Thursday, January 31, 2019
A View From the Bridge - Arthur Miller Essay example -- English Litera
A View from the bridge by Arthur Miller turn up the ideas of manliness, hostility and aggression in a viewfrom the bridge. How ar these ideas connected?In this essay I will examine the ideas of manliness, hostility andaggression are connected to each other in a view from the bridge.The play is situated in a slum near the Brooklyn Bridge. In the story the principal(prenominal) character is Eddie carbone and we see many sides to thischaracter throughout the play. Eddie carbone is a midriff aged mangoing through a mid manner crisis. Many things are causing this mid lifecrisis, but the main thing and the most obvious one is therelationship between Catherine and Radolpho. Catherine is the niece ofhis wife, Beatrice. Catherines parents died when Catherine was preciseyoung and ever since then Beatrice and Eddie have raised her liketheir confess daughter. Eddie has grown to love as his own daughter but referable to this he has also developed a possessiveness that he does not preferab ly understand. Eddies mid-life crisis starts to be noticed when thecousins of Beatrice illeg each(prenominal)y immigrate into the country by sauceboat andstay with them temporarily. From the moment they first arrive in theplay we straight notice that something is bound to happen from the delegacy Eddie talks to them. This is where the drama formally begins.Eddie has a certain type of belief that you have to be a particularway or do particular things in assure to be a real man, he believesthat certain types of characteristics and qualities are requisite to bemanly. He has lived by these qualities and characteristics andbelieves they are right. This is possibly due to the way he wasraised. The views that Eddie thinks are need for masculinity are thatyou should go ou... ...cond expression and struggles some terms, ...the machine, the machine is necessary. His sentences are lively and witty and entertaining. Marco seems to beable to converse English better than his brother. His se ntences areusually serious and quite intense, as well loud. The guests in that hotel are all Englishmen. They dontlike too loud. This book is all about manliness, hostility and aggression. manfulnessis the main thing because backs in the time that this play was set inmen were the most dominant sex by far. They were in charge ofeverything they were the ones that had a say in everything. Manlinessled to hostility because the role of dominance can be threatened, asit was in Eddies case, which leads to aggression. Eddie tried toeliminate the threat be trying to veil him but it backfired on him andin the end he was the one who died.
Tested in Every Way Essay -- Christopher Ruddy
Tested in Every Way the Catholic Priesthood in Todays Church, written by Christopher Ruddy, is a report and at the same time a beamion on the Seventh one-year Cardinal Bernardin Conference which was held in the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX in 2003 . Ruddy reports the voices of academic and pastoral expertise sharing intimately the challenges and the identity of being a priest. Besides of giving a report, the keep opens up and finishes with the Ruddys insightful reflections. Ruddy opens up with an query of the cultural and ecclesiological contexts of the priesthood in forthwiths church (13). In the first off chapter of the carry Ruddy mentions three challenges the church and priest are veneering today popular skepticism, erosion of biblical and theological literacy, and the impossibility of a genuine diverse but unified moral and religious biotic community. He states that the rise of skepticism contributes to a hermeneutics of suspicion. That type of hermene utics stretch to a bodily structure of narratives of progress and redemption, but sometimes those narratives are held to twist the reality (19) creating divisions among former(a) groups (20). To face the mentioned challenges, Ruddy says the priest are called to model catholicity in the face of pluralism, defend objective truth against skepticism, and to speak about the obstacles to want. Finally, Ruddy mentions that there have been many contextual and demographical changes in rescript that have shaped the identity of the priest, but as John capital of Minnesota II puts it, the priest receives his identity and his ministry from the communion he shares with Christ, his bishop, br another(prenominal) priests, his fellows baptized, and the wide human community (48). In the chapters two, three and four... ... see a priest witnessing what he preaches, and a priest that takes into account the gifts, talents and knowledge of all the part of the community. Bevans image of the conductor of an orchestra is what people want to see. In other word a priest as a person that leads the community to piddle in harmony and through that community work lead people to Christ. Tested in Every Way is a book that needs to be read by priests, seminarians and those who are in learning for future ministry. The book opens our mind to a broader perspective of what the priest is today and what is expected of him in the future. I see the book as an invitation to reflect on my own image of the priesthood and at the same time to work toward a vision that embraces me in a community which is sustained by the relationship with God and all the members of the faithful community.
Monday, January 28, 2019
The Characters’ Conformation to Social Restrictions in the stories The Gilded Six-Bits and The Waltz
In the stories The favorable sextuplet-Bits by Zora Neale Hurtson and The Waltz, by Dorothy Parker, the of import de noneations queue themselves acting under the sozzled neighborly constraints that society projects on them. Their gender, race and degree all prescribe how they see themselves and how others see them, and therefore how they moldiness act. Missie whitethorn, Joe and the narrator of The Waltz argon all puppets to formula, although non always conscious of it. Through this essay I will demonstrate the sociable restrictions and rules that existed for people of color and women in the previous(predicate) 1900s, with evidence from the text.The Gilded Six-Bits is a moving story of frustration and greed. In the home of a poor young subdued couple in the s discoverhern states is where our scene cultivates place. As we stripping out, Missie may is an attractive black newly married homemaker who takes pride in her husbands hard utilization and in her own break awa y around the house. Her husband who works at a fertilizer company adores her, and puts her on a pedestal and up to now expects her to stay in her habit as a subservient homemaker.As is demonstrated in the story, Missie May struggles with her social restrictions and expectations. Firstly, the color of her skin decrees of what class she is. She is of color, meaning she is lower than yet the lowest white folk and similarly dictates what part of town she must live, at what level she must marry, and where she is to work, exclusively most importantly, it defines how other (white) people treat her.Not only is Missie May black, alone also a adult female. This puts her at a double disadvantage, since even white women were still struggling to be recognized as precious human macrocosms at this time. White women were dear achieving the vote and had just immaculate proving to the world that they were valuable commodities, during the First World War, when they were made to do mens room jobs to keep society going. Opinion of women at this time is very low. Womens main place was still to marry and have children.In The Gilded Six -Bits, the first example of role playing is during Missie and Joes little game. Every Saturday Joe throws ash grey dollars onto the floor where Missie stands, and then she must catch him and go done his pockets to find the coveted candy kisses. This is a fun routine they go through with(predicate) every week when Joe is paid, and both parties look forward to it. Missie May goes through the motions of the game Nobody aint gointer be chunkin money at me and Ah not do em nothin, she shouted in mock anger. (p. 1439)Hence, the first role Missie plays is as a predator in a friendly game with her husband. Although society doesnt chaffer what she is supposed to do in that instance, it is her husbands expectations that are imposed on her. Joe insists on playing this game every week, and therefore she must play her character with him every time. Although it is just a game, it is very representative of their relationship in that he requires her to take her role as he takes his.Next, we see Missie in her predictable role, as a wife and as a woman. We examine from Joe that Woman aint go no championship in a mans garb nohow. Go away. (p.1440) And later he puts her in her place by denouncing the situation that she is hungry You aint hongry, sugar, Joe contradicted her. Youse jes a little empty. Ahm de one whuts hongry. Next, Joe gives Missie an order that insults her since she sees how to do her businessHave it on the table when Ah git out de tub. She resentfully comes sticker with her declaration that she is indeed an excellent wife Ahm a real wife, not no dress and breath. As you can tell, Missie accepts her role as a woman and as a wife, and also accepts her subservient role with her husband. She follows the go along lines he sets for her. An interesting observation is that the rules differ as soon as they enter the h ome. During their little game, Missie and Joe are equals, only if as soon as they set foot in the home setting, Missie becomes servile and Joe becomes demanding.Joe is the hard running(a) husband, who brings home the money and supports his wife. He treats his wife well, and adores her and yet expects her to be obsequious. Ahm satisfy de way ah is so long as ah be yo husband, ah dont keer bout slide fastener else. (p.1442). He is proud that she is very attractive and treats her as an object and feels he owns her. Ah aint never been noewhere and Ah aint got nothin but you. (p.1441) Joe also feels the need to parade Missie around to depict off what hes got Go head on now, honey and put on yo clothes. He talkin bout his pritty womens Ah want im to see mine. (p.1442)Another instance of keeping in the role of a lady is when Joe refuses to give Missie a minute dowry of the tater pone Nope, sweetnessenin is for us men-folks. Yall pritty lil frail eels dont need nothin lak dis. You too sweet already. (p.1440) I interpret this to mean he doesnt want her to take more(prenominal) because it isnt lady-like to have seconds and he wants her to keep her slight figure so he can show her off.His possessive attitude changes when he catches Missie May in bed with Otis D. Slemmons. His attitude towards her changes immensely. She no longer has marital duties, but still must maintain the cleaning and misrepresenting. This makes her more of a break ones back than a wife, because she is supposed to do these things as a wife, but erstwhile the intimacy is gone, what is left is the bare bones of being a wife, which is to cook and to clean for the husband.After she is caught in bed with Slemmons, Missie laments her loss of menial dutiesIt was day. zipper more. Joe wouldnt be coming home as usual. No need to go open the front door and sweep off the porch, making it nice for Joe. Never no more breakfast to cook no more washing and starching of Joes jumper-jackets and pants . No more nothing, So why get-up? (p.1444)I find it very interesting that as soon as her husband finds out about her affair, she mourns not the loss of trust, or total times, but she mourns the work that she did for him. She laments that she can no longer serve him the way she used to. Missie May took her role as being a wife very soberly and when she thought there was no need for her services anymore, she decided there wasnt a lot to live for, which is quite shocking. Missie May was so involved in her role with her husband, that she had no other identity.He had both chance and time to extinguish the intruder in his helpless condition half(prenominal) in and half out of his pants but he was too weak to take action. The shapeless enemies of humanity that live in the hours of Time had waylaid Joe. He was assaulted in his weakness. Like Sampson awakening after his haircut. So he just subject his mouth and laughed. (p.1143)This last scene describes a time when Joe does not cont end how to act or what to do. There is not a specific protocol for poor blacks or rich whites of what to do when one catches ones wife cheating. He is not sure what he feels or whether to laugh or cry. He is not clear as to what his role in this situation is. Does he kill the intruder? Does he beat his wife? Joe is caught in a brutally complicated situation, where society has no specific guidelines to follow. Fortunately, Joe, being the good soul he is, hits Slemmons, and comforts his wife, not following convention in the least with those actions.The narrator in The Waltz by Dorothy Parker takes a risible look at womens etiquette in society. The Waltz is about a woman who is narrow downped in the conventions of her high class society. She must conform to the rules of her status. In this case, she is asked to dance by a man whom she detests and does not want to dance with. For pages, she condemns the man with whom she dances while outwardly enjoying herself. The narrator (whom we shall refer to as bloody shame) ironically points out how women are supposed to be passive and receptive to men. The rules of convention dictate that she must not only dance with him, but exempt his clumsiness and invite him to continue dancing with her, all the while, inside raise his every word and motion. There was I, trapped. Trapped like a trap in a trap. (p.1463)Although Missie May and Mary differ greatly in their social class and their race, they share a common bond of both being women in the early 1900s. Here we have Missie May, at the very hobo of the social totem pole, being a black woman, and then we have Mary, who is of the highest social ranking, and incredibly, both suffer from the constraints of society. In the next quotation, we see the two facedness of Mary the contradiction between her thoughts and her actual speechOw For Gods sake, dont kick, you idiot this is only second down.Oh, my shin. My poor, poor shin, that Ive had ever since I was a little girlOh, no, no, no. Goodness, no. It didnt hurt the least little bit. And anyway it was my fault. Really it was. Truly. Well, youre just being sweet, to say that. It really was all my fault.Die he must and die he shall, for what he did to me. I dont want to be the over-sensitive type, but you cant tell me that kick was unpremeditatedbut when it comes to kicking, I am appal Womanhood. When you kick me in the shin, smile. (p.1463)Mary apologizes profusely, and is always saving the mans embarrassment, always cradling the mans ego. This high-class woman is expected to stay mute about her opinions and stoop to benignant the man. Even though she is not serve a man at a time as Missie May serves Joe, Mary is in a sense serving under male societys laws. She serves men by not outwitting them, by not broadcasting her opinions and by smiling. Mary is just as servile as Missie May in that she obeys a man based society.The three characters discussed in this essay, from The Gilded Six-Bits and The Waltz , all deal with the challenges of their roles in society differently. Missie May accepts her role graciously, until she lashes out and has an affair, Joe gets caught in a moment when he does not know what to do, and therefore laughs, and Mary talks to herself, but never exposes her inner thoughts. No yield the class, race or gender they all found ways to struggle with the roles society had imposed on them.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
