Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Foolproof Argumentative Essay Samples for Gre Strategy
The Foolproof Argumentative Essay Samples for Gre Strategy Argumentative Essay Samples for Gre and Argumentative Essay Samples for Gre - The Perfect Combination This tutorial can help to pick a suitable topic question. Writing an outline is a rather effective means to think through how you'll organize and present the info in your essay. Lesson Summary To review, so as to use numerous sources effectively when writing a persuasive paper, you're want to first conduct research to discover credible sources or thoroughly review any sources that were offered to you. Choosing topics is an individual skill you should learn and practice at school, so quit procrastinating and stick to the simple tips below to be able to produce fresh ideas and make a great topic to work on. Argumentative Essay Samples for Gre Help! Simply type example of an argumentative essay and you'll find distinctive sorts of samples. When looking where to purchase argumentative essays, you have probably already encounter number of different sites that provide similar services and even checked their sample essays. Samples are the tools that produce the whole writing process simpler. Each sample is meticulously written by an identical expert freelance writers that you will be matched with upon placing your purchase. It's fine to jot down simple thoug hts and sentence fragments. It is essential that the thesis statement ought to be slimmed down so as to stick to the guidelines of the given writing exercise. Think about the place of the audience reading your paper and whether there is enough applicable proof to back up your thesis. Bear in mind, the most important goal is to prove your thesis is a valid argument. Most Noticeable Argumentative Essay Samples for Gre On-line documents There are sample argument essays which can be accessed through internet links. Be aware that excerpt is a fancy word for a brief piece taken from a lengthier work. You've sought out a service from where you are able to buy argumentative essay samples and now you wish to acquire the absolute most out of it that you're able to. For your debate to be a strong one you always need to double check to see whether there are enough data and information that can back up your viewpoint. The distinction is that the thesis of an argument essay is known as a CLAIM. Argumentative essays also incorporate a kind of thesis. Argumentative essay examples are employed within this guide to help you realize how to write one. First paragraph consists of strong thesis statement which will be proved further in essay. Whether it's an argumentative or expository essay that you're writing, it is essential to develop a clear thesis statement and a crystal clear sound reasoning. Before concluding the essay, it is crucial to summarise with a strong emphasis on the subject. There's a logical transition between each component of essay. Make certain you are aware of what the distinctive qualities of an argumentative essay are. If you would like to learn more about the argumentative essay read a brief summary on four essay types within this guide. No matter the quantity or kind of research involved, argumentative essays must set a very clear thesis and follow sound reasoning. An argumentative essay doesn't include unsubstantiated opinions. Whatever They Told You About Argumentative Essay Samples for Gre Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why If you believe you need more, you are able to even choose an expert essay writer holding PhD degree in requested area. This essay will appear at a number of the explanations for this difference at university level. Don't forget, your major argumentative points ought to be driving your essay. So when you purchase sample argumentative essays from Ultius, you will have the peace of mind you have earned from a comprehensive writing service. Facts, Fiction and Argumentative Essay Sam ples for Gre When you've decided on a subject, think about the advantages and disadvantages of the problem. There's a remarkable remedy to your issue! When choosing an issue to argue, you must pick a topic that has more than 1 side. Definite topic and any type of prompt given in class would be a terrific start.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Alzheimer s Disease And Vascular Dementia - 1510 Words
Dementia is a disease that is seen to be affecting many of our elderly population nowadays. Dementia patients show progressive symptoms, which become severe with age. Some of the symptoms include memory loss, difficulty performing intellectual activities and overall lose of cognition. There are many causes of dementia so therefore the prevalence rate of it is increasing yearly. Dementia can be caused due to genetic vulnerability such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), lifestyle choices and from other chronic disorders, which increase your risk of getting dementia. Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia are the two most prevalent forms of dementia (ref). Dementia is also sometimes related to other genetic disorders such as Parkinson’s disease†¦show more content†¦In order to understand the key social determinants of Dementia and to develop an effective prevention strategy it is crucial to understand some of the biology and epidemiology of the disease. Dement ia is a brain disorder in which person starts to lose control of his/her cognition and starts to forget a lot. Around 7.5 out of 1000 people are affected with dementia around the world (Ref). Dementia is a typically more prevalent in seniors that are 65 years or older. There are many reasons for that main one being the other chronic disease that start to affect their body. Dementia is seen to affect more of the developing countries as 60% of all the dementia cases are in the developing countries. (Ref) So even though dementia has a biological reasoning it occurs its prevention lies within its social determinants that make this disease so prevalent. Social life and family supports are key components in a person’s life. Family support and social engagement keeps the mind engaged and person dwells upon the emotional connection he/she develops. Elderly people who tend be more socially active in their old age are less likely to develop dementia as compared to those that isolate themselves (ref). Having family support is a key social part in an elderly’s life which not only gives them emotional support but also practical support. The family can look after the elderly and can
Friday, May 15, 2020
Cyber Attacks And Its Impacts On The Confidentiality,...
