Thursday, November 28, 2019
Compare and Contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo Essay Example
Compare and Contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo Essay Compare and contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo. How are they alike? How are they different? Is it possible to argue that Macbeth is the play’s villain and Macduff or Banquo its hero? Is the matter more complicated than that? Macbeth is the â€Å"bravest†soldier, very noble, courageous. He is also the honorable Thane of Glamis, but he is not a virtuous one. Macduff is very loyal Scottish nobleman, courageous and is also a Thane of a city. Banquo is a brave, courageous noble general who like Macbeth thinks ambitious thoughts. MacDuff and Banquo are very loyal to their King. When King Duncan was killed they do everything that they possibly can to find out who murdered the King and to properly hand the killer the consequences. Macbeth is not like Macduff or Banquo. He is very dishonest and full of deceit. He is also very instigative and conniving. Although he was loyal to King Duncan, Macbeth killed King Duncan so he would receive the throne and be the King of Scotland. Although he was already in the blood line of becoming the King of Scotland. Macduff and Banquo are very faithful and loyal to King Duncan even after he is not alive and literally not able to be their king anymore. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They start to piece together the mystery of who killed the King part by part which kind of took awhile. While Macbeth is trying to keep people from finding out that he killed the king, he is parading around like he knows nothing about it and is hiding his guilt. Banquo found out somehow that Macbeth killed Duncan and starts to get on his trail and Macbeth kills him. Banquo stands as a rebuke to Macbeth and tries to scold Macbeth for his mistake in killing the King of Scotland that he is so faithfully devoted to. Since he represents the path Macbeth chose not to take a path in which ambition need not lead to betrayal and murder. Macduff wants revenge of Macbeth when he finds out that he killed Duncan. So, Macduff gathers his army and travels through the forrest to capture the castle in honor of King Duncan. His army becomes camouflaged by cutting down trees and carrying parts of them to a set place. Macbeth realizes that the prophecy that the three witches told him is coming true, which blew his mind. Macduff fights for honor and Macbeth fights to kill and to stay alive even though he knows that he is destined to perish. Macbeth is of a brave and capable warrior initially the first time that we see him. However, once we see Macbeth and the three witches together, we begin to realize that his physical courage is joined by a consuming mind boggling ambition and a tendency to self-doubt. The crusade’s mission is to place the rightful king, Malcolm, on the throne, but Macduff also desires vengeance for Macbeth’s murder of Macduff’s wife and young son. Macbeth is easily tempted into murder to fulfill his ambitions to the throne. Once he commits his first crime and is crowned King of Scotland. When Macduff finds out that Macbeth killed Duncan he plans to kill Macbeth and take his head to Malcolm. Banquo helped Duncan to claim victory over Norway and to become the Thane of Cawdor. They all are loyal to Duncan at some point, although Macduff and Banquo are doing the right things for Duncan, Macbeth is thinking of himself and is doing things so he will be the new King of Scotland. Macbeth is the play’s villain because he is betraying Duncan and trying to hide everything so he will be king. Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo are all alike in certain little ways. However, they are all very different in a variety of ways. They all have different ambitions and have different pursuits as well as morals. In all they all are different as to the way that they want to live and how they are living in Scotland as well as to who they honor and are loyal to.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Story Of An Hour
of Mrs. Mallard, one might come to the conclusion that it was in fact horror and disappointment the he was still alive and well. In the first part of the story, Mrs. Mallard talks of how she did love her husband. She mentions that her husband â€Å"never looked save with love upon her.†This comment leads the reader to believe that her husband was only kind and love to her. It also seems she loves him because she admits that she will â€Å"weep when she saw the kind and tender hand folded in death.†If he had ever been mean to her or harmed her in anyways she would not show so much emotion at his funeral. In the same subtle fashion as Chopin hints at love, she shows us how unhappy Mrs. Mallard was. When she goes up to her room alone, the window can be taken as a representation as to what is ahead of her. Through the window she sees â€Å"trees all a quiver with the new spring life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and she smells â€Å"the delicious breath of rain†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This all represents the new fresh life that she may be about to start, full of new things and fresh and different things. She hopes for all these things because she has been forced to remain in the same schedule and lifestyle for so long. She now can be happy in her life and live it for her and no one else. The worries she had of her husband and what’d he say or do to every action of hers is now no longer a consideration.... Free Essays on Story Of An Hour Free Essays on Story Of An Hour Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†was written in the late 1800’s when male domination was conventional. This short story depicts the typical life and marriage of a woman in this time era. Most women led oppressed lives, and catered to their authoritative husbands. One can infer, that Mrs. Mallard was bonded to the institution of marriage through her husband, society and the church. Chopin’s, â€Å"The Story of an Hour†expresses a woman’s desire for independence. This is clearly evident within the physical, and emotional setting of the story. Within the opening paragraphs of the short story Chopin notes that Mrs. Mallard suffers from heart trouble. The heart is a vital organ within the human body but it is also the center for one’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Clearly, Mrs. Mallard’s heart and soul were â€Å"aching†. Chopin notes, that Mrs. Mallard suffered from physical exhaustion that pressed down upon her after hearing the news of the death of her husband. The â€Å"dead weight†which pressed down upon her body crushed her own sense of being. Apparently, Mrs. Mallard had a young, fair, and calm face. This may indicate that she was fairly young in age. Her physical attributes may symbolize the status that she attained within her society and marriage. Did they view this grown woman as a mere child with no decision making power? Chopin notes that Mrs. Mallard’s hands would have been powerless, white, and slender One receives the mental images of snow white, lifeless, ice-cold hands that belong to a corpse. It foreshadows the inevitable death that will occur in order for Mrs. Mallard to get her freedom. Either, she will pass on to receive the ultimate freedom of eternal life or Mr. Mallard will pass on and allow her to experience â€Å"hands on†the world that surrounded her. Mrs. Mallard’s eyes were described as containing a vacant stare, and containing a look of terror. As the saying goes, â€Å"The eye... Free Essays on Story Of An Hour In Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, one question remains with the reader after finishing the story. What was the true reason for Mrs. Mallard’s death? Was it the horror at seeing her husband again or was it the joy of knowing he was alive? With a deeper look into the actions and words of Mrs. Mallard, one might come to the conclusion that it was in fact horror and disappointment the he was still alive and well. In the first part of the story, Mrs. Mallard talks of how she did love her husband. She mentions that her husband â€Å"never looked save with love upon her.