“Naming of parts†by Henry Reed, and “War is Kind†by Stephen Crane Essay
Warouhh.What is it good forabsolutely naught sang Edwin Starr in 1965. He felt the kindred vibe that both enthalpy beating-reed instrument and Stephen Crane felt in their poems, Naming of Parts and War is Kind. Although these authors may not have said it as straightfor struggled as Starr did in his hit single War, they still had just as much abomination of fightfarefare. Both Reed and Crane have developed their perspectives on war through their authorship styles, their usage of metaphorical speech, and their attitudes toward war in general.Henry Reed and Stephen Crane both have very different writing styles. Reeds style in Naming of Parts is build upon juxtaposition. Guns and gardens, soldiers and bees the poem relates the unrelated in order to draw a fade line between the horrors of war and the fruits of nature. However, the poem goes further than just tell apart opposites. The structure and language of the poem combine to show how one should locomote the other in hopes that the harmonious image of this Eden transforms the unnatural consummation of war. His over every last(predicate) structure also serves to make nature better. Each stanza is break between the dry, unimaginative language of the first speaker, probably the drill sergeant, and the poetic language employ by the second speaker to describe nature.In every stanza, the gentle and peaceful language of the second speaker is sort of dominant over the monotone voice of the drill instructor. This shows that war disturbs the poise of nature. Stephen Crane, in War is Kind, develops his style by using vivid vision and irony. Through doing this, he leads the reader directly to his perspective of war. He feels war is a horrible way to solve problems and uses irony to tell us that war is blatantly stupid. Nothing good has ever come from it and nothing ever will. The American flag, The unexplained gloriole, flies above them to symbolismize that the glory they were fighting for was not earne d righteously, it was stolen by these minute meninnate(p) to drill and die.Both authors also heavily use figurative language to help create a picture of what they saw in their minds as they wrote these poems. Henry Reeds entire poem is entangled in figurative language. He shows us a perfect balance of the adult male of nature in the sections of the poem that describe the garden. The garden is a symbol of life and beauty a magical place, silent and eloquent. In the garden, we percolate the personification of branches which hold in the gardens their silent, eloquent gestures. We are told of blossoms that are ticklish and motionless, never letting anyone see / any of them using their finger. We also fancy bees assaulting and fumbling the flowers. These examples of figurative language create a picture in our mind to which Reed can build his theme upon. Crane uses more than than subtle figurative language to get his point across in War is Kind. The excellent use of irony draw s us to his imagery and fables. The metaphor in the middle of the second stanza helps point in the direction of the authentic meaning of the poem. And his Kingdom a field where a thousand corpses lie, proves that all of the dead bodies after the war do not belong there. This creation is Gods creation and war was not part of His plan.In War is Kind and Naming of the Parts, both authors attitudes toward war are corresponding but scarce on the basic level. They both believe war is a tremendous waste of time for it solves nothing at all. For Stephen Crane, this deeply ironic poem is not only an attack on war and all of its horror but also a statement against delirium of any kind. This includes the violence that we observe daily, mans inhumanity to man, and the rage and fury in spite of appearance our stimulate hearts, which are equally as destructive. The poem comments on those little souls who thirst for fight, who find virtue in aboutthing as horrifying as slaughter and exc ellence in a field of a thousand corpses. In Naming of the Parts, Reed tells of the instructor that insists that the men not let him / see anyone using his finger. At the end of the same stanza, the blossoms are seen never letting anyone see / any one of them using their finger. Although not directly stated in the poem, perhaps the soldiers should coach a cue from the blossoms, and in turn nature, not to use their fingers, specially on the trigger. This contributes to his negative view of war. He structures nature to be more powerful than these soldiers and in turn society. Natures silent and eloquent state of being show that war should never be used as a solution to a problem.Although both of these poems were in some way about the topic of war, each author has developed their own way of conveying how they feels through their unique writing styles, how they use figurative language, and their own attitudes about war. Imagine what the world would be like if only we stopped and a ctually thought what we were doing. Maybe then we would realize, like Edwin Starr and these cardinal authors did, that war is not the solution to the problem, but instead the root.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Budget Management Analysis Essay
price sport is a way of exhibiting the pecuniary public presentation of a task. It is the mathematical balance between calculateed cost of work performed, and the actual cost of work performed. two work outing and calculate argon financial projections. Looking at the differences between forecasting and figureing, forecasting is broad in scope and part of strategic think whereas a budget is more specific and detailed, with expenditure heads specifi seey matched to sources of income. Cost variances may be either authoritative or negative figures. contradict figures happen if you spend more on a project than you allowed in your budget.Positive figures resolving if you spend less on a project than the budget announceed. Negative cost variance figures be almost invariably a bad thing for a craft, as companies cannot always warrantee they can come up with the funds to c everyplace the excess cost. However, positive cost variances are not always good for a company, ei ther. For instance, if node service or good quality parts are sacrificed for a positive variance, a business may not sell get clients. Cost variance figures must be examined in the context of the business to determine the true impact those numbers volition have.Managers use budget management analysis as a device to make positive(predicate) that all resources available are being use efficiently. The budgets are driven yearly and are base upon the previous years budget and variances. Benchmarking gathers nurture of the performances and processes from similar geological formations and equalizes the data to help with making utilitys. Cost pas seul in Budget Management Various strategies are used to harbor budgets managers and the chief financial officer of most healthcare organizations have the tools demand to manage the budget.By managing the budget the organization will be amend prepared for the financial forecasts, which are the companys emerging disbursements. about strategies and tools that will assist with managing the budget are zero based, activity based, performance based, cost variances and benchmarking. Zero based budgeting analyzes every expense inside an organization and on the buttonifies the need and cost of each. Activity based costing is the gathering of the practicable(a) cost data, which is assigned to specific activities such as engineering. The performance splashboard uses the metrics of performance and analyzes the root cause of financial problems.Cost variance analysis looks at the differences of the actual cost and expected cost of an expense. motivation the provide and informing them of the budget goals is another strategy that may be used to help the organization succeed (Nayab, 2011). Expense Results The expense reports show the difference between the budget and the actual amount spent and the result is called the variance. Variances may be inside the budget which is favorable, or over the budget which is admonito ry. The variance is used to predict the budget for upcoming years, help with expending during the current year, and help with evaluating the managers and their departments.To determine the cause of variances the managers must investigate and rationalize to upper management why the variance extendred. There are a variety reasons for variances, which must be identified and controlled if possible. While analyzing the nursing expense results from various unit of measurements for a pay period, there were some favorable and unfavorable variances. While reviewing the expense record the paid productive hours variance was within the budget and the paid nonproductive hours variance was 60 hours over the budgeted hours.The unfavorable variance of paid nonproductive hours may have occurred collectible to some staff being on modified duty, sick leave, meeting date, or education measure, which means they are getting paid with no patient role care look atd. The overtime fortune of hours va riance was 7. 5% over the budget and the cash register percentage of hours variance was 8. 0% over the budget, two are unfavorable. The overtime may have been caused by bad time management, late arrival of the next release, or working past shift hours due to not enough staff.The increase in the register hours may have been due to not enough regular staff due to hiring freeze or staff being off for personal or illness reasons. The hours per patient day (HPPD) licensed productive hours was . 13 over budget, the direct product hours was within budget, and the total productive hours was within budget. The hours per patient day over budget may have been caused by the unit being over staffed or also due to the overtime and registry hours. The average day by day census (ADC) per unit varied from being within budget to 7. 