Malware Concerns The most compelling category of cyber-attacks is the malware, which negatively impacts the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of a network or system from attacks ranging from the network level up to the operating system level. Therefore, the organizations need to safeguard their network and system components at all possible levels, to avoid a possible malware intrusion (Stallings Brown, 2012). Various critical categories of malware and their attacking patterns and approaches are comprehensively analyzed in this critical thinking paper. Additionally, one of the critical malware types is highlighted with examples of the various attacks that challenged supposedly well-secured organizations. Categories of Malware Stallings and Brown (2012) provided an excellent categorization of malware. The primary categories are derived on the basis of propagation and payloads, where propagation contains types such as infected content, for example, viruses; vulnerability exploits, for example, worms; and social engineering, for example, spam e-mails and Trojans. On the other hand, the payload contains types such as system corruption; attack agent, for example, zombie and botnets; information theft, for example, key-loggers, phishing, and spyware; and stealthing, for example, backdoors and rootkits (Stallings Brown, 2012). Propagation Type Malware In the category of propagation the first significant type is the virus that infects an executable content byShow MoreRelatedU.s. Department Of Health And Human Services Essay875 Words  | 4 Pagesthat cover a vast spectrum of activities that impact health, public health, and human services outcomes throughout the life span. 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The anxiety around these threats is vindicated, as research exhibits that attacks on theRead MoreData Breach At The U.s. Office Of Personnel Management Essay1600 Words  | 7 Pagesdescribes the attack origin on how attackers gain access into the OPM infrastructure, the action performed, the assets compromised, and the state effect of the vulnerabilities. Moreover, brief the direct and intangible cost of the OPM cybercrime into the numerous impact factors. System-Fault-Risk (SFR) Framework Although the system-fault-risk framework consists of eight categories, this report will focus on the particulars of the initial threat followed by three elements of the actual attack. By understandingRead MoreData Breaches At The U.s. Office Of Personnel Management Essay1594 Words  | 7 Pagesdescribes the attack origin on how attackers gain access into the OPM infrastructure, the action performed, the assets compromised, and the state effect of the vulnerabilities. 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As a trusted service providerRead MoreCyber Security And Cyber Attacks1503 Words  | 7 Pagesof threats that have could negatively impact organizations information security. A vast majority of organizations rely on computers and the internet to store its data. Cyber attacks can take place in a variety of industries that might the general population does not realize such as cellular communication services, airplane navigation systems, and medical record security. All of these organizations are in highly diverse industries but need to be aware of cyber threats that could affect their specificRead MoreRole Of The Power Industry And The Services It Provides Essay1589 Words  | 7 Pagesis maintaining data integrity and availability of resources while ensuring that all systems and facilities exceed the industry standards. This strategy is critically important due to the nature of the power industry and the services it provides. The implementation of the controls falls in line wit h the cybersecurity strategy designated by leadership. The hacktivist and virus attack were able to successfully penetrate our system causing downtime and affecting system integrity. Cyberattacks areRead MoreThe Components Of Lifecycle Of Network Security812 Words  | 4 Pagesdeliver different services over the internet. The cyber security is basically a practice that helps organizations minimize risks, helps the security operations in an effective manner, provide authentication and access control for resources, guarantee availability of resources and also helps to achieve regularity for enhancing own business network. The basic components of the security include; confidentiality (maintaining privacy of the data), integrity (detecting the data is not tampered), authenticationRead MoreCyber Security Vulnerabilities : Information Systems And Network1614 Words  | 7 PagesCyber Security Vulnerabilities Abstract There are several cyber security vulnerabilities that organizations and individuals need to consider to protect the integrity and confidentiality of their computer systems and networks. These vulnerabilities include software and hardware, intranet, enterprise network, wide and local area network, and transmission media. This paper, therefore, focuses on software and hardware vulnerabilities as the most important and the reasons it is the most important. The