†This comment leads the reader to believe that her husband was only kind and love to her. It also seems she loves him because she admits that she will â€Å"weep when she saw the kind and tender hand folded in death.†If he had ever been mean to her or harmed her in anyways she would not show so much emotion at his funeral. In the same subtle fashion as Chopin hints at love, she shows us how unhappy Mrs. Mallard was. When she goes up to her room alone, the window can be taken as a representation as to what is ahead of her. Through the window she sees â€Å"trees all a quiver with the new spring life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and she smells â€Å"the delicious breath of rain†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This all represents the new fresh life that she may be about to start, full of new things and fresh and different things. She hopes for all these things because she has been forced to remain in the same schedule and lifestyle for so long. She now can be happy in her life and live it for her and no one else. The worries she had of her husband and what’d he say or do to every action of hers is now no longer a consideration.... Free Essays on Story Of An Hour The short story â€Å" Story of an Hour†written by Kate Chopin takes place in the early 1900’s in the US. The story is based on a woman’s struggle for freedom in a time where their husbands suppressed most women intellectually, and in extracurricular activities were rare for them to practice. The main character, Louise Mallard, is a young woman who suffers from a weak heart and is about to acknowledge really hard information about her husband. One day, her husband’s friend Richard was at the newspaper office when unexpected information arrived at the office. A train accident had happen and his friend Brently Mallard was on top of the list of casualties. Quickly he informs the news to Josephine, who is Louise’s sister. Both of them try to break up the news to Louise as soft and unclear as possible. When she finally understands the story she becomes paralyzed. After a few seconds she burst into tears. In her head everything has gone wrong, she feels abandoned and physically she has no energy when she is in her sister’s arms. Then, she storms to her room alone and doesn’t let anybody to follow her. In her room, alone, acing at the window sitting at a convertible arm – chair. She still feels tired in body and soul. Then she goes to sleep, and starts thinking of the repression and lack of freedom of her marriage. She started to reflect. There was something that she has waiting for a long time, but she is fearful and insecure about it. When she is thinking of her new life ahead, a word comes out of her mouth as she whispers something that she doesn’t expect: â€Å"Free.†She repeats this two or three times and then she feels terror. All this years she felt like a prisoner, powerless against her husband and now, she is free at last. Her heart is beating fast and her blood is warm. At this moment, Louse is happy her life has more meaning she is now independent, something that most of the women in her times can... Free Essays on Story Of An Hour The protagonist character Louise Mallard in Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of An Hour†portrays a wife’s unexpected response to her husband’s death. The narrator divulges to the reader modest but convincing hints of Mrs. Mallards newly discovered freedom. This newly discovered freedom would be short lived for Mrs. Mallard. Mrs. Mallard, who suffers from heart disease, was portrayed as an average wife who breaks down into a fit of distress from the fateful news of her husband’s death. She retreats to her room to come to grips with the tragedy but finds instead something unexpected in herself. The tears and emotions soon turned to confusion as Mrs. Mallard came to realize the reality that she was not necessarily crying over the loss of her husband but of his death. Mrs. Mallard admits that Mr. Mallard is a good husband but that she detests the bondage of being husband and wife and she no longer wants the will of another forced upon her. The time of her new found freedom was revealed w! hen she begins to whisper â€Å"free†over and over to denote that she is no longer under the will of another person. The depth of Louise’s bondage known as marriage was more than she could stand and she was wishing for a short-lived life just the day before the accident. With her husbands death she was wishing for a long life to enjoy her newfound freedom. Mr. Mallard is not the tyrant who holds Louise in this bondage but instead it was the institution of marriage itself that entraps her. The imagery in the story helps set her characters new found freedom from the trees â€Å"aquiver†with new life denoting her new found life to the cloud’s shadow representing her married life casting shadows on her happiness. The conflict that Louise Mallard feels is not with her husband or herself but that of the cultural institution of marriage. This conflict was so profoundly ingrained in Louise that when she discovers that her husband was not dead and she was... Free Essays on Story Of An Hour Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of and Hour†, deals with emotions felt by one character that are completely misunderstood by the other characters in the story. Mrs. Mallard’s actions and how she is feeling end up being extremely ironic and comes to a shock to the reader. News of her husband’s death had not yet reached Mrs. Mallard yet and friends and family wanted to break the information to her as gently as possible. The characters all know that Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble and any upsetting news might not be good for her. What they didn’t know is that Mrs. Mallard’s feelings for her husband weren’t as strong and deep as they had all thought. When they break the news to her, â€Å"She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She started to weep. When she was done crying, she went away to her room alone and had no one follow her. She sat there alone, motionless, with an occasional sob. Mrs. Mallard then starts to think. She is sitting in the chair and staring off into the blue sky. Then at one instance she begins to notice something coming to her. â€Å"She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been.†She kept saying over and over again, â€Å"free, free, free!†Her pulse started to beat fast and her body started to warm. She was excited. Of course Mrs. Mallard would weep at the funeral with the sight of her dead husband, but she was looking beyond that point. She was looking at those coming years where there would be nobody to live for except herself and she loved it. â€Å"Free! Body and soul free!†she kept whispering. â€Å"Louise then immediately recognizes her two selves and comprehends how each will co-exist, the old finally giving way to the one new self. Mrs. Mallard will grieve for the husba... Free Essays on Story Of An Hour In reading â€Å"The Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin, I found that there was very much symbolism in the selection, and that a closer look must be taken in order to see the true meaning of the story. The first sentence of the story â€Å"knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husbands death.†The first thing we are told about the main character is that she has a bad heart. It seems that people would see Mrs. Mallard as a weak and fragile woman. I personally got an image of an old lady, which I later figured she wasn’t that old. Her heart condition could show that she has had a hard life, and has an old soul. When she first heard the bad news, â€Å"she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment..†Her reaction shows that she is a touchy person, a lot more then I would have thought. Yet while other wives could not accept the fact that their husbands were dead, she took to it immediately and began the whole â€Å"grieving†process all at once. As she sits alone crying about her now late husband, she sat in the armchair facing the window and had a feeling that â€Å"haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.