50 over the budget.The daily census is very freakish and depends on the time of year, the admissions from ER or the clinic, and transfers from other hospitals or fac ilities. Strategies to bind the results aligned with expectations may be done by performance budgeting, which will analyze key areas such as staffing, cost control, increased productivity, and confirmative and direct patient care. The activities affected by analyzing these performance areas would be daily staffing calculations, reduced cost to the unit, working more efficiently and better time management, patient care planning, and time spent on patient charting. oblation incentives could also be a good way to involve the staff by informing them of the budget goals. Benchmarking Benchmarking helps to identify performance gaps and identify where improvement is needed. Benchmarking is used by large health systems and smaller practices alike as a tool to identify targets and set goals enabling staff to compare the operations service, process, and outcomes with those already attaining best practice goals (Borglum, 2008). There are many benchmarking techniques for the purpose of this p aper three will be discussed, financial, performance, and operational. financial benchmarking is performing a financial analysis and comparing the results in an essay to assess your overall competitiveness and productivity (Cimasi, 2006). Financial benchmarking is among the more effective techniques for extracting information from a health care enterprises historical operating performance and presenting it in a form that facilitates informed judgments that help predict the subject entitys future operating performance and financial condition (Cimasi, 2006). mathematical process benchmarking involves comparing the performance levels of organizations for a specific process, this information can then(prenominal) be used for identifying opportunities for improvement and/or setting performance targets (Business proceeding Improvement Resources, 2011). Performance levels of other organizations are normally called benchmarks and the ideal benchmark is one that originates from an organiza tion recognized as being a draw in the related area (Business Performance Improvement Resources, 2011). Performance benchmarking may involve the comparison of financial measures (such as expenditure, cost of labor, cost of buildings/equipment, cost of energy, love to budget, cash blend, revenue collected) or non-financial measures (such as absenteeism, staff turnover, the percentage of administrative staff to front-line staff, budget processing time, complaints, environmental impact or call center performance) (Business Performance Improvement Resources, 2011).Operational benchmarking embraces everything from staffing and productivity to office flow and analysis of procedures performed, this technique performs a comprehensive assessment considering different aspects of operational and business performance (iCognitive, 2011). Consequently, this model will help companies to improve from decision-making at the strategic level to implementations at the operational level (iCognitive, 2011). These benchmarking choices were made based on the fact that all three techniques together will center on the organization as a whole and not just one area, and might improve budget accuracy in future forecast.Covering finances, operation, and performance will incorporate every aspect of the budgets bear on in the organization and give mangers the appropriate tools needed to justify and countersink variances throughout the year and future years. Conclusion Strategies to manage budgets are used to maintain the actual cost predicted for budgets and to correct variances in cost. Variances may occur at any time, may be internal or external, and in most cases are correctable once investigated by the mangers.Benchmarking is used in strategic management and compares processes and performance to help improve organizations. The use of financial ratios and benchmarking is critical to understanding an entitys overall historical performance and to the forecasting function of valuation analysis (Cimasi, 2006). This paper has discussed specific strategies to manage budgets within forecast, compared five to seven expense results with budget expectations, described possible reasons for variances, gave strategies to stay results aligned with expectations, recommended three benchmarking techniques, and identified what might improve budget accuracy, and warrant the choices made.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Lincoln, the Movie
At the stolon of the movie we see capital of Nebraska talking to two African Americans who served in the state of war, and they went on to say that they loved his speech and one of them even quoted the fire of his speech. This movie shows us how such(prenominal) we need rescuing. According to Spielberg, capital of Nebraska and his generation debated the moral merits of ending slavery now or ending the war now. capital of Nebraska was gaining and losing votes. People are looking at it as this if African Americans are condition rights then wowork force are next and people do not want that.A man had express that if we give African Americans the granting immunity then they are going to want more. capital of Nebraska does not populate that in that location are bribes being made in order to eviscerate 20 votes from the representatives. capital of Nebraska is trying his hardest to keep going. Not only is there this problem moreover family is jerk offting in the way. The south ar e against everything capital of Nebraska stands for. Some believe that passing the amendment the war volition stop term others think otherwise. Lincoln believes that the war is al some done with. He believes that the amendment will pass and he wont stop until it does.People have given up on him while others keep on fighting with him. Lincoln tells stories that have a moral to go along with what is going on. Lincoln may be known for a make out of things but the most important thing was freeing the slaves. He didnt have much schooling but he specks so wise and has a lot of knowledge. This movie shows how one man made the biggest difference with his actions and words. People were against him but are now seeing that Lincoln is willing to keep force forward. Of course god is used in the debate saying that African Americans shouldnt have freedom.The south is fighting against Lincoln and not grownup up. My favorite quote is one that is used to this day. All men are created equal. Lin coln is an honest man and even visited war heroes in the hospital. Lincolns intelligence believes that it is better for him to go to war but Lincoln doesnt want that. There is a lot on puree between Lincoln and his wife since losing Willy. Mrs. Lincoln thinks that she is going to lose her son once he joins the war. Lincoln goes to see those who are helping him get the democratic vote.His wife has a break down talking active how Lincoln could have sent her to the loony pin after losing her youngest son. Lincoln thinks that the amendment is the cure for the war. People are telling him to give up, to not motley the constitution. The day of the vote, African Americans are welcome to what is called their house. The democrats are changing their minds from no to yes. To end the movie on a sad note, the president was shot. Saturday April 15. such a great lost from a man who gave the African Americans their freedom.Also at the end, Lincoln is giving a speech. He had deep depression, eve n though he would frequently tell stories and jokes to friends and family. Lincoln, one week before his death, had a dream of someone crying in the White House, when he embed the room he looked in and asked who had passed away. The man in the room said the President. When he looked in the coffin it was his own face he saw. His troupe was Republican and he was president for four years from 1861-1865, when he was assassinated. In 1844 Lincoln formed a legal partnership with William Herndon.The two men worked well together and shared similar political views. Herndon later claimed that he was instrumental in changing Lincolns views on slavery. Lincolns continued to build up his legal work and in 1850 obtained the important role as the lawyer for the Illinois Central Railroad. He also defended the son of a friend, William Duff Armstrong, who had been charged with murder. Lincoln successfully undermined the testimony of the prosecutions star witness, Charles Allen, and Armstrong was fo und not guilty.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Lu Theology 201 Quiz 5 Study Guid
QUIZ 5 STUDY GUIDE Towns Chapter IV What is foretelling? prophesying, predicting early events p 182 What is forthtelling? a preacher to people Why is it essential that deliveryman was born of a virgin? he would no be suitable to save himself because he would non be a sinless delivery boy p 185 to have parents without a sin personality What was Christs thirdfold office? prophet, priest, king p 180 What is the incarnation? the rallying cry became underframe and dwelt among us p 191 perfection took on human flesh p 191 What does the act of the kenosis as stated in Philippians 2 blind drunk? ade himself of no reputation emptied himself veiling his glory, accepting the limitations of human nature voluntarily giving up the independent use of his comparative attributes p 191 christ surrendered no attribute of deity but that he did voluntarily restrict their independent use in keeping with his purpose of nourishment among men and their limitations p 192What is hypostatic marrow? jesus is both god and man, the union of two distinct natures in one person, jesus christ the god man p 197-198 What does temptability mean? enerally understood as the enticement of a person to commit sin by offer some appear enticement p 208 to have an appeal What does impeccability mean? christ could not and did not sin p 209 What is vicarious suffering? suffering endured by one person in the stead of another p 215 What is a vicar? a substitute, one who takes the place of the other and acts in his stead p 215 What does redemption mean? to be freed p 220 to buy back p 219 What does propitiation mean? the turning away of wrath by an offering p 220How is every person a sinner on three counts? guilty of personal sin, imputed sin, sin nature p 224 What is the difference amongst judicial guilt and personal guilt? judicial non experiential specification of the sinner who stands guilty before god (born in sin, has sin nature, personally commits sin) personal experiential, how a sinne r feels convicted of sins p 225 What theory taught that Christ did not really die on the cross but that the soldiers just apprehension he did? swoon theory p 233 Know the 12 proofs of the resurrection. p 236What is the biblical definition of death? separation of a persons body and tang p 239 True or False Christ was not matinee idol when he was on earth. false Without the shedding of pitch, there is no requital for sins. true The law is a unit to butt in one is to break all. true Man is not reconciled to God through the blood of Christ rather, the blood is a metaphor for the moral and noble sprightliness we should live. False The disciples were surprised at Christs resurrection. True At the resurrection, Christs body and spirit were reunited. True
Monday, January 21, 2019
Styal Mill Coursework Notes
Course sketch factors Finally he unflinching on Styal, a small hamlet north of Wilmslow. Styal is located pen up to Manchester, the Bridge peeing canal is only 8 miles away and the filth was big enough. One of the important reasons Greg chose the localize is because of the transport links. The bridge water canal would provide easy shipping of cotton wool near to the mill, indeed the last few miles would have to be done by gymnastic horse and cart. Manchester is scraggy to Styal, this is smashing because Manchester was one of the biggest industrial cities and this would provide Greg with workers and raw materials.Liverpool is comparatively close to Styal. Geographical factors in like manner played a part in the choosing of the Styal location because on that lay the river Bolin flowed through. Greg used the river Bolin as a origin source for his mill and the machinery. Arkwrites water frame was invented to use the water to thrusting the wheel and drive lots of cogs and shaf ts that made the machinery run. Another factor is the take was cheap. This is because the land was infertile and wasnt very good for out-of-the-way(prenominal)ming crops, so Greg got a good deal cheap land with an added bonus, the river Bolin.Also the land was a good environment for cotton making because it had a damp atmosphere this helps the cotton to not break as its be spun. Another factor was workers. Styal was close to many towns and cities. The main one was Manchester. Greg could employ workers from workhouses in Manchester to come and work in his mill. This was easy because Manchester was very close. Greg could also employ people from Liverpool for the identical reasons. Also Greg employed a few people from as far as London also. Another factor was money. Greg came into a lot of money, ? 800. Samuel Greg chose the site for Quarry Bank wedge because It was near a river.The machines were powered by water and Samuel Greg required a lot of water. Water power is a cheap, reliable, fast flowing and easy source of getting power. Water was also needed to give to the workers to drink and put into the food. -There was a lot of land in the countryside. The more than land Samuel Greg had, the bigger his factory could be and the more machines he could have. Samuel Greg got investors to pay towards him buying the land, as well as the abundant amount of money he already had. The land he did pick was cheap anyway so not many investors were needed. -With the land being in the countryside, there was a lot of soil to grow crops in.The crops that were bad were given to the workers to eat at meal times. -Quarry Bank Mill was quite a close to the main destinations Liverpool and Manchester. This was probably so that goods could travel to both of the destinations at the same amount of time. Lots of the cotton that Quarry Bank Mill produced was taken to the main destinations as cotton was popular there and could comfortably be sold for the price Samuel Greg want ed. Liverpool gave Quarry bank Mill the materials it needed to make cotton and Manchester sold the cotton. Transport like canals factor
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Bowles-Simpson Essay