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
European Influence in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, presents the result of colonization of the Ibo people by the European missionaries. The Ibo culture is threatened to change by the European influence. Villagers are divided between resisting a new lifestyle or embracing it for better opportunities in society. The struggle to keep Ibo traditions alive is reflected in Okonkwo and Obierika’s relationship to one another. Okonkwo represents the resistance of change by keeping traditional values in high regard while, Obierika signifies the openness to opportunity by questioning the current Ibo values. The arrival of European missionaries persuades the exchange of traditional Ibo methods, customs, and community for Christianity, resulting in the community to fall apart. Before the arrival of European influence, villagers of Umuofia had a single option for a way of life. It was a place to be feared, dominated by war and violent practices. Ibo culture is centered on a patriarchal system based on hierarchy; the highest titles held by male egwugwu in the legal system and the osu at the bottom. The main character, Okonkwo, represents the ambition to strive for a higher position in society in order to gain status: â€Å"His life had been ruled by a great passion-to become one of the lords of the clan†(131). Another aspect in Ibo culture is the representation of women. They are undermined in order for men to achieve success; bride prices are used to able men to marry more than one wife and husbands areShow MoreRelatedImperialism In The 19Th Century Resulted In European Countries1726 Words  | 7 Pagesin European countries using social Darwinism to justify controlling the social and cultural lives of natives in African countries.When Chinua Ache be published Things fall apart in 1958, a novel criticizing the European aspects of imperialism, his aspiration was to teach readers that â€Å"their past-with all its imperfections-was not one long night of savagery from which the first Europeans acting on God’s behalf delivered them†(Chinua Achebe on the Role of the African Writer, 1964). Chinua Achebe helpedRead MoreA Study on the Author, Chinua Achebe 1467 Words  | 6 Pages A STUDY OF THE AUTHOR, CHINUA ACHEBE Chinua Achebe was born unto a Nigerian parents in Nigeria on November 16, 1930. He was from a family that born six kids; he being the fifth among them. Chinua Achebe’s parents were Isaiah Okafor Achebe and Janet Achebe. He begin an English at eight in Ogidi, Nigeria. Encouraged by his father, he was excited to learned English quickly. His father Isaiah Achebe was one of the first that converted from their religion to Christianity and he also foundedRead MoreAchebe1599 Words  | 7 Pagesof The Ibo People in Things Fall Apart Option 1 The late Chinua Achebe is considered to be one of the most important voices in African literature. Born in colonial Nigeria in the 1930’s, Achebe joined the first wave of African writers who were determined to represent their country in a way that would truthfully depict the past and present. Before the arrival of the first wave writers, the history of pre-colonial Africa was portrayed as a place of barbarous activity. European novelists such as JosephRead MoreThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe1324 Words  | 6 Pages Chinua Achebe chose to write his novels in English to reveal a deep response of his people to colonisation and to make that response understood to people all over the world. Things Fall Apart was written in English to teach people worldwide of the struggles he faced and the people of Nigeria faced growing up. Many authors and critics have written about Achebe’s ‘Things fall apart’ adding their valued opinion on what he was trying to say and his decision to write in English. In the followingRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1325 Words  | 6 Pages Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Thing Fall Apart, first published in 1958, is Chinua Achebe’s first and most acclaimed novel. Achebe illustrates an approving rendering of Nigerian and African tribal life prior to and subsequent to colonialism. Achebe presents various aspects of a native African community, including war, women mistreatment, violence and conflict, while maintaining a balance in social coherence, customs and tradition. Achebe portrays a clash of culturesRead MoreAfrican Literature : Is It Truly Authentic?1214 Words  | 5 PagesAfrican experience. Ever since the mid 1700’s to 1800’s, European countries were taking interest in colonizing African countries. Since then there has been many works of literature that came from Africa from people who have European ancestry in them. On one side, people would argue that these writers are authentic African writers. On the other hand, some would disagree that these writers are authentic African writers because of the European influence wit hin the writing. One African writer in particularRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe1452 