†This seems like she is feeling the hold her husnbad had on her that she couldn’t seem to escape even after he’s gone. The haunting her body can be thought of as physical abuse. â€Å"The new spring life†could represent the new life she could have now that he;s gone. The peddler crying symbolizes her old life and how she felt during the years of her marriage. Though she did love her husband, him being gone gave her the freedom to do as she pleased, not as he commanded. She begins to feel something come over her and â€Å"she was striving to beat it back with her will.†I later learned that it is the word â€Å"free†that came over her, and that she was â€Å"as powerless as her two white slender hands would hav... Free Essays on Story Of An Hour The Story of an Hour (Essay #3) Is there an â€Å"appropriate†way society expects one to act when a loved one passes away? In the short story, â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†Louise Mallard finds out that her husband passes away, but instead of showing remorse, she is overjoyed at the fact that she is finally free. â€Å"She said it over and over under her breath: ‘free, free, free!’†(Chopin 11). Now is that considered a â€Å"normal†reaction to first finding out that your husband is dead? Well, in today’s society it would be considered immoral to act in the respect Mrs. Mallard did and she would probably be suspected of having something to do with his murder. Back in the late 1800s, on the other hand, it might have been considered â€Å"normal†the way Louise acted because women were, so to say, â€Å"tied down†and their husbands dominated their lives. As time progresses, people’s views of the role of the women change respectively with it . This aspect and way of thinking portrays the constant change of view society has on women. People who were brought up in the same time period as Mrs. Mallard may not have viewed her reaction as unsympathetic as someone who has been brought up in a later generation would. On a personal note, her reaction to her husband’s death is selfish, unnatural, insensitive, and heartless. It is apparent that she was not content with her marriage because if she were, she would not be overwhelmed with happiness over his death. In first finding out of Mr. Mallard’s death, she weeps and goes off into her room by herself to sob. Then she suddenly gets a feeling of freedom inside her and she felt guilty at first for feeling this way and tried to fight it, but then she just let it take her over. She realized that there would be no one for her to live for beside herself and there was no reason for her to feel a sense of inferiority. â€Å"And yet she had loved him-sometimes. Often she had not. ... Free Essays on Story Of An Hour The Story of an Hour â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is emphatically a coming of age anecdote, written by Kate Chopin in eighteen ninety-four. Louise Mallard is the variance protagonist of â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†who is faced with her husband Richard’s death, in a time when women had to have a man in their lives in order to be respected and survive. Chopin explores how Mrs. Mallard, a woman, who is married can still feel emotionally starved and caged in her role in being a devoted wife that her husband oppressed upon her. The title â€Å"The Story of an Hour†first of all reflects how time is an untamed animal that picks and chooses its victims. Theirs is not a way to know when and where time will strike, but when it does something that seems so horrible and awful could end up being the light at the end of the tunnel you where looking for. Also the title shows how fast life can take away everything leaving a dejected and miserable feel to it. Then in just a few hours or minutes be full of adventure, possibilities and experience ahead in the future in a very few moments. Which was what Mrs. Mallard experienced as she â€Å"shuddered that life might be long,†but in on instant of a few breaths her whole outlook of life took towards more enthusiastic, exhilaration and pleasure full experience (19). Also, through out the story Chopin points out that there was some possible abuse with the disposition. Although it isn’t for sure what kind of abuse, the way Chopin handles Mrs. Mallard’s character it hints to more as of a poignant exploitation of the temperament. As with the phrase â€Å"the face the never looked save with love upon her,†Chopin starts to get little more descriptive of how Mrs. Mallard felt in her husbands care (13). In turn that also brings up the fact that what looks bravura on the outside could very will be someone’s hell that is tormenting him or her on the inside with everyday the passes by. â€Å"The Story...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Millennial Generation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Millennial Generation - Assignment Example As such, the changes associated with this group cannot be easily understood at times. The imprints of the generation are moved in the lifecycle of the people, with the most significant impression being seen among the youth. The millennials are considered to be vulnerable to interference. This is claimed to be as a result of multitasking. Despite science claiming that multitasking is a myth, it is quite evident that this generation shows extraordinary multi-tasking abilities. This is seen in places of work and at home. Millennials have grown exposed to a variety of technological advancements and this has motivated them to carry out several duties and activities at the same time. They are always putting their brains with the extensive multitasking training. Evidence has shown that long time engagement in the simultaneous playing of video games, doing assignments and watching television has reduced the ability of the brain to perform thus, making them more vulnerable. It is, however, worth noting that the multi-tasking has allowed them to increase their brain processing speed making the ability to quickly learn and adapt to new environments. There is a popular belief that millennials are more caring and more community oriented. This is shown by their ability to show concern to their colleagues at home and in their places of work. According to Chip, Ukleja, and Rusch, the caring aspect of this generation comes from the environment that such people grow up in. Their childhood is affected by family and social influences that ensure that they develop to become people interested in extrinsic life goals (102). Several products like reality Television, iWorld, and NCLB exposes the generation to the external world and motivates them to engage others socially and culturally. In the long run, it makes them engaged in external life aspects and promotes a caring attitude or trait among them. The millennials are also more open-minded as compared to other generations.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Remake of the Horror Movie Texas Chainsaw Essay
The Remake of the Horror Movie Texas Chainsaw - Essay Example Every moment of the film from the camera, to the creak woodwork, to the glance of the eyes that permeates within the chilling feel of dread is truly amazing, and it gives a remarkable piece of filmmaking. I went to the cinema overrating the remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The approach in the remake is great since it captures the existence of its predecessor, it also presumes to usurp the original title of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and claims to be bigger and more superior than the previous version that was done by Tobe Hooper (Evan, 32). The screenplay is not lifted in any way to throw in some new groove as the filmmakers claimed and put what they say into action. For once, they were not kidding. This film says that it knows what the audience is expecting and it is going to give just that. However, I will not talk about what made it great in version that is watered-down. The only thing I am doing is giving something new that takes the basic storyline of the original version then draws the inspiration from its creepy screenplay. The nod of the original version comes into play in the opening moment of the movie. John Larroquette gives a narration that is much similar to the one in Tobe Hooper's version. The only notable change is that in the remake the narration is far more complex since it is done using some digitally decayed-looking super 8 film stock (Evan, 10). When the film starts in a van with kids who are much familiar to 1973, it takes us back to the original version. The usual suspects Andy and his narcissistic boy antiques are constantly making out with the free hippie Pepper, Morgan is the stand-in for the original’s wheelchair-bound Franklin. In addition to walking on his own, he is a bit acidic and not as naive. Burns, good Erin who does not drink or do drugs, play the new version of Marilyn. She wants to get married to his boyfriend Kemper.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