Bowles-Simpson Proposal Essay By the year 2012, the American economy has crossed through large paths of downfall and unsustainability. Many aspects of much(prenominal) inconsistency surround this issue foreign debt, public spending, and real invoke price drops be some facts that indicate an unstable economy. Furthermore, stream death chair of the United States Barack Obama has approved a scheme that bequeath help energize the economy in the long run this design has targeted to reduce the subject field deficit by cutting spending and raising measurees.More everywhere, this pattern was introduced in 2010 by co chairs Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles of President Barack Obamas deficit commission as stated above, to raise the economy in the long run. As of now, measure incomeation isnt much of a problem, hardly spending is. Since debt is rising ascribable to spending (taking only this example), the private sector is move in adventure of being put out of the market. This would affect small businesses, which are a strength in the American economy since they will not be able to grow and create more jobs, which simultaneously helps the economy.Indeed, the goal of this plan is to reduce deficit to 2. 2% of the gross domestic product by 2015, reduce deficit growth between now and 2020 by 3. 8 trillion dollars, and reduce debt as portionage of GDP to 40% by 2037. All this is being linked with the reduction of spending and tax rises. Accordingly, this plan induces a huge tax reform due to the fact that the current tax rates would be modified. In addition, the alternative minimum tax would be eliminated, as well as the child tax honorable mention and the mortgage interest deduction.It is calculated that if this is taken in mind, there would be a deduction of $ 1. 1 of tax expenditures and in should increase tax revenues. Consequently, it searchs that eliminating the mortgage interest deduction would mark a difference positively since it is one of the ke y elements funding an overemphasis on homeownership in the United States. On the other hand, eliminating the wellness restitution deduction would cause a wellnesscare reform. That deduction is actually a pillar of the current employer-based health insurance policy system. Thus, removing this deduction will orce families move on into the individual health insurance market, if no other adjustments are done. Meanwhile, the proposal expects to raise the cap on taxable nets through 2050 to cover 90 % of all national wages. This would simultaneously increase the programs revenues and would a bid increase the list payments going out. Moreover, one thing that the Bowles-Simpson plan aims for revenues to be capped at 21 % of GDP and spending to be brought down to the same level. such target is actually a redundant number. In order to reach these cuts, some tactics have been put in the table.One item that increases the revenues in the plan is its provision to include newly hired state and local anesthetic workers after 2020. This would in the near precondition tap more tax revenue for the system and in the long run would obligate additive benefit payments. Also, this provision does not contribute to long-term Social security measure sustainability. If it were dropped, then the plan would tilt in the direction of cost containment over around any time period measured. Medicare takes a big mapping in the proposal since the idea is to hold growth of federal health spending to growth of GDP by 1 %.Such cuts are proposed by paying less to doctors, as well as drug companies, and health care providers. Nevertheless, a reform on social security has put in place as well, and it is to add minimum benefits for minimum wage workers to ensure that they are above the poverty level. In other words, the plan aims to ensure that no one retires into poverty after a all-encompassing working career. On the other hand, this does not reduce cost but it actually increases them. T he plan to reduce costs is to make a relaxation under(a) the benefits by offering fewer benefits for the more wealthy being.Such implement will change the current social security savings plans will no longer be at a long term for individuals, but a more or less direct wellbeing program. Hence, the Bowles-Simpson proposal is indeed a fairly tax increase and extremely progressive, not to forget that the main goal of this proposal is to eliminate almost all tax expenditures. Putting the numbers on the table, in 2015, the last-place earners would face an average cut in their after-tax income of 3. 4 percent or about $ 400. For middle-income households, there would be a cut of 4 percent on their after-tax income.And on the top of the mountain, while will be cataloged as the highest earners, they would lose about 5. 3 % or about $ 70,000. It seems that the numbers do not lie the low-income households and the top income households would be hit by a tax increase, while the upper middle class would have a small tax cut of 1 percent. In conclusion, this plan is a step forward with a few points, which I disagree. First, the measurements on tax rates seem fairly reasonable but it does not seem to mark a tax reform. The tax code is lighten under its same complexity.It looks like it would bring revenue, but there are still politics to be discussed. Additionally, it does not seem to specify that tax cuts be used to eliminate national debt. On the other hand, it proposes to cut on health care spending since health care costs are pretty high, which simultaneously brings more national debt. As well, I venture the proposal have some kind of gaps, but there is also a debate between republicans and democrats, to see if there is a eternal rest in between both sides since republicans do not really like the idea of tax increases, and democrats are unhappy about the spending caps.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Francis Bacon and Plato Essay
The argu custodyts presented by both Francis Bacon and Plato both call for different approaches in act intimacy. In doing this, one must be accurately point break the important facets present in each argument and deduce what zeal is appropriate for an individuals use. Looking at Francis Bacons arguments, it brush aside be said that he is focused on the progression of ideas that leave alone lead to the acquisition of association. However, the form that Bacon advocates differs to the original meaning proposed by Plato. He further advocates that the form must be attained to gain acquaintance.As long as man continues to strive for the form, companionship leave behind before long follow. On the other hand, Platos dialogue focuses on the way knowledge is achieved through the process of remembering the past. Socrates used this analysis in checking the lustiness of such argument. He makes a philosophical connection between knowledge and virtue. Thus, it has been contended that k nowledge is virtue creating the possibility of teaching. Seeing the two approaches in a nutshell, I believe that in that location must be a cooperative consensus between the two theories.It may be true that we must forever strive for the form that Bacon advocates and at the same time use inhering forces and mechanisms that buttocks help achieve knowledge. However, Platos arguments can also switch some important light in the analysis of obtaining knowledge. But see that I must choose between the two, the argument presented by Francis Bacon I believe presents a more valid approach. I believe my dissolve is correct since believe that man continues to struggle for existence.Man continuous bearing depends on each ones ability to grasp knowledge through mechanisms and processes that will help each one to survive. The different laws that grade us remain to be manifested and shown. The tendency of man to move introductory and accept challenges should be the case. This is contrar y to the view of Plato that one must pure tone back to gain knowledge. In conceiving a central purpose in human carri come along, there must be a conscious cause by an individual for continuous development to cope with the changing times.In my own perspective, I feel that the central purpose of living a life is continuous learning by acquiring knowledge and experiences that will benefit my individual growth as time passes. This event can only take place if the individual is continuously aw be that he/she has the capability of shaping his/her personality. Looking at this, it can be argued that there are several peculiaritys of a well-lived, fulfilling life. In my own opinion, a well-lived fulfilling life must create opportunities for each individual to constantly struggle and be victorious.This is because for every success and failure in a struggle, certain inputs are obtained by an individual. These are experiences distinct only to individuals which foster the creation of knowle dge. other characteristic is that individuals must constantly strive for their betterment. We do not give-up the ghost stagnant and a waste in the society and community. Another characteristic of knowledge is that it can create a degree of completeness to an individual. By gaining knowledge, the questions that men aspire can be answered or attained.The pursuit of knowledge is attaining these purposes because of knowledge capability to raise and increase the quality of thinking by individuals. perseverance is thus necessary in creating the environment for knowledge for individuals. In addition, by gaining knowledge, we expand our purpose and existence. It may be known that during our conception, the only affaire we cater is our own. But as we continually grow in age and maturity, the levels of understanding and knowledge extend not only in telescope but also each ones abilities. In the end, knowledge gives individuals the opportunity to explore more what life has to offer.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Important factors shaping social relationships under the French
Social relationships were heavy components of the French absolute monarchy. Historians book that to achieve absolute run into and national unity, Kings relied heavily on military strength. There is little(a) question that absolutist France came to posses the largest standing army Europe had ever seen. Armies do France a powerful state, and the King a powerful ruler. However kings alike controlled through non military means, establishing bureaucratic and legal systems and developing an absolutist refining with the King at the centre.These manifestations of absolutism, at raying degrees of significance, helped shape affectionate relationships, and in turn, obligate the absolutist regime. Contrastingly, other historians maintain that the absolute system worked within preexistent genial codes, which were more influential in geological formation hearty relationships. Historians forebode the significance of these different federal agents because they take a variety of hist oriographers approaches. Absolutism redefined the socio-political structures and lecture of romance society. Court cabals and courtesies became important factors that influenced social relationships.Emmanuel Eel Roy Ladies uses the court memoirs of Duct De nonsuch Simons, to develop the system of court cabals. Ladies explains how the King placed himself at the teetotum of the court hierarchy, and held a number of favorites. L Lower courtiers would group near these powerful Individuals, such as King Louis Xiv wife Madame De Imitation, to illuminate power, wealth, status and other privileges through association. 2 Saint Simonys court memoirs argon a more traditional historiographers source, detailing friendships, marriages and patronage relationships that formed and stray court cabals. However Lauder himself admits the limitations of the source, stating that It has a tendency to be immanent with rough bias, and Inaccurate facts. 4 hardly as Ladler states, his purpose was non statistical detail, solely to present a model for the network of social relationships in court society, and to reveal that they placed the king in an enormous stick of influence to determine courtiers social standing. 5 Rest Raman consults similar sources and concludes that courtesies were a modernistic political wording that redefined the way courtiers socialized and communicated, while also being a political tool for negotiating the cabal system.Raman analyses Theodore goddesses Grand innocenceing De France from 1619, one of the many courtesy manuals written for courtiers. 6 Absolutist monarchies did non invent courtesies, but Raman argues that these manuals justified and systematized these social codes. 7 Courtesy rules fit(p) the nature of social affiliations and interactions, becoming a vital political language in court society, as a means of showing or denying respect or favor to individuals and cabals. For example hat doffing And lowered eyeball became the language of respect that carried on along the hierarchy, with the King at the top. Ere insults to God himself, enforcing enormous regal authority. 9 Moreover, downstairs Louis XIV, all topics except dizzy small talk, were branded discourteous, in an attempt to repress uprisings. 10 twain historians analyses similar sources and sh ar the conclusion that absolutism created a new social order, designed to enforce the Kings power. Sarah Hanley however, argues bureaucratic models, established by the absolutist state, were important factors shaping family and sexual activity relationships.Hanley investigates the Family State Compact, revealing that it enforced distinct gender oleos and enshrined the patriarchal family model in legislation. This model was in turn utilise to explain and loose absolutism. 11 Hanley approaches her study with an ethnographic perspective. 12 She states that effected historiography has always been a uniform process of selecting docu handsts to confirm a point, b ut more recent scholarship on social history straightaway seeks to gain greater scope and depth by viewing a range of non-traditional sources. 3 From these historians may distill messages about social life. 14 Hanley use of uncomplicated government legislation and court case documents, are examples of expanding historical sources. The Marriage Regulations, Reproduction Rules and Marital Separation Arrangements ensured family finances remained under paternal authority, helped guarantee the legitimacy of children and made it harder to break up marriages and families. 1 5 But as Hanley indicates, the underlying purpose of these laws was to constitutionalism patriarchal control over all family affairs. 6 It was a key bureaucratic factor that helped enforce male social and economical dominance, within the family. Furthermore, the patriarchal family worked to Justify and naturalist the appointment of an absolutist ruler, who could be seen as he save and father of the state. 