Words  | 6 Pagesrecorded element from 1750 to 1945. This paper visits how control and changes were influences over the Africans during this time period as seen through Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart. (UKEssays, 2015) Europe was experiencing a few financial and political changes that forced the major European forces to investigate abroad regions to add to their resources during the seventeenth century. In order for the European forces to settle in Africa, it was important to apply finish control over the AfricanRead MoreChinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart Essay1736 Words  | 7 PagesThe classic African literary tale Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, is a brilliant account of historical African culture and the destruction colonialism can cause upon such cultures. As the reader follows the narrative and complexity of the characters through the novel, a sense of pride, trust, and faith in history emerges. Yet, with the introduction of colonialism the characters must learn to embrace and adapt to a new culture and set of beliefs or face termination from society. TheRead MoreThings Fall Apart Best Qoutes1148 Words  | 5 PagesBeware Okonkwo! she warned. Beware of exchanging w ords with Agbala. Does a man speak when a god speaks? Beware! - Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 11 It was like beginning life anew without the vigor and enthusiasm of youth, like learning to become left-handed in old age. - Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 14 if one finger brought oil it soiled the others. Chapter 13, Pg. 111 It was like beginning life anew without the vigor and enthusiasm of youth, like learningRead MoreInternal Conflict In Things Fall Apart1971 Words  | 8 PagesZacharias Coulis Mr. McB Honors World Lit How and Why Things Fall Apart Rise and fall, highs and lows, peaks and bases. These words can be used to describe a number of things. In history, it can represent times of strength and weakness of a culture, person, empire, or country. Cultures face many obstacles that can lead to success or to their destruction. During the European colonization movement, many cultures were faced with the threat of extinction. When a culture is faced with colonization people’s
Corporate Social Responsibility ( Csr ) - 1550 Words
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a model for incorporating ethical trade into their business models in order to benefits society. Corporate social responsibility is a term which develops â€Å"corporate culture†. Corporation incorporated each area into their business models as well as culture. It could be argued that companies have an ethical and moral obligation to help different communities that they operate and provide some advantages to employees. However, other experts argue that the main aim of business is only make money. But nowadays many business leaders and governments are focusing more and more on the concept of â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility†. Corporate social responsibility does not mean just taking part on top of†¦show more content†¦Chappel says that Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as the local community and society (Moon 2005, P 415). Hence it can be said that companies and businesses should be involved in helping the society and community. Businesses should takes some positive small investment in urban area so people can get job and different basic needs such as clean water, shelter and food. As a result people can live our life in urban area with good facilities and services. Furthermore, businesses are also helping to save environment for the welfare of the society. Today myriad environmental organization and leadership companies define corporate environmental responsibility as the duty to protect environment. And they have been assuming a positive role in furthering the causes of environmental protection in many ways such as make good product, eliminate waste and emission. But these companies take the view that financial and environmental performance can work each other to follow company growth as well as social reputation. â€Å"We green the earth†slogan made by some MNCs in Malaysia because we want to do something protect to environmental for the future generation (Towers Perrin, 2009). â€Å"Green Peace mission†is another example of CSR