American History I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
American History I - Essay Example It is through religion that the blacks found a tool of enduring enslavement with their dignity still intact. Religion strengthened their belief that they will get their freedom. Other worshippers, however, felt that the whites became sent by God, to deliver them from their bondage. Through this, they became more loyal to the slave masters. Family was significant to the enslaved people. Family allowed the male slaves is more than a working beast. It gave him the opportunity of being a father, and also a husband. Women became allowed to be mothers and wives, and to take on responsibilities different from their slave duties (Stanley, 2000). Even though, on one hand the masters wanted these families since they wanted slaves to reproduce, they allowed for a whole new generation, to develop. Families weakened slavery because it is out of families that communities’ grew these turned out to be a world that the slave master never knew about, leading to easy riots and ganging up against slavery (Stanley, 2000). While region did both weaken and strengthened the institution of slavery, family weakened the institution completely. Families became able to plot on how to gang up against the masters without their knowledge. Slave leaders found it easier to pass information through families rather than holding public gatherings (Stanley,
Friday, November 15, 2019
Gulf War Was A Perfect Television War Media Essay
Gulf War Was A Perfect Television War Media Essay The media representation of wars has significantly changed over last years. Previously being just an instrument of coverage and propaganda, now media are considered a competent weapon. The war of real objects is partially being replaced by the war of pictures and sounds, information war (Virilio, 2002). On the one hand, information technologies can be regarded as humane weapon, because they lead to the fewer amounts of victims. On the other hand, they directly influence the mental structures, can fulfill the conscious with false images or distort the perceptions, spread moral panics or create virtual enemies and thus are an intelligent weapon of mass distruction. One of the famous works about the usage of information technologies in the war belongs to French sociologist Jean Baudrillard, and his concept of the Gulf War 1991 as the first television war will be assessed in the essay in correlation with his theories of hyper reality and simulacrum. Those concepts are applied to the media representation of the conflict in South Ossetia. The usefulness of the concept of television war for understanding modern conflicts is proved in conclusion. Hyper reality, simulacrum and information wars Philosophical approach of Baudrillards works is concentrated around two main notions -hyper reality and simulacrum. Both terms are related to the reality of the consumer society. According to Baurillard, we all live in the world, dominated by organized perceptions, while people loose an ability to perceive the real surrounding. Instead they face artificial or adapted environments: assembled chronicles of military operations, coverage of suicidal terrorist acts. Baudrillard (1996) claims that the reality is not only possible to represent, the reality should always be ready for representation and thus it becomes a hyper reality, existing only in simulation. It consists of media and cultural images that simulate the real world. Some of this images are representations of real objects, but aggressive information technologies, television and particularly advertisement create special images, deceiving representations of non-existing objects, which Baudrillard (1998), following Plato, calls simulacra. In postmodern culture, dominated by TV and Internet, the notions of true and false representations are destroyed, as people have access only to simulations of reality, which is no more real than the simulacra representing it. Moreover, we start to believe the maps of reality as more real than own experience and take the hyper reality as the actual environment (Mann, n.d.). Consequently, simulacra, which lost any connection to real things, dont have original or prototype, and can parallel some objects, change the notion of counterfeits or false. So a correlation appears that hyper reality becomes the battlefield and the simulacra the intellectual weapons in conflicts of all levels, from the business competition to wars between countries, which gradually turn into information wars. The most widespread technique of symbolic images usage in information war is propaganda, but now in the form of marketing or PR campaigns. Such campaigns provide the basis for military operations and are a perfect tool to make conform to one side or type of thinking. Thus they are the most integrated and hidden, but also the most pervasive parts of the new wars. The censorship is widespread, because the military-media campaigns require a gap between the event and the audience, and censorship breaks the flow of information, while propaganda specialists feed media with false information (Snow, 2003). In these terms coverage of military operations is now able to influence their process as it was, for example, in the movie Wag the dog, where imaginary war actions of American troops in Albania, staged to shift public interest from the reputation crisis of the president, led to real military response. So, the role of media in the modern wars is not limited to news coverage or propaganda, the media now should be regarded more likely as the fourth front of war. The reasons for it could be different. According to sociologist Paul Virilio (2002), the escalation of cybernetic wars of persuasion and propaganda is the result of graduate changes in weapons. The first, prehistorical, wars were tactical and used weapons of obstruction (ramparts, fortresses). The epoch of political wars made them strategic and reliable on weapons of destruction (bows, missiles). The new period of transpolitical wars is characterized as logistical and uses weapons of communication (telephone, radar, satellites, information carriers), which emerged due to global information networks and tele-surveillance. The turning point of modern epoch is the integration of media and industrial army, where the capability to war without war manifests a parallel information market of propaganda, illusion, dissimulation (Viril io, 2002: 17). The image prevails over the real space and substitutes it, changes the landscape from physical to audiovisual by technological accelerants satellites, internet and high-quality video on TV. The level of media influence is dependent on the communication forms, in which it is carried, because it is possible to frame the report, provided with knowledge of certain mediums advantages (Cottle, 2003). Television with live broadcast and reliance on spectacular images, simulacra, is in these terms the best communication weapon. It makes inefficient the object, but concentrates on its representation; it is not a reality, but a construction of it (Webster, 2002). TV news is often watched with the belief that it indicates, the reality, but in fact it is a version of events, shaped by journalists values and morality. The whole reality begins and ends on television screens, and any critical attitude emerges not an original version of event, but creates other symbolic representation in live images (Webster, 2002). According to Virilio (2002), the live image attracts not critiques, but emotion, apprehension. Thus it involves the spectator to the situation, makes him dependent on televi sual interface, even if the problem doesnt concern him directly. All these advantages were