people think that there are many books to teach their children at home, and it is not a problem if parents are not highly educated. According to Tamara Eaton,†Here’s your chance to learn right along with your children! There are tremendous resources available to help us teach our own children. Studies have proven time and again that the success of homeschooling is not dependent upon the level of the parents’ education. †(2) The truth is that parents cannot be good and have knowledge in Math, History, Grammar, and Music at the same time. Moreover, parent-teachers often do not have time and energy to teach kids, because there is a lot of work at home; such as, housecleaning and preparing food. Finally, homeschooling is bad for special needs children, because homeschooling parents don’t have special knowledge. According to Jesse Scaccia, â€Å"Homeschooling of these children is tricky, because a lot of special knowledge is needed. It is certainly quite safe to leave the education of these children to the experts. Special education teachers have been trained with the necessary skills to handle and teach special needs children. †(4) I met a family who has a disabled child. The child cannot walk, sit, or talk. In three years, this child studying in a public school can understand and explain many things by pointing with one finger. Often, parents decide to keep their disabled children at home all the time. That is why these kids cannot communicate with other children and feel isolated. What kind of future is for these children without well-educated specialists? In conclusion, some parents want to homeschool their children, because they wish to save their kids from bad things that happen in the public schools. Religion and living in isolated areas are also the reasons for home education. However, homeschooling is not for everyone, because homeschooled children get very little socialization to other cultures and have communication problems. Moreover, many parents are not qualified to be the teachers, especially in different areas; such as, History, Geography, Algebra, and foreign language. Also, keeping disabled children at home all the time is a terrible mistake. These children can get special education and services in the public schools by interacting with other kids. The only important and main key in a child’s success at a happy life is parental involvement. Parents must always educate their children and teach them to behave well, but the child can also be learning these lessons by teachers and their school peers.
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