Practicing Flipped Classroom Strategy †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Practicing Flipped Classroom Strategy. Answer: Introduction It is evident that there is a clear difference between learning from own experiences and leaning from books (Jones and Casulli 2014). In the perspective of philosophers the knowledge which is obtained from books is informative however, knowledge gained from worldly experiences is sure to be treasured. Knowledge is divine and it is important to gain adequate knowledge either from books or experiences (Oleson and Hora 2014). Therefore in this essay the perspective of Authors towards knowledge gained from both the sources shall be emphasized. It is noteworthy to mention here that books are not always informative and accurate (Kong 2014). The ideas depicted in them are often complex in nature it makes it difficult for new readers to understand. This is due to reason that books are written by experienced authors where the language used is often contradictory which cannot be understood by all (Ruiz, Foguem and Grabot 2014). However, it is not mandatory to experience everything that has been read (Durmusoglu et al. 2014). For instance, a person has gained adequate knowledge from academic books and literature about the Himalayas; he shall not travel to the Himalayas to gain experiences. His knowledge shall be limited within the ideas contained in the book. In this regard, the experiences of visiting a real life place can be emphasized. The information depicted in the travel books provided adequate information (Kong 2014). However, any person willing to experience those should only rely upon the travel books at the first place. Those books provided with information that there are various religious and sacred sites to visit in Maldives however, the people are unwelcoming. However, this is absolutely incorrect the local people of Maldives are very friendly and approaching. Therefore in some cases the information contained in books could be inaccurate as most of them were based on age-old information. Therefore, personal experience is the best way to gather information. It is worth mentioning that knowledge gathered from experience remains for lifetime. Books written by various experts belonging to different fields vary ideas. For instance, an idea shared by an author regarding a particular subject-matter may differ from other experts which create confusion in the minds of the readers. Knowledge acquired from academic literatures is always accepted however gaining knowledge from books shall not form an important part of the memory for lifetime (Razmerita, Kirchner and Nabeth 2014). It can be emphasized that the knowledge obtained from personal experiences stays for a long time in the memories. In recent trends of globalization, the world has become a competitive place to live in. However, as far as knowledge is concerned it is essential that it should enumerate from both the sources- books and experiences (Ruiz, Foguem and Grabot 2014). In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the knowledge which individuals gain from real life experiences can be preserved for lifetime as it plays an important role in shaping our minds and perspectives (Razmerita, Kirchner and Nabeth 2014). It can be stated that a book is considered as a reliable source of information (Oleson and Hora 2014). Therefore, in order to obtain relevant information it is important to read books daily in order to form a fundamental part of the routine. It is evident that books serves as an important source of knowledge and one can develop clear idea regarding the history, cultural background and even socio-political conditions of a country (Fraley and Hudson 2014). In some cases, authors share their own experie nces in the books and therefore by reading such books individuals are able see the world through the authors eyes. The detailed concepts contained in books are enough for a reader to understand the theoretical concepts (Oleson and Hora 2014). However, in order to understand practical concepts, real life experiences are required. Students belonging to various educational backgrounds are benefited from the concepts depicted in academic books and literatures. In this regard, it is noteworthy to mention here that students belong to technical background requires the assistance of books and practical experiences (Van Otterlo 2015). In modern era, books are available in different formats like e-books, online journals which can be easily accessed by individuals in order to gain appropriate knowledge (Ruiz, Foguem and Grabot 2014). According to my point of view, the knowledge that individuals gain from their real life experiences is valued for lifetime. It is true that the things which we learn and the ideas we develop are obtained from books (Razmerita, Kirchner and Nabeth 2014). One can learn more effectively by experiencing the values and ideas of the outside world. A book cannot help an individual to feel the way he wants to during a particular situation. In addition, it can be stated that the knowledge which we gather from our experiences by exploring new things remains with us for a long time. It is impossible on the part of individuals to forget the memories of their past experiences (Durmusoglu et al. 2014). It is known to all that real life experiences are mostly memorable and enjoyable which helps to retain the memories of the past. With the help of such lively experiences individuals are able to learn from different situations like how to deal with issues during serious crisis. For the purpose of understanding any concept it is important for the individuals to experience them practically. Different people may have distinct perspectives