used strategically for the first time in the Gulf War, which Baudrillard (1995) called both a non-existing and a first television war. Gulf War 1991: the first television war Three essays of Baudrillard, referred to events in Iraq during January and February 1991, were published originally in the Liberation and the Guardian and lately collected in one book The Gulf War did not take place. Before the actual war, during the strengthening of American military and propaganda, he claimed that the Gulf War will not take place in reality. During the military actions his catchy slogan was that the Gulf War is not taking place and right after the operation he said that the Gulf War hadnt taken place, because the Western public perceived it just as a series of hyperreal TV images. For Baudrillard, media and especially television do not provide the opportunities for effective communication. Television is the technology of non-communication because it limits the interaction needed for symbolic exchange by giving the large amounts of signs impossible to critically analyze and react (Groening, 2007). A war demands a struggle between counterparts, exchange, communicatio n and interaction (Webster, 2002), while Baudrillard (1995) argued that the USA overloaded the symbolic communication space in this war and moreover, the goals of George Bush and Saddam Hussein were so different that they couldnt even be considered as counterparts. Hussein, a former US ally, was not regarded as the real enemy, and the outcome of the war was predictable both for participants and for audience of war (Mann, n.d.). Researchers express the controversial idea that bombing was the most precise in history and civilian casualties thus were minimized (Kellner, 2008). Consequently, the war can be regarded as hyperreal and overloaded by media provocations. The Gulf War was understood by Paul Virilio (2002) also as a turning point in history. He called it the first information war of images, media-staged event or the first electronic war in the form of televised series, broadcast live by satellite. The difference is that Virilio accepted the idea that the war really had taken place, but it moved to the fourth front of communication weapons and instant information. He warned about the doubling of the front, a communication between place of action the Middle East and place of its immediate reception the whole world, which extends widely over the Iraqi-Saudi border. Turning the battlefield into a theatre with the symbolic counterparts- Hussein and CNN emerges the risk of turning TV audience into fans on the stadium, counting casualties like goals of the favorite team. In comparison with Baudrillard, Virilio considers TV as establishing interactivity between those making war and those watching it. But he has the same idea about the role of common people in war impotent tele-spectators, victims of intelligent weapons and the people who serve them (Virilio, 2002: 47). It is obvious that Baudrillard didnt intend to act like a devils advocate and decline the existence of the Gulf War. He agrees that a massive bombing of military and civil objects took place in Iraq in 1991. And lately he (2002) told readers that official casualties in Iraq were estimated in order of 100Â 000, not counting the losses due to consequent hunger and diseases. But the question is why so few US soldiers died in this war, that it was named a war of zero casualties on the side of allies (Virilio, 2002: 97). After analyzing Baudrillards work, it becomes clear, that despite a catchy slogan in title, in fact the author compares real events with their interpretation, and the central conclusion is that the consequence of real events could hardly be named a war, while a consequence of those events representations was perceived as a real war. This effect was a main reason why he called a Gulf War the first and the perfect television war. US-led coalition relied highly on the television. On the first night of military operation, in Kourou, Ariane rocket launched two broadcasting satellites (Virilio, 2002), and it was a sign of parallel intervention of real forces and television. The leaders decisions were significantly based on intelligence reports, coming not from eye-witnesses, but from news and images. Bush recruited CNN and its owner Ted Turner to transit messages to Iraqi people and thus held diplomacy through interposed images (Virilio, 2002). Coalition forces were ordered not to get engaged in the direct battles with Iraqi army, but to use the means of virtual war in response to Iraqi attempts to turn the conflict into traditional. After interviewing soldiers, who were on the battlefield, Baudrillard (1995) claimed that the Western TV channels, especially CNN, offered audience highly edited reports from Iraq under the shape of live feeds. ABC News through life coverage of the Gulf War convinced the nation that Star Wars works (Bass, 2002). But Hussein used media even more cynically, creating a consequence of the images of hostages and the crying children. Attractive simulacra with no meaning behind were promoted by media of both sides: the CNN journalists with the gas masks in the Jerusalem, drugged and beaten prisoners on Iraqi TV, sea-bird covered in oil and pointing eyes into the Gulf sky (Baudrillard, 1995) and the quintessential symbol the Stealth F117, undetectable bomber, that nobody have seen, but everyone knew. The first object, destructed by F117, was also symbolic the building of Hussein forces communication centre (Virilio, 2002). The effect could be correlated with the essence of the conflicts media coverage: it is possible to see it only in time it happens, there is no time to prepare for it and no sense to watch it afterwards. As the victims of F117 see it just in the moment of action, viewers see the live broadcasts at the same time with the military journalists. The last reasons for perceiving the Gulf War as a television war are its results. Baudrillard and Virilio agreed that nobody fully lost or won in the conflict. Defeated in fact, Hussein remained in power and moreover won the information war. In spite of abilities given by Pentagon, CNN lost that television war, because American government issued a document, restricting the real time of operations from the TV present time (Virilio, 2002). Trying to prevent the American audience from communication weapons of Iraq, US officially imposed censorship and turned the public to the search for new information sources. To conclude, Iraq in 1991 was a place not of real war, but of massive violence and a remote enough zone for creating simulacra and holding a perfect television war. The TV Gulf War could have seemed a perfect simulacrum, a hyperreal situation. It is possible to partially agree with Baudrillards and Virilios argumentation, as it may be really the first example in the war history, when the TV technologies were used as a competent weapon and the whole war was spectacled on TV. But from the humane point of view, the statement the Gulf War did not take place undermines the seriousness of the Iraqi civilians massacre, the consequences for the political situation in Iraq and such consequence as the spread of international terrorism, which now is often perceived as the same symbolic non-event (Baudrillard, 2002): it catches the eye on TV screen when happening somewhere, but is not fully understood as possible to happen with the viewer. Nevertheless, Baudrillards theory is useful for understa nding representations of other modern wars, for example, the recent conflict between Georgia, South Ossetia and Russia. South Ossetia 2008 media war Conflict in South Ossetia will remain in the history of the post-Soviet area as a first war, which media helped to spread from the inter-country to cross-continental level. Known as Georgian-Ossetian war, the conflict in August 2008 turned into confrontation between Georgia and USA on one side and Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia on the other. On the 8 August Georgia started a bombing of its separatist region South Ossetia. The next day Russia deployed troops in Ossetia and started military operation against Georgia. The USA government expressed eagerness to intervene, but on the 16 August the ceasefire was