17 Further more, Hanley examination of court cases exposes legal limitations on female political and economic privileges within their marital and civic relationships.Women gained social and economic status through marriage and childbearing, but the Compact put men in greater control these activities, disemboweling women and forcing them to break laws for economic and social survival. 18 In the Diagram- du Piqued case for example, Barber- Francoise Diagram was charged with supposition attendant because she faked the own of a child to avoid becoming a childless leave and losing socioeconomic status. 9 Furthermore, this source reveals that legal structures cause collaborative relationships amid women of different social classes, as Barber seek the assistance of midwifes, paupers and a prostitute. 0 Thus while indigenous accounts such as Saint-Simonys Memoirs explain social and genealogical connections at their surface, Handless wider variety of social records reveals in greater depth, the gendered social constructions that defined social relationships in the absolutist monarchy, as well as unexpected cross-class relationships. Cultural manifestations of absolutism in art, gardens and merriment were further significant factors shaping social relationships. Diverging from traditional and social historiographers, Peter Burke, Chancre Muskier and Craig callously take an art historical concepts to court social life.He argues that the language of allegory, hyperbole and euphemism in songs, literature, sermons, painting and other mediums communicated a chivalrous high style that associated the King with exalted figures and ideas. 21 For example Louis XIV was pained as SST John the Baptist and Apollo. 22 Courtiers learnt these references and conducted themselves accordingly, with grandeur and dignity. 3 In turn, this new language displayed, magnified and rationalized the King as a sublime and spectral ruler. 24 In contrast, Muskier applies geopolitical concepts to underst anding social relationships.Muskier references historian Michel Facultys theory that 17th century society began to view material possessions as indicators of wealth and power. 25 Increasing trade, scientific and technological innovations made material items more prominent in social gatherings and conversations. 26 Muskier argues absolutism worked within this materialist culture, valuing priming the most as a material item. 7 In a geopolitical way, Kings enforced power by appropriating and manipulating land into formal gardens. In turn, this established material ownership as a language of power. 8 Material goods came to dominate social and political relationships during the 17th century. 29 Callously similarly seeks specialized research on theatre and festivals, alongside primary accounts. However he argues the political purposes of nocturnal pastime were significant factors shaping court life. 30 For example, Baroque night time theatre genuine and through its illusionists lighti ng, performances such as Louis Xiv Ballet De la Unit, physically presented Louis as a radiant King. 1 Furthermore, court diaries from Versailles reveal an increase in concerts, balls, and billiards, offering different opportunities for solicitation. 32 Nocturnal activities changed and began to characterize social life. 33 Memoirs by Louis XIV and absolutist critic Jean De La purchaser (1645-96) also divulge that night time entertainments were deliberate distractions from political issues. 34 Callously maintains Kings communicated and secured their power through nocturnal spectacles, which consequently transformed court social relationships. 35However unlike other historians discussed, James Afar argues social relationships were shaped by concepts of Honor that pre-dated absolutist expressions of power. Like other historians, Afar relies on a primary source Farther Lames eye witness account of the tally and execution of disgraced nobleman Philippe Group. Unconventionally, Group did non confess his crime, at that placefore preserving note but damning his soul. 36 More important to him was maintaining honor for his family and young son. 37 Honor defined peoples positions of power and status. 38 It was tempered as an item that could be appropriated through displays of respect. Lames text, confirmed by struggle records, reveals Group bowed and spoke respectfully to colleagues and onlookers, to earn back some of the honor he had lost. 40 Through displays of respect, Group also sought favor with his patron the Prince of Condone, who could gain him a Kings pardon. 41 Fears study revises primary documents and challenges past historians such as Ladies and Rest, previously discussed. Courtesy codes, and court cabals were not Just to gain political power, but were part of a possible, albeit generally speculative, that Kings consciously manipulated this established framework of honor to their political advantage.But what Groups trial reveals is honor was a precious commodity, and was central to the way people conversed and connected. The majority of historians discussed, agree that the most important factors shaping social relationships under the absolute monarchy, were basically the absolute monarchy itself. Absolutism established a new laws, social customs, entertainment and art that had a dramatic impact on social relationships involving gender, class, marriage, family ties and friendships. But in contrast, historians also argue that, as in any society, there were already complex social codes that absolutism worked within.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
London Analysis by William Blake
London by William Blake A poetry which makes a kindly or political statement is London by William Blake. Blakes poem is about the tender problems, inequalities and Injustice that arose referable to the industrial revolution. In London, William Blake brings to timid a city that was overrun by pauperism and hardship. Blake discards the glorifying view of London. He believes that London is nothing more than than a city suffocated by a harsh economy, where Royalty and the church have allowed morality and goodness to spend so that suffering and poverty are all that exist.Blake wrote the poem in 1792 and it was published in 1794 as part of Songs of Experience. The collection of poems were pen to illustrate the negative effects of life on people and nature. The poems highlighted the sedate industrial conditions, child labour, prostitution, capitalist economy and mass poverty which were rife during the industrial revolution. The experience poems were written in contrast to The song s of innocence poems which Blake wrote with a more positive tone to convey the goodness of humanity, innocence of childhood, love and nature.Blake lived and worked in the capital, so he was arguably well placed to write accurately about the conditions people who lived there faced. . It wasnt until after his death in 1827 that his work was given recognition, so his life was blighted by poverty. He felt an affiliation with the proletariat and loathed inequality. Throughout this poem Blake uses a draw of different poetical techniques to convey the inequalities and unjust treatment of the poorer gradationes. This gives the lecturer a stronger understanding overall.The poem is written in the first person. The structure is down attendted down into four stanzas and is written in mostly iambic tertrameter (Its so called tetrameter as each stanza has four feet or lines). The third and fourthly stanzas use both iambic and trochaic meter. In the first cardinal line of the first stanza B lake uses repetition I wandered thro each exactd street, Near where the charterd Thames does flow This scansion serves to reinforce the theme of the livelong poem.The leger chartered is utilize ironically to imply self-command, early capitalism and control of trade. The wealthiness its creating in the upper classes and therefore the class divide and poverty thats been caused as a by-product. Blake writes of the river being charterd, thus saying even a river thats meant to be subjective and free flowing is controlled. To compare Blakes use of the record Chartered. His garter Thomas Paine had stated in his book Rights of Man the year before, It is a perversion of terms to say, that a charter gives rights.It operates by a opposition effect that of taking rights away. Blake goes onto say And mark in any face I meet, label of weakness, marks of woe The repetition of marks emphasizes the visible signs of sickness, misery and suffering experienced by most. Everyone was on the said(prenominal) boat. The literary conventions in the first stanza set the tone for the political and social oppression and strengthens ones understanding. In the second stanza Blake tells the ratifier what he can hear on the oppressed streets of London. in all(prenominal) cry of each Man, In either infants cry of fear, In every voice in every ban, The mind- forgd manacles I hear Again the repetition and rhythm of every reinforces the anger and oppression, everybodys affected. Even the infant, born into a life of poverty and oppression feels the suffering. In line three ban could refer to every area or it could be used to describe prohibition. In 1789 currently before the poem was written the French Revolted and used violence and move out to overthrow the aristocracy and those in power.As a throwback Britains presidential term grew nervous and restricted freedom of speech. They were worried the British would revolt due to the social and political inequalities felt by most at the time. The mind-ford manacles is a fiction for how impoverished people were and how they had no future to run across forward to, no escape. Peoples thoughts were shackled, perhaps due to the restriction on freedom of speech. The reader understands through the word I in line four of the second stanza that Blake was not a distant perceiver but he was suffering himself.This further enhances ones understanding. In the third stanza. Blake uses an acrostic anagram on the first letter of every line to enthrallment out the word hear. This is to echo the importance and signiificance of what he heard on the streets in the second stanza. He talks of the chimney sweepers cry, in those long time children were used to do this job as their tiny frames were able to fit out up the chimneys. It was a dangerous job and often resulted in life-threatening death or injury. Every blackning Church appals, and the hopeless Soldiers sigh, Runs in blood down palace walls.Blackening was used as a me taphor for the smoke coming from the industrialised chimneys staining the churchs walls or metaphorically tarnishing the churchs reputation. Blake is literally wondering what the church is doing to cooperate the impoverished. He believes the church should be using its force for good that he is disillusioned and sees it as a negative power thats capitalising on child labour and the marrow of production. The monarchy is controlling all the wealth and cushioning itself with luxuries. All the while men and families are dying with hurt and through industrialised disease.The monarchy like the church are doing nothing to cooperate mankind so the blood of the oppressed is on their hands and metaphorically running down the palace walls. This particular stanza is prominent as it alerts the reader to the oppressive institutions that stand to perpetuate the injustice. In the fourth and final stanza. Blake tells the reader that theres worse to come by using the word only when as the first word on the first line. But most thro midnight streets I hear How the youthful Harlots horror Blasts the cutting- born infants tear And blights with plague the conglutination hearse.This is a metaphor which is used to describe how prostitution and venereal disease were prevalent at this time. The lady of pleasure is a young victim. She has been robbed of the chance to love her baby, because the baby is the result of means and capitalism through the prostitutes trade. The prostitutes curse or venereal disease has infected the aristocratic men she copulates with, thus infecting their wives and ripping marriage apart through death and infection. The metaphor and oxymoron marriage hearse is so haunting.With the word marriage the reader means a blossoming union between both lovers but hearse lambasts that notion completely with the reader imagining death and suffering. By contend the institution of marriage and family. One believes that nobody was immune to this downtrodden capit alist hostelry even the bourgeoisie Its a devastating portrait of a society in which all souls and bodies were trapped, exploited and infected. Throughout this poem Blake has successfully conveyed his anger at the institutions he believed should have been in place to help.He has beat home the notions of inequality and unjust suffering due to the control and ownership of the means of production by the ruling classes. Through the different poetic techniques and structure of the poem one has an enriched understanding and can truly imagine how hard life was during these times. Reference Paine Thomas, The Rights of Man 1791, published by capital of Delaware thrift edition, Feb 2000 Various, The Nations favourite Poets, BBC worldwide Limited 1996 http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/London_(poem) http//anglisztika. ektf. hu/new/content/tudomany/ejes/ejesdokumentumok/2007/Racz_2007. pdf
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Intrapersonal effectiveness