about a particular object. However, it is important to understand the views of different people by practically implementing their ideas. It is important to note here that with the help of sufficient knowledge, a person shall not be able to gain knowledge about all aspects (Van Otterlo 2015). For instance surgery cannot be performed without prior experience in practical training. Mere knowledge of books shall not assist doctors in performing surgeries. Since time immemorial, mankind relied on books for gathering knowledge. It can be significantly noted that people mostly depend upon books for gathering relevant information while in some cases they prefer real-life experiences to gather knowledge (D'amico 2016). In my perspective, books can be considered as important secondary sources which help to facilitate knowledge in individuals to a great extent. However, books cannot replace the importance of life experiences as the knowledge gained from primary sources is more accurate and relevant (Ihmeideh 2014). In spite of various advantages, there are several disadvantages with real-life experiences as well. For instance, in order to gain knowledge regarding Egyptian pyramids it is important to gather information by visiting the site. However, it is not always possible to visit each and every place of interest in order to gather information. Information from books can be gathered within a short span of time. On the other hand, collecting information from real-life experiences can be time consuming. Conclusion In the conclusion it can be stated knowledge gained from personal experiences appears to be more relevant as compared to books. This is due to the reason that in some cases the information depicted in books may appear inaccurate and irrelevant. It is important to mention here that with experiences the knowledge shall be limited to our own views. With the help of books individuals will be able to access information about different authors and their perspectives. Accessing information books are comparatively cheaper than travelling. However it is important to gain equal knowledge from both the sources. Books are written by well experienced subject experts and therefore comparing our real-life experiences with their perspectives shall provide us in-depth information about the relevant field. References: D'amico, R., 2016. Historicism and knowledge. Durmusoglu, S., Jacobs, M., Zamantili Nayir, D., Khilji, S. and Wang, X., 2014. The quasi-moderating role of organizational culture in the relationship between rewards and knowledge shared and gained.Journal of Knowledge Management,18(1), pp.19-37. Fraley, R.C. and Hudson, N.W., 2014. Review of intensive longitudinal methods: an introduction to diary and experience sampling research. Ihmeideh, F.M., 2014. The effect of electronic books on enhancing emergent literacy skills of pre-school children.Computers Education,79, pp.40-48. Jones, M.V. and Casulli, L., 2014. International entrepreneurship: Exploring the logic and utility of individual experience through comparative reasoning approaches.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,38(1), pp.45-69. Kong, S.C., 2014. Developing information literacy and critical thinking skills through domain knowledge learning in digital classrooms: An experience of practicing flipped classroom strategy.Computers Education,78, pp.160-173. Oleson, A. and Hora, M.T., 2014. Teaching the way they were taught? Revisiting the sources of teaching knowledge and the role of prior experience in shaping faculty teaching practices.Higher Education,68(1), pp.29-45. Razmerita, L., Kirchner, K. and Nabeth, T., 2014. Social media in organizations: leveraging personal and collective knowledge processes.Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce,24(1), pp.74-93. Ruiz, P.P., Foguem, B.K. and Grabot, B., 2014. Generating knowledge in maintenance from Experience Feedback.Knowledge-Based Systems,68, pp.4-20. Van Otterlo, M., 2015. The libraryness of calculative devices.Algorithmic Life: Calculative Devices in the Age of Big Data, p.35.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Pips mysterious benefactor Essay Example For Students
Pips mysterious benefactor Essay Mr Jaggers function in the novel is to link between the two plots of Magwitch and Miss Havisham. Jaggers was Pips guardian whilst he was in London. Pip thought that Miss Havisham was his benefactor as Jaggers represented Miss Havisham as her lawyer. However, as we learn later in the book Jaggers also represents the convict, Abel Magwitch and the convict turns out to become Pips mysterious benefactor. Jaggers role in the novel is to mislead Pip and the reader into thinking that he will be receiving Miss Havishams money when she dies. Jaggers knows everyones secrets. He knows that Estellas farther is the convict and helped Estellas mother stay out of prison. This presents him as a very influential man who knows everything. He knows who is who and what is what. He is the person who helps people stay alive. Mr Jaggers is a very cold but powerful person. The walls