signed. The actual political result is recognizing the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia from Georgia by several countries, leading by Russia, and high tensions in the region. The number of casualties is still discussed and differs from 160 to 2000 on Ossetian side and from 60 to 400 on Georgian. Baudrillards concept of hyperreal television war is the perfect way of understanding this simulacra-rich conflict. The date of its beginning was a sign itself it was the day of opening the Olympic Games in Beijing, when by ancient traditions all the conflicts should be postponed. The violation of symbolic tradition instantly attracted the attention of worlds media. Artillery system Grad, used by Georgian forces as well as totally destructed building of hospital in Ossetian capital Tskhinvali, became symbols of civilian massacre. The anecdotic situation, when American audience mixed the Georgia as the Caucasus country and the US state, and started panics, was spread by media. Russian media discussed the interview with the 12-year-old ossetian girl on the Fox News, where she accuses Georgia, while being roughly interrupted by the journalist (Kukolevsky, 2008). And even unaware people remember Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili, nervously chewing his necktie during the live TV inte rview. All those images were born by the war, which Georgian minister Temur Yakobashvili called a war for international public opinion (Collin, 2008). The media became a crucial battlefield in the conflict between Tbilisi and Moscow. The Georgian side claimed that it tried to reconquer its territory while Russian troops illegally invaded into it. Russians responded that Georgian government organized genocide, while Russian mission was to enforce peace. Both sides accused each other of spending millions of dollars on propaganda. Both sides even employed European PR agencies to promote their viewpoint. Georgia, backed by Western allies, from the beginning dominated in the information war. Started with cyberattacks and blocking of Russian TV, it used the help of USA and Great Britain, who didnt engage into real conflict, but actively engaged in the information one. All the leading global media CNN, Fox News, BBC, Sky News, Reuters, Associated Press were pro-Georgian. For example, Sky News showed a video report about the bombings of Tskhinvali by Georgian troops with a title Russia bombs the Georgian region South Ossetia (InoSmi, 2008; CNN, 2008). Georgia used a main advantage of Baudrillards television war that the world revealed the war from TV news. European audience, unaware of remote Caucasus regions, didnt know that some American and European correspondents presented the videos from Ossetian Tskinvali as the videos from Georgia (Vesti, 2009). Even Russian Foreign minister Sergej Lavrov agreed, that Russia lost that information war, but presented it as evidence, that Russia i s not an aggressor, otherwise it would have prepared a successful strategy (RIA Novosti, 2008). Nevertheless, I consider the results of Russian-Georgian information war as controversial as the results of real week-long conflict. The aim of attracting Western support wasnt achieved by any side. For example, German press claimed the conflict broadened the tensions between Russia and the West (Mannteufel, 2008), while some of British media found evidence of Georgia being an aggressor, guilty in war crimes (Milne, 2008). Some analysts consider Georgian media campaign as more effective because, for example, English-speaking ministers were always available for interview (Collin, 2008), but the media coverage was often favorable to Russia. The Russian strategy in this war could have been more effective, if used the overviewed simulacra images actively, because they all were really catchy and could influence the target audiences. Also Russia could have provided the world media with evidence of Georgian genocide by opening an access to a war zone for journalists. Moreover, it could be useful to prepare a strategic crisis communication plans for the possible conflicts of this kind. But anyway, the negative image of Russia, popular among Western media, could undermine by now any communication efforts. To change the situation, Russia should become a part of global media system, which is impossible because of American domination. The main idea of case study is that in August 2008 South Ossetia became a centre not of a real war, which ended in one week, but of an information war, which lasts till now. On this battlefield a little Georgia, backed by Western transnational media, can beat the huge Russia and create herself an image of a victim of Russian military machine (Zinenko, 2008). Thus it proves the thesis of Baudrillard and Virilio, that the wars of new generation are being won or lost in the space of media and information technologies. Conclusion The theoretical concepts of information and especially television wars by Baudrillard and Virilio, engaged in the essay with the real wars in Iraq 1991 and South Ossetia 2008, emerge the question of what Kellner (2005) calls a centrality of media politics in advanced foreign policy. Of course, the idea of hyperreal television war is an ideal model, and by now there was no conflict that has been totally televisual. Critiques of Baudrillard draw an attention to his hyper-postmodern approach (Hegarty, 2004) or lack of meaningful political engagement (Economic expert, n.d.). Nevertheless, the fact remains in both analyzed war cases and in numerous other conflicts of the last decades the media opened the fourth front, created a hyperreal space of mutual information attacks and marketing-style campaigns, used the simulacra-like images to influence the audience and to attract it to one side. Moreover, media become a means of searching allies or oppositely turn back to life the old confrontations, like in case of South Ossetia they emerged a new spiral of Cold War between Russia and the USA (RIA Novosti, 2008). Consequently, the governments of new generation should consider media campaigns as a part of any successful military operations, and the people, who dont want to be manipulated be spectacular images, should try to be less ignorant and more human-oriented.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
As classified by Thibodeau and Patton (2007) the six major classifications of the brain from the bottom of the brain and going upwards in direction are: â€Å"the medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain (the first three can be classified simply as the brain stem), cerebellum, diencephalon, and cerebrum. For the purpose and focus of this class, more attention will be made on specific anatomy found within those major classifications. According to Hart and Ksir, (2013) the midbrain, pons and medulla as the whole brainstem are responsible for the coordination of motor reflexes and sensory reflexes and are also listed as the general location as to which the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are released. Nearly the entire amount of these neurotransmitters is produced within this proportionately small area (Hart & Ksir, 2013). A further breakdown of the reflex centers controlled by the brain stem as stated by Thibodeau and Patton, (2007) are as follows: Nuclei in the medulla contain a number of reflex centers. Of first importance are the cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory centers. Other centers present in the medulla are for various non-vital reflexes such as vomiting, coughing, sneezing, hiccupping, and swallowing. The pons contains centers for reflexes mediated by the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eight cranial nerves†¦In addition, the pons contains the pneumotaxic centers that help regulate respiration. The midbrain, like the pons, contains reflex centers for certain centers for certain cranial nerve reflexes, for example, papillary reflexes and eye movements, mediated by the third and fourth cranial nerves, respectively. Having more neurons than all the other parts of the nervous system combined a... ...when a drug binds with a receptor in the brain, two effects can be had. The first effect is an agonist effect, in which the substance or drug is able to mimic the effect of the neurotransmitter it resembles and the second is an antagonist effect in where the substance or drug is able to fit the receptor but there is no resultant effect- in essence it blocks the receptor from accepting anything else, including the intended neurotransmitter (Hart & Ksir, 2013). As described by my previous Anatomy Professor Joseph Staley, â€Å"an agonist effect is like being able to start a Ferrari with the keys to a Honda and driving away while the antagonist effect is like getting the key to the Honda stuck in the Ferraris’ ignition and not being able to even put the real key in it and not drive it anywhere.†While it is very basic, it is also a very accurate description.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Basketball: Then vs. Now Essay