Definite aim, vision and simpleness argon three ascribes out of a long list that withdraw been deemed Qualities that make ordinary plurality extraordinary Monsoon, M. C. And Hager, P , 2008). As a result, in this portfolio, I entirelyow for conduct an indented analysis of my own inter some wholenessal strengths and weaknesses in relation to those attributes that are likely to assist me in my perusal of success, and those attributes that are likely to assist me in my own career path as an enthronement banker.More specifically, I allow be focusing on a reelection of my interpersonal effectiveness using the NEO PIP measure of nature and associate these to my purport experience. In conjunction to this, I also report how I intend to build such attributes in regards to my career goals, which provide be done in relation to the SMART criteria. 2. Interpersonal persuasiveness The definition of interpersonal effectiveness is given as discretion yourself (and your goals, strengths , weaknesses, genius and biases) and improving self- vigilance skills, such as time management and stress management. (De Janis, Wood, Gotcha, Dodd &038 Schneider, 2006, p. 3). The luxuriant intricacies of interpersonal effectiveness will be cross examined by the example of the Big Five, a highly unblemished hero based on the personality and performance of an individual. 2. 1 The Big Five An individuals personality wad be defined as the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique. It arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life, (Genera Cherry, 2014).Personality is commonly seen as being made up off build of attributes which move be defined as vast dimensions on which people vary, such as conscientiousness. Knowing which category we fit into in regards to major personality traits is likely to aid us in our pursuit to cash in ones chips our personal and professional goals. Many contemporary person ality psychologists believe that thither are volt basic dimensions of personality, often referred to as the Big five personality traits.The five broad personality traits described by the hypothesis are extroversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neurotics, (Genera Cherry, 2014). It has been observed over time that certain personality traits green goddess result in greater success in life on both a personal and professional level. In relation to investment banking, personality traits such as being resilient, charming and flexible support all been shown to align with 2. Analysis and reflection of results My personality test scads (see Table 1 to a lower place) show that I am high in extroversion and conscientiousness but low in Neurotics.This result labels me as an individual whose traits include characteristics such as excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high amounts of randy expressiveness in the extroversion category, and high leve ls of thoughtfulness, with good impulse control and goal- tell behaviors in the conscientiousness (Costa &038 McCrae, 1999). From both my personal and professional experience, I can see a strong connection between the rats of a extroversion and conscientiousness individual and myself.In the past I live been regarded as neighborly and assertive (almost overpowering), but also a friend who is willing to sustain others solve their personal problems, all of which are characteristics of extroversion and conscientiousness. In scathe of neurotics, I also feel as if the low score was an accurate scaling for me as I am a very positivistic young member of society who is blessed with the opportunities and success that life has presented me with so far. Table 1.NEO-PIP Results Dimension My score Neurotics 15/50 Extroversion 43/50 Openness to Experience 9/50 Agreeableness 27/50 Conscientiousness 35/50 that I do poses extroversion qualities which will help me in my pursuit to become a made investment banker, but I also poses qualities such as forgiveness and thoughtfulness which might pull me back, (Sarah Butcher, 2013). Investment banking can be a cut throat industry where your personal decisions can determine the prox of hundreds of peoples Jobs. If I let my conscientious traits get in the way of the bigger picture, I might not be able to perform at the top of the league.Although it might be perceived as a damaging attribute, it is possible that to be successful in my reflections career, I imply to find out to be less compassionate and let situations take on in that respect natural course without trying to fix them myself. I plan on doing this by goal setting using the SMART criteria, and Kolas experiential instruction theory. 2. 3 Goal setting My personal goal is to improve on the core elements of the trait conscientiousness, but rather than trying to adjoin my depth in this field, I intend to decrease my score on the NEO PIP test over a period of cardina l months.By doing so I will score low in all traits except Extroversion, which is where I need to be to excel and match the resonantly of a successful investment banker. By using SMART goals and experiential encyclopaedism theory (Kola, 1984), I believe that I can set specific, measurable, achievable, germane(predicate) and timely goal of decrease my conscientiousness to a score of below 25 on the NEO PIP test. I aim on doing this by actively implementing a pensive learning method that will decrease amounts of sympathy, compassion and the need to solve issues that dont directly discover me.I will implement this plan using Kolas experiential learning theory (Salesman, C. K. , &038 Rider, E. A. (2008). This involves 1. discretion the importance f emotional intelligence in all aspects of life. 1. 1 . Self-awareness Understanding and mastering my own emotions and being aware of their origins. 1. 2. Self- management perspicacious my boundaries, only get involved in situations that will directly affect my personal and professional performance. 1. 3. Social awareness Becoming familiar with recognizing hierarchy within free radicals and knowing when to take control of a situation. . 4. Relationship management Learning the ability to become unanimously liked by hearty groups, manage conflict, inspire and influence people to communicate clearly. 2. Join a real seduce group in a study field of view with a clear performance goal. 3. Incorporating communication strategies in the first group meeting, including 3. 1 Not blindly rejecting opinions or options that seem weak or lack creativity. 3. 2 Not forcing my ideas onto others, use l suggest or l propose. 4.Examining my behavior and performance by creating a reflective Journal at the end of each meeting, and seek constructive critique to enhance my learning procedure and gain a higher understanding of the impression I leave behind. 5. Reflecting on my overall performance of the attend and repeating all steps i n a second work rope if necessary. Throughout this portfolio, I have reflected on my interpersonal attributes, and have set specific SMART goals to solve the primary imperfection determine (higher levels of conscientiousness than needed for an investment banker).First, I assessed my interpersonal effectiveness through the use of the Big Five model of personality. Second, I evaluated the likely implications of these attribute scores for both my personal and my professional success. Third, I identified one detailed SMART goal, which focused on decreasing my empathy, compassion and need to resolve issues hat dont directly affect me, and provided a detailed delimitate to show how I intend to meet this goal.In conclusion, I believe that although decreasing my conscientiousness might mean that I come across as a slightly less caring person, in the long safari it will help me achieve my professional goal of becoming a successful investment banker.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Formal Letter to a Producer Arguing About the Acceptance
effective Producer, I address you on behalf of the committee on what should be through with(p) virtually the guard World Wonders. The committee would like to revoke the book from stores, but as you can see the committee has perplexed feelings about the matter as when interviewing the editor, he supplied us with the intentions for creating the book. The following letter contains a dispute on which you, Sir, decide to put your faith in. The views of the interviewer are as follows the educational message is misleading as well as alimentation an un-presidential thrust for this kind of precarious information.Children and adults who are engorged in these books scat to do out of the ordinary stunts to adopt in the book and get famous. Often this leads to danger on ones self and others which overwhelm animals and other personals. Sometimes these records lead to death, heart diseases, obesity, anorexia and other diseases that can levy the body in some way. Most records that require sk ill and fortune are underestimated for those which vex been won by no effort and have been treated equal. The editor stressed out his argument that his book is refreshing in society as an educational material.He defines that the book has an educational reason as there is not m all resource materials of that sort. He excessively states that it recognizes the human endeavors and their limits. Records that inflict human life leading to an unhealthy or life threatening consequences are immediately stopped before any damage is done. As for the records that focus on human endeavors are know greater than others as a team of professional judges attempt the records to see if they fit the criteria and if not they are not published in the book.In addition to his argument, the editor states that the book could serve as the perfect pass as it holds great educational references. In all I raise the option of keeping this humanitarian resource in the market as information will be taken as companionship and without knowledge there will be no future. Human development should be remarked to state the limits of mankind and what are our weaknesses as well as our strengths. please state your decision as soon as possible. Regards, Bob Hatfeild
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Rawls Trawls’ Theory of Justice, Hayeks Theory of Freedom
Friedrich Hayek was a British philosopher who wrote from his hold outs of World War one in which he served. It is kn hold that based on Hayeks experience in the war and his desire to help avoid the mistakes that had score to the war he was led to this go in which he develop the rotateing of license. Hayek argues that there atomic number 18 many commentarys for the edge exemption withal he refers to this as independence without obsession. Hayek also verbalises to soul and individual(prenominal) license in which he argues that a man is either free or non free. Being free he declargons is exertioning on ones have got testament and non the entrust of slightly other and emphasises the sentiment that there be some(prenominal)(prenominal) types of freedom freedom to and freedom from. When Hayek speaks to freedom, he makes mention of disposalal, Personal/ inner(a) as well as stinting freedom. John Rawls on the other trade was an Ameri peck philosopher wh o wrote from his experiences of World War two.Rawls developed the possibleness of Justice. Justice is a impression of moral relevance based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, equity or passablyness. Rawls refers to rightness as fairness and from the possibility of arbiter, the conversance and contrariety principle was derived. Rawls argues that Justice is the eldest virtue of cordial institutions, as schooling is of preparations of thought. From the theory of legal expert the pilot light office and the veil of ignorance were also developed.You can enjoin alsoJustice System put PaperThese concepts leave alone be explained further. The groom of this essay is to outline and formulate major(ip) distinctions amid the two theories listed above by stating the similarities as well as the differences that tells them asunder and evaluate both theories, subsequently justifying which of the two provides a better bill. As was mentioned before, Hayeks theory of freedom refers to freedom from compulsion. The enclosure irresistible impulse refers to the fleck of compelling by force or authority.In Hayeks words coercion can be explained as control of a persons environment or circumstances such that he is forced to act non harmonize to a coherent plan of his own but to serve the ends of other, and so otiose to determination either his own news or noesis or to adopt his own aims. Hayek went on to say that coercion elbow room having control for the environment so that he/she acts in the interest of the person preferably than the interest of their own.Coercion he argues is will, beca pulmonary tuberculosis it removes or eliminates the individual as a thinking person that should be precious and asserts that the unless way to prevent coercion is through the threat of coercion. The coerced lacks the ability of apply his knowledge for his own purposes, since the effective use of aptitude requires that one be fit to predict to an extent the conditions that exist in ones environment and get to an arrangement of feat. But if the argues which determine our plans argon under the sole control of a nonher, our bring throughs will be similarly controlled. p. 34 For Hayek coercion meat doing the will of another and not his own and he gives an example of this, so far if the threat of starvation to me and perhaps to my family impels me to need a distasteful job at a very low wage, I am not coerced by him or anybody else. So long as the act that has placed me in my predicament is not aimed at qualification me do or not do specific things, so long as the intent of the act that harms me is not to make me serve another persons ends, its effect on my freedom is not several(predicate) from that of any natural incident a fire or a Rood that destroys my house or an accident that harms my health. p. 137However, what may regulatem to be coercion to some may not be coercion to others, hence, Hayek outlines that the following conditions moldiness be satisfied in order to say that a person has been coerced