in Jaggers office shows this. One wall is full of casts and the wall opposite Jaggers is very greasy. He is so cold and powerful that when he talks people are terrified. When Pip entered the room he said, The wall, especially opposite to Mr Jaggers chair, being greasy with shoulders. This means when he talks to someone he is so commanding that the person stands as far away as possible and sweats as if he was standing a metre away from the sun. This shows that Jaggers nearly bullies his clients. He even keeps reminders of the people that made him what he is, Two dreadful casts on a shelf. These casts are people from his famous cases. Also, he makes sure that he is paid before he starts helping people. He says Have you paid Wemmick? many times in the book. Jaggers is detached from human emotion. He sees that if he shows his emotions that he is unprofessional. When Pip went to Jaggers office for the first time, he said that Jaggers never laughed and that his eyebrows were always joined together, awaiting an answer. Pip asked Jaggers clerk Wemmick about the lawyers odd manner and Wemmick replied, Its not personal, its professional; only professional. Pip goes to London and meets Jaggers in chapter twenty. Pip has high expectations of London but he is disappointed when he finds out that London is a miserable place full of odd characters. Pips first impressions of Jaggers office were not good either. It was a dark place lit by only one skylight and there were plenty of odd objects Such as a rusty old pistol, a sword in a scabbard, several strange-looking boxes and packages and two dreadful casts on a shelf. Pip became fascinated by the dismal atmosphere. This makes the reader think that Jaggers will also be dismal. Mr Jaggers own high-backed chair was of deadly black horse-hair, with rows of brass nails round it, like a coffin. This description makes the reader believe that Jaggers must be a deadly character and not a person to mess with. The area around Jaggers office is even gloomier. The Smithfield part of London is seen as a dirty, dreadful place. It is crowded with people and buildings. Jaggers office is near Newgate prison and the law courts. The world of Little Britain (Smithfield) is a world of violence in which the law is seen as entertainment only. Smithfield has a market, I came into Smithfield being all asmear with filth and fat and blood and foam. The blood is from the market meat but the blood links the market with the executions that also take place in the area. .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 , .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 .postImageUrl , .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 , .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212:hover , .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212:visited , .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212:active { border:0!important; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212:active , .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212 .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u17cd533db511dc378d87120ce1617212:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Neoclassical Poetry EssayPip left the market and onto the outskirts of Newgate prison, People standing about, smelling strongly of spirits and beers, I inferred that the trials were on. This shows the reader that the trials are seen as entertainment. The word spirit has two connotations it could mean a drink or it could mean the spirit of a dead person. Pip was invited to go into the courthouse to see the trial. A partially drunk minister of justice asked me if I would like to step in and hear a trial or so informing me that he could give me a front place for half a crown. This shows that people make money out of people being sent to prison and being hung. People are prepared to pay money to see the trials it would be as entertaining as watching television nowadays. The minister then took Pip to see the gallows and where people were whipped. The minister must have thought that Pip was interested and wanted to see where people were humiliated and murdered. Pip was horrified to see what the minister was wearing. (From his hat down to his boots and up again to his pocket handkerchief inclusive) mildewed clothes, which evidently not belonged to him originally. Pip thought that the ministers clothes were bought from the executioner. This should have horrified the reader as they would not have liked to wear a dead persons clothes. Mr Jaggers is presented as a powerful man. He seems more powerful than the law. When the coachman took Pip to Jaggers office he asked for more than a shilling, Pip said no, so the coachman said, Then it must be a shilling, I dont want to get into any trouble. I know him (Jaggers). This shows that Jaggers must be very powerful if the coachman thought he would get into trouble. Jaggers says, Have you paid Wemmick? many times. He will not help anyone until he is paid. This shows that he is always in control.
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