The sport of basketball was invented 113 years ago. The first original 13 rules of basketball are much different than the rules today. Not only have the rules evolved, but also the number of players, regulation time, and mainly just the dynamics of the game altogether. After explanation, you will be able to see how many changes basketball has truly undergone to become what it is now. The original 13 rules of basketball written by James Naismith are as follows: 1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands. 2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands (never with the fist). 3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man who catches the ball when running at a good speed if he tries to stop. 4. The ball must be held in or between the hands; the arms or body must not be used for holding it. 5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed; the first infringement of this rule by any player shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game, no substitute allowed. 6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violation of Rules 3,4, and such as described in Rule 5. 7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall count a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents in the mean time making a foul). 8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from the grounds into the basket and stays there, providing those defending the goal do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball rests on the edges, and the opponent moves the basket, it shall count as a goal. 9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the field of play by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The thrower-in is allowed five seconds; if he holds it longer, it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on that side. 10. The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made. He shall have power to disqualify men according to Rule 5. 11. The referee shall be judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in bounds, to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made, and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee. 12. The time shall be two 15-minute halves, with five minutes’ rest between. 13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner. In case of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is made. Of course, if you have any common knowledge of how basketball is played, you know very well that today’s play is much different. Many of these rules have changed, including the dribble. Dribbling was created as an escape from the defense. Players could also run down the court tapping the ball in the air without it touching the floor, or could dribble the ball using both hands. Now days, you cannot move with the ball unless you are using a one handed dribble. Until 1916, a player could not shoot after dribbling. He had to pass the ball. Scoring has also changed much since then. In the beginning, field goals counted for one point, and a player who fouled was sent to a penalty box, as in hockey. If a team fouled three consecutive times, the opponent got a field goal. This rule was eventually replaced by free throws. By 1895, field goals were worth two points and free throws one. For many years, each team had one player who shot all the free throws. That rule was changed in 1910 by a New York league that required who was fouled to shoot the free throw. This rule still holds today. There are also boundary lines on the basketball court marking in and out of bounds. Before the creation of those, when a ball went anywhere on the court, the team that got to the ball first gained possession. This caused teams to go crashing into the spectators, walls, and hallways. Today, we have out of bounds and whichever team caused the ball to go out of bounds, the opponents gain possession with a throw-in. Other changes such as uniform colors, dunking rules, regulations on backboards, time-outs, overtime, fouling out, backcourt rules, free throws, and three pointers were also engaged in change, some over and over again until they became what they are today. There was much controversy about the three pointer. It was invented for a catch up method when a team was behind. Indeed, this did work, and in 1980, Western Carolina’s Ronnie Carr drilled a three-point field goal, the first in the history of basketball. Few rules have ever impacted the game of basketball as the introduction of the three pointer. College coaches and many other personnel were interested with the three and there was never any talk of getting rid of it. Not only was it a great offensive weapon for teams, it was also very exciting, resulting in higher ticket sales, and it required more skill than the older popular attraction, the dunk. Basketball is a great American sport, and perhaps one that requires the most skill along with a great mental game. Personally, it is one of my favorites, and it is amazing how it has evolved from 1891 to 2004.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Liquid Nitrogen Activities and Projects
Liquid Nitrogen Activities and Projects Are you looking for an activity or project with liquid nitrogen? This is the most extensive list of liquid nitrogen ideas youre likely to find: Make liquid nitrogen ice cream.Make Dippin Dots type of ice cream.Fill a whistlings include wine or soda. Youll get a cool fog effect, plus a cool drink.For a party or group, freeze graham crackers in liquid nitrogen. Wave the cracker around to warm it up a bit and eat the cracker. The cracker has an interesting texture, plus people eating crackers will be spouting clouds of nitrogen vapor. Miniature marshmallows also work quite well. The risk of injury from either food is quite low. Freeze a banana in liquid nitrogen. You can use it to hammer a nail.As a demonstration that even antifreeze freezes if its cold enough, solidify antifreeze using liquid nitrogen. Dip a carnation, rose, daisy, or other flower in liquid nitrogen. Remove the flower and shatter its petals in your hand.Use a squirt bottle of water to spray designs into liquid nitrogen vapor.Spin a tub of liquid nitrogen to create a vapor vortex. You can float paper boats or other lightweight objects in the maelstrom.Pour a cup of liquid nitrogen into about a liter of warmed bubble solution to produce a mountain of bubbles.Pour a small amount of liquid nitrogen into a Pringles can and pop the lid on. The vapor will (loudly and forcefully) pop the lid off.Break an incandescent light bulb (type with a filament). Turn it on in the liquid nitrogen. Cool glow!Bounce a lightweight hollow ball on a hard surface. Immerse the ball in liquid nitrogen and try to bounce it. The ball will shatter rather than bounce.Pou r liquid nitrogen onto weeds to kill them. The plant will die with no toxic residue or other harm to the soil. Examine the color change of LEDs under normal temperatures and in liquid nitrogen. The band gap of the LED increases at lower temperature. Cadmium red or cadmium orange- bandgap of Cd(S,Se)- are good choices.Foods high in water will break with a tinkling sound like glass when smashed. Orange segments are a good choice for this project.Insert flexible rubber or plastic tubing into a dewar of liquid nitrogen. The nitrogen will spray out the end of the tubing onto you or the audience, etc. so use care that you have protection on the hand holding the tubing and that there is enough distance at the top of the tubing for the nitrogen to vaporize before contacting with people. Although the tubing is flexible at room temperature, at liquid nitrogen temperature it becomes brittle and will shatter if hit with a hammer or whacked on a lab bench. If you twist the tubing around itself before putting it in the nitrogen, the tubing will uncoil itself as it thaws, in a sort of serpentine manner.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Building Blocks Lesson