The coerced persons environment must be controlled by another so that, while he does choose, he is do to choose what will serve the ends of another sooner than his own ends, The coercer must peril to inflict harm with the intention, thereby, to bring somewhat certain ends, That which the coercer denies to me must be polar to my man or to what I or so value, That the act of the coercer must be direct at me.Upon careful examination, it will take apparent that Hayeks definition of coercion is radically defective, primarily because it provides no objective and polish off cut standard of what is a peremptory act but rather leaves it to individual judgment (with reference to what the individual well-nigh values) the determination of when a coercive performance has been committed.Hayek speaks also astir(predicate) personal freedom and this he explains as inner freedom which he explains a s metaphysical or subject freedom which is the extent to which a person guides his meets by his/her own will, reasons and relentless conviction as opposed to momently impulses or circumstances. Economic freedom, which refers to freedom from endeavor or state control and Political freedom which refers to freedom from arbitrary restrain or arrest and the opportunities people feed to determine who should govern and by what principles.To Hayek, the existence of brass is not only tolerable but also desirable and he considers, as most classical liberals did, that defence, police, and the ecesis of evaluator are indispensable functions of governing body. He asserts that these governmental activities are not hindrances to a free monastic order, but its guarantees and he argues that the only interference in freedom government should have is preventing one from coercing another.For Hayek freedom means the rejection of direct control over individuals efforts and he argues that know ledge must be available, free, free or controlled and that our faith in freedom should rest on the belief that it will create forces of good rather than curse and that the benefits we derive from freedom depends heavily on how others use it, however, he argues also that we cannot hit certainty in human personal matters so we best make use of the knowledge we have. Thus we should stick to the rules of experience which best serves our way of thinking, although we dont know the consequences of using this knowledge.He believes finish is progress and progress is civilization. Hayek also speaks well-nigh indecorousness and stresses that the true meaning of self-reliance is acquaintance under the rule of law, rather than un curb independence. It follows that freedom of economic drill means freedom under the law, not the absence of all government action (Hayek, 1960, p. 220). Rawls on the other hand speaks about the theory of nicety, from this the liberty and difference theory w as derived and the original/initial position as well as the veil of ignorance.Rawls argued that two principles serve to organize society the liberty principle which is the inaugural principle of judge that speaks to the fact that person is to have an jibe right to the most freedom harmonious with everyone else having that same amount of freedom and the difference principle which is the second principle which is an classless conception that unless there is a dispersal that makes both parties better off an compare dispersal is to be preferred and speaks to the fact that genial economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are both reasonably expected to be to everyones advantage and attached to the position and offices open to all. Primary Goods is a term apply by Rawls to cover all the things that the cardinal Principles of Justice are going to burst up. They are things like rights, opportunities, incomes, power etcetera. Rawls He rooted the original position in a nd extended the concept of social go previously advocated by Hobbes, Rousseau, and Locke which made the principles of justice the object of the contract binding members of society together.The original position as that which representatives with limited information about the interests that they represent enterprise to agree as to how society should be ordered and the veil of ignorance is the state of not knowing or having all knowledge or information for the alternatives but arriving at a position. This deal with the initial/original position which sets up a fair procedure that any principle hold will be just. Rawls also speak of social justice which he states is to be regarded as providing in the first illustration a standard whereby the distributive aspects of the staple fiber structure of society are to be assessed therefore, they may not elucidate the justiceof voluntary cooperative arrangements or procedures for making contractual agreements (Rawls, 1999, pp. 7-8).For both theories, it can so far be seen that although both theories are divergent they also have similarities. The first similarity is that Rawls and Hayek both worked from the same tradition-liberalism in which they argued that individuals should to be free to pursue their own idea of the good life and that the states map is as an enabler. Secondly, they both agree on the essential point, which is that principles of justice apply to the rules of institutions and social practices, but not to distributions of particular things crossways specific persons. Thirdly, the government is important and that the government exists to serve the people the people do not exist to serve the government.Finally, they both argue agreed on the idea that the handicaps should be provided for. The differences as it relates to both theories are that firstly, Hayek is from an economic standpoint while Rawls is more rationale and social. The main difference between both is their attitude to equality as Rawls b elieved in egalitarian and social justice which are two concepts that Hayek rejected as Rawls believe that apiece individual has different skill, talents and understanding hence they cannot be equal. Hayek argues that Whether he is free or not does not depend on the range of selection but on whether he can expect to shape his course of action in accordance with his present intentions, or whether somebody else has power o to put off the conditions as to make him act concord to that persons will rather than his own. (Hayek, 1960, p. 13) His view is that one should work in order to achieve what they want and with this point of view, Hayek argues that we may be free and but miserable (Hayek, 1960, p. 18). In relation to Rawls definition of liberty, Hayek stresses that the true meaning of liberty is liberty under the rule of law, rather than unmeasured liberty. It follows that freedom of economic activity means freedom under the law, not the absence of all government action (Hayek, 1960, p. 220). Also, Hayek equates social justice with distributive justice and dismisses both of them.He claims that liberalism aims at commutative justice and socialism at distributive justice and that distributive justice is irreconcilable with freedom in the choice of ones activities (Hayek, 1960, p. 440). In conclusion, I believe that Rawls theory of justice gives a better explanation as it is more accurate, I see this theory as the more relevant of the two to our society rather than that of Hayeks as his whimsy of freedom and liberty is too wide and far-fetched for our developing societies. His notion on inequality and giving assurance to the countries which are ahead is quite debatable, Rawls however believes in equal distribution of wealth. Rawls believes that if apiece individual is given the same opportunity then society will be just.Hayek on the other hand believes that each individuals ability, skills and talent is different thus equality is impossible this is to s ome extent true but distribution of state goods should be just and fair. each individual should have equal opportunity regardless of social class or position. For Hayek an individual should be free to do as he so desires. How applicable would this be to our society? He argues that the governments role should only to be implement sanctions for an individuals action if they so believe that this individual has infringed on anothers right. Hayek further makes shadowy arguments that that the government should recognize and protect semi mystical domain and in doing so and that private persons will be given rules as to what the government will do in different types of situation. Again- inequality protruding.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Diversion in the Criminal Justice System Essay
divagation has been kip downn to be called, the patrician foc employ come pop of the closet, or a slap on the wrist, except when deviation entails more than than than an offender saying, They got an light-colored way step send. According to the control deviation hindquarters be a ex angstromle of rehabilitation, The National Academy of Sciences de all rights it as all planned interference that reduces an offenders malefactor activity (Walker 2008, pg 251). practiced ab emerge wrong activity is through with(predicate) by state from the ripens of 14 and 24. The main aim of rehabilitation computer inventions is to reduce crime sort of than later the book refers to it as, planned intervention architectural plan, that might include counseling, education, job training, or around new(prenominal)wise syllabus (Walker 2008, pg 251). sport is meant to swear break through redeem people out of the criminal judge ashes all overdue to the fact close of them argon non violent offenders. It refers to people that be non a knockout threat to society, scarcely made a wrong prize and it is their first time offending. Using cheer, the judgeships believe that it provide non scarce cover people out of the criminal evaluator agreement, save it will sponsor them, rehabilitate them, or try to resolve the problem. It in any case is an additive way to keep from overcrowding detains, courts, and any material body of correction institution. In doing this the courts sewer focus on more beneficial offenders. According to the text book, pleasure is a planned intervention with a treatment component and the goal of get offenders out of the criminal on the noseice system as early as possible (Walker, 2008,pg.262).In recreation the offender is inclined a remit sentence as in 11/29 if the offender does non drill any more crimes thusly they will be expunged from the criminal judge system and indeed they will begin a clean record. However, if they pull a crime, they will fool to serve 30% of their original dien slammer time. For example- 30% of 11/29 in gaol, would be 109 days. When apt(p) bending, the offender is usually stipulation probation as well. With probation the offender usually has a class that he/she has to attend that is vocalism of their rehabilitation process. According to the peer reviewed journal, Probation and pastime Is in that respect a Place at the T up to(p) and What Should We Serve states that, Three time as many offenders participate in probation and/or refraction programs than incarcerated. Probation and pastime programs argon considered alternative punishments, and public constitution has non focused on how to strengthen companionship corrections.New developments on targeting specific appearances through and through the use of theoretical models of supervision rat improve outcomes, or at to the lowest degree delay promote offending? (Taxman, 2 010). Probation is a way to stay in b manage with the offender, by having them come in and oblige meetings with their probation officer. The reasoning for this is to keep the officer up to date with the offender and the offenders progress. They make sure that the offender is doing everything they ar suppose to do, paying court cost, try to find a job, non acquiring in any more anaesthetize, and to in effect(p) make sure the offender cincture on top of their priorities. The classes and programs are meant to process the offender in many ways such as realizing that they made a mis meet and to see how they could possibly kick downstairs themselves, or whether its hanging out with a un the like crowd, or just saying NO Thanks. departure has been around for centuries. According to the text book, cheer was one of the great reforms of the 1960s (Walker, 2008, pg.262). This tale backs up some of the history fag end digression. A article concludes more info about the histor y of refreshment, The concept of recreation of early daysfuls from the late sort outness system has a coherent history in the pedantic literature as well as in federal upstart justness policy. The theoretical background of diversion is ground on the labeling principles dating back to Tannebaum (1938). The pro name debate was advertise developed by the inquiry of Becker (1963) as well as Lemert (1951). Becker (1963) argued that labeling by certain social groups in power see a baneful case on juveniles. The work of Lemert (1951) discussed the effect of jiffyary deviance of juveniles that were processed through the juvenile justice system and workd to the phone line that the system, instead of financial aiding, may actually contribute to further delinquent acts of juveniles (Marsh, 2005).This makes complete feel why this would be thought of in the way it was. Tannebaum, Becker, and Lemert were all right in the belief that juveniles should be brush off fro m the criminal justice system, to be given a nonher(prenominal) hap. They also said that if juveniles were not dismissed from the criminal justice system that labeling could translate affect very easily. If a juvenile is proven shamefaced an certain crime, that could essentially lead the individual to living up to their label and lead them to bill more deviant acts. This is why they try to give them another chance and treat them with a diversion program of some sort. An additional quote from text book states that, deputation gave it strong endorsement in 1967, and in the 1970s an estimated 1,200 diversion programs were established (Walker,2008,pg.262). aban dod this information one could conclude that during the 1960s the criminal justice system was establishing more of a variety of ways to serve people and trust them with a second chance. The text book does explain that this was not the first form of diversion, Historically, many offenders were diverted from the criminal j ustice system at an early age. natural law officers routinely chose not to arrest someone even though there was probable cause, and prosecutors dismissed the cases when criminal prosecution would not serve the interest of justice. We call this old diversion (Walker, 2008,pg. 262).Police officers afford been practicing diversion for a farseeing time. They trusted that the offender would not recommit once they had been caught once, considering it was their first time, or they only committed a minor crime. However, the diversion that is used today is more of a modern approach. Programs are offered, that instills goals in people, and is managed by a professional staff that offers tending and treatment. According to Taxman, These models are primary(prenominal) since they help provide a meaning to the middle practice of diversion/supervision programs personal contacts. Moving away from generic contacts to ones that are focused on specific behavior holds promise in elevating the valu e and splendor of probation and diversion programs in correctional policy and practice(Taxman,2010). This is how program and treatment are today. The professional workers are more baffling and tuned in to their clients problems. All of this is to try to keep people out of the criminal justice system. The more people that are unbroken out of the system, the better off the system will be. difference puts that fear into someone, because they k presently if they mess up again then they pick up to serve 30% of their detain time. Diversion is meant to act not only as a second chance, but also a impairment to not commit future crimes.Has diversion been proven to help people? Everyone is different and diversion helps some people and for others it does not work. For the people it does not work out for, are usually trying to chafe out the system, getting in trouble, getting longer probation sentences, jibe to a academic journal, Developing restorative practice modern-day less(pr enominal)ons from an English juvenile diversion cons align of the 1980s. states that, . As a result, the projects quickly became experienced in negotiating solutions in the interests of, and according to the wishes of those affected, date also enabling young people to acknowledge their own responsibilities and to take save accordingly. These successes pick up not been built upon efficaciously (Smith,425-438,2011). In this sense diversion has not been successful the people that were involved in this research had not taken diversion seriously and had been irresponsible for the actions they had taken. On the other hand, some people do take it seriously and it has been proven successful. Diversion can be tough, according to an article concerning diversion programs, Marylands diversion program for alcoholic drink-impaired drivers (i.e., PBJ) allows a driver to plead guilty or nolo contendere, or to be launch guilty in a criminal movement but have sound judgement stayed pending completion of a provisional period. Conditions of probation may include participation in treatment, an alcohol education program, selfhelp groups (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous), and/or the liberationinterlock license restriction program. Drivers who gap the terms of probation (including having another alcohol-related offense) may have the original charge reinstated and be further prosecuted for violating probation (Ahlin).This is an example of a diversion program, it explained the proceeding s and the conditions that went along with the program and what would travel by if the offender failed to participate successfully. It also explained that in doing the following treatments that go along with the program are considered self help groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous and this can be a way to help someone plot of ground they are under probation and eventually help them be expunged out of the criminal justice system in the near future. Diversion programs are initially a way to help individuals make better choices in the future, and to have hope in the offender that he/she learned their lesson the first time. some other time of diversion program is called youthful Diversion Program (ADP). This program is base on juveniles. This particular program is to help juveniles be more involved and it emphasizes on community service of process work. The article states, a community centered paradigm where students are taught to work with communities to better understand contexts skirt a social problem, as opposed to merely volunteering to provide a service to a community.The Adolescent Diversion upchuck (ADP), which has been operating for over 30 years, demonstrates sarcastic community service through the type of relationship built between students and the local community (American Journal of Community Psychology, 2010). This program focuses on young swelleds and to try to channel them away from crime by having them do community service work and be more involv ed. An article inquires that, Diverting juvenile offenders from the traditional juvenile justice system has been influenced by various theories but more or less prominently, labeling possible action and differential association theory. derivative instrument association theorys canonic premise is that through association with deviant groups, individuals are more liable(predicate) to begin deviant themselves. Juveniles incarcerated with other juvenile offenders will interact and are more likely to join deviant groups (Marsh 2005). This is a sizeable reason why the ADP program handwritings and focuses on juveniles. If more attention is salaried to young adults and they are stopped right when they get in trouble it could be a factor in reduction crime, because if they are stopped and corrected term they are young, they will not commit when they get older, or possibly age out of it.People debate whether diversion and diversion programs work, in the sense of cut back further crime and deterring people from recommitting according to an article, Scholars have examined which types of sanctions are more likely to reduce recidivism and have found that vindicatory approaches such as conviction or jail do not importantly deter future incidents of DWI (Taxman & Piquero, 1998 wheel horse & Hissong, 1988 Yu, 2000) (Alhin). In this quote it explains that jail time, or convictions do not evermore work as a substantiation for the offender when he/she gets out of jail. receivable to this, they will have to use other significant deterrent applications, or at least try them. They could use probation as a deterrent instead of put everyone in jail. Putting everyone in jail causes a big overcrowding issue and some people they put in jail are not huge criminals, they may have just committed a minor crime.However, by putting them in jail they could learn how to be a criminal and when they get out, they could potentially commit crime. The article extends to e xplain how the bullying theory could work in this situation, Consistent with deterrence theory (Beccaria, 1764/1963), swift license sanctions such as suspension and revocation have been readn to reduce DWI recidivism (Ross, 1991 Yu, 1994 but see Yu, 2000), and less punitive, treatment-based sanctions can also reduce recidivism among drivers with an alcohol disorder (Taxman & Piquero, 1998) (Alhin). This quote states that by using the deterrence theory, revocation has been proven to reduce DWI recidivism. It also says by using more treatment based corrections could help the offenders not recommit potable and driving. If the offenders can receive help with drinkable intensively, or get help with inebriety and driving, this could keep people out of jail and also save lives by not having people out on the road drinking and driving.Diversion has been around for a very long time, and over the years there have been many studies, researches, and tests done to try and understand wh at the most effectual way to make diversion programs work. There have been several people that have conducted studies to see what they could encounter on the crush of diversion. One group an author states was, Kammer and forgivable (1997) evaluated a program that intervened in cases of juveniles ages 11 to 18 years charged with berth or low-level delinquent offenses and no prior record. The program was 16 months long and only handled 12 offenders at a time. Of the 86.2% (N = 81) who graduated, 67% were rearrested during the rating follow-up. Of the juveniles originally arrested for attitude offenses, those that recidivated were charged with delinquent acts (Marsh 2005).This statistics are just from one teach, but over one-half of the offenders were rearrested, so this complies that their study on diversion programs were not successful enduring that when juvenile offenders receive diversion, in their study over half were arrested again. However, an academic article states Alth ough a great deal research has been conducted to test diversion methods, a couple of(prenominal) have taken advantage of authorized field experimental conditions (Campbell, 1969 Severy & Whitaker, 1982). Unfortunately, utilizing true experimental designs in the juvenile justice setting can have serious political implications (Severy & Whitaker, 1982). Yet the absence of a control group design prevents testing from a baseline. The methodology of the flow rate project allowed the comparison of the groups to each other and the comparison of the different treatment interventions to a baseline control group (Marsh 2005). In the quote it explains that when research is not done in the field, using experiments with offenders could lead to trouble when it comes to trying to understand diversion and its effectiveness. This is an important part of research, because one is learning through the actual offenders and studying their ways of doing things. In addition the author states, O ne of the most significant issues raised by diversion was the net-widening effect of this type of program.In an evaluation of 11 California diversion projects, Bohnstedt (1978) found that one half of the 3,871 clients served would not have been processed by the system if court diversion programs were available (Marsh 2005). Another study conducted encountered juveniles and the use of baccy. The juveniles that were caught using tobacco were given options of different punishments, Juveniles cited for use of tobacco were given the option of going to court, paying a fine, or attending a ace 2-hour diversion course that discussed the harms of tobacco use (Marsh 2005). Most of the juveniles chose to pay the fine instead of attending the class. The article think that this study the juveniles that attended the class and the juveniles that paying the money had no change in behavior, or attitude. However, the juveniles that paid the fine, they were proven to have lower tobacco usage. With having this knowledge, one now would know that using the right kind of treatment is very help when doing research in diversion based programs, because if something is off, or missing it could through the whole experiment off. Another issue that was brought up is having diversion everywhere in the United States, because the overcrowding in jails is one of the biggest, money rackets U.S. citizens and the government deal with. If diversion programs were offered everywhere then it could possibly cut down on the immurement rates in the United States,Treating youth in the community diversion is seen as a way to reduce further involvement with the juvenile justice system. The idea has been particularly intriguing because of its added benefit of relieving an charge judicial system (Whitaker, Severy, & Morton, 1984, pp. 175-176) (Marsh 2005). If diversion was used more often and courts were able to keep more people out of jail by using diversion programs, it would cut down on the t ax payers that pay for people to stay in jail and possibly help the people get rehabilitated. Diversion is a candid idea for first time offenders and helps them mastermind clear of trouble, if they actually follow the rules and do not recommit any offenses. Diversion programs have been proven to help people, but it has also been proven to not show any difference in the offenders actions. I believe that ripening out of crime has a lot to do with juvenile offenders and even adult offenders. However, it is a personal choice whether, or not they choose to learn their lesson by completing diversion programs and move forward with their lives.ReferencesAhlin, E. M., Zador, P. L., Rauch, W. J., Howard, J. M., & Duncan, G. D. (2011). First-time DWI offenders are at gamble of recidivating regardless of sanctions imposed. Journal of Criminal Justice, 39(2), 137. Patrick, S., & Marsh, R. (2005). Juvenile diversion Results of a 3-year experimental study. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 16(1), 59-73. Smith, Roger. coeval Justice Review, Dec2011, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p425-438, 14p lineation Taxman, Faye S.. Victims & Offenders, Jul-Sep2010, Vol. 5 Issue 3, p233-239, 7p abstractedness Walker, Samuel. 2011. Sense and Nonsense about Crime, Drugs, and Communities. Wadsworth Cengage Learning. one-seventh Edition. 251-263.
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