Building Blocks Lesson I have a story to tell, and I want to do it in one-liner bullets. The lesson is clear. See if you note the trend: My lesson = Began writing mysteries. = Finally published a mystery. = Joined Sisters in Crime (SinC) to be with other lady mystery writers. = Became a moderator for SinC to be seen and remembered as a lady mystery writer. = Was invited to help start a local South Carolina chapter of Sisters in Crime. = A year into the local chapter, the president said libraries were seeking authors to speak. = I immediately applied, spending much time on the application. = The library had a grant to hire writing teachers. I knew grants and volunteered time to get it off the ground. = I was selected = The SC State Library asked me to do videos for a website for those who could not attend for payment. = Another county library heard of me and asked me to teach their group, expanding the grant for payment. = One of the librarians suggested I apply for the SC Humanities Speakers Bureau for when the grant was over. = I applied and was accepted for the Speakers Bureau . . . because of my new library reputation. = A library in the next state heard of the library program and invited me for four (paid) appearances. = Another library not on the grant asked me to appear, at the recommendation of the State Library, and applied to the Speakers Bureau to pay for it. . . . and that was just up to this week. Im sure the momentum is still in play. All too often we become one of two types of writers when it comes to our platforms and self-promotion: 1) The control freak who thinks theyll keep a grip on every turn in the road and determine all outcomes, or 2) The uncertain soul who lets their journey flap in the wind, headed in whatever direction someone else steers them. The best situation falls someplace in between. Keep your options open, but when you see an opportunity, snap it up. Every person in my SinC group had the opportunity I did. None capitalized on it. I saw an opportunity to spread my name in South Carolina in an attempt to saturate local notoriety, instead of thinking I have to become known nationally first. I didnt wait for them to tell me what to do as a speaker. Instead I suggested topics, aiding with promotion, and becoming friends with the librarians who are always seeking opportunities for their members. That friendship resulted in joining the SC Humanities Bureau. And the ball keeps rolling. Do not think you know everything about your writing career. And dont be afraid to try something new to aid your cause. Opportunity is everywhere . . . just everywhere. The art is seeing it, and courting it, and putting it in your pocket instead of wondering for days and weeks if you ought to do something you never have before. Trust yourself. Be excited about stepping out. Watch your confidence soar, and amazingly, those around you will want to soak up that confidence and invite you into their world.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Report - Essay Example ABC being Australia resident also wanted to directly invest in business with his friend in India. They have planned to start cottage stitching factory in name of ABC STICH in slum area of India in beginning and later proceed to expansion based on results. With vast variation on present in two countries business methodologies, it is agreed upon to use basic project management technique to evaluate business idea and its processes. 2.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project is complex non- routine, one-time effort limited by time, budget and resources and performance specifications designed to meet customer needs. To accomplish project work in due course of planning to accomplish desired results, application of project planning is very important 3. There are different ways or techniques of managing a project. These techniques discusses all the activities that are expected to become part of project, possible time and details required to complete each activity as well sequence of activities and their dependency on each other4. ABC STICH will be using the following techniques to evaluate feasibility of the project and manage it: Work Break Down Structure (WBS) Gantt chart Project / Program Evaluation and Review technique (PRET CHART). 2.1. WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE: Work Breakdown Structure as the name suggest is the breakdown of entire project into smaller chunks that identify various tasks’ details 5. It provides break-up of task in various levels in an organized way usually presented in hierarchical form; however, tabular form is also no exception6. Work Break Down is the foundational building block to initiating planning and executing, monitoring and controlling processes used in managing projects. It represents an explicit description of the scope, deliverables and outcome of the project; both internal and external deliverables. Highest level defines the ultimate outcome of the project while each lower level defines more details into small job chunks in logical manner . It only addresses the input, deliverables and output and not the process and schedule for these; therefore, forming base for other techniques. 2.1.1 Few Key characteristics of Work Break down Structure are as follow: Deliverable Oriented: every level is aimed at producing / completing certain task or phase that makes it aligned with due deliverables. Hierarchical Decomposition: hierarchical breakdown provides more manageable pieces of work that effectively provide greater details of work that contributes to overall project in question. The 100% Rule: The 100% rule states that Work break Down Structure encompasses the entire scope of the project from starting to end point while including all interim processes. Every chunk of the broken structure is an important contributor in overall project completion. Presentation Method Flexibility: presentation method flexibility depending on the project from hierarchical to tabular or any other presentation method also makes it more adaptable to various business and project needs. 2.1.2. APPLICATION OF WORK BREAKDOWN METHOD ON ABC STICH: To identify various levels, work break down structure of ABC has been so developed: 1. Identification of various possible locations. 2. Analysis of various locations based
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Concept of Alien Life on Other Planets Essay
The Concept of Alien Life on Other Planets - Essay Example I am sure people have had some pre-conceived notions of life on other planets from news reports, movies like E.T., Aliens, or Men in Black. I, too, believe that aliens do exist. According to an article on NASA, â€Å"the US space agency has spoken for the first time in life on other planets and they are certain it DOES exist†. From the exploration of the universe and planets using highly sophisticated probes and technology, scientists have begun to discover signs that life on other planets is indeed possible to exist. One of the chief scientists at NASA, Ellen Stofan, was reported to have quipped that â€Å"humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life†(Wall 1). A remarkable sign that was discovered and documented was the presence of water. As asserted, â€Å"where there’s water, there’s hope†. In addition, there were proofs of a dragon particle which allegedly evidently showed that biological entities from outer space originated from other pl anets. The current technology enhanced capabilities for proving and discovering signs for life to exist on other planets. What is more remarkable is that the information is immediately shared with a wide range of audience through the online medium. As such, readers are accorded, not only with the most appraised information from NASA but more importantly, photos and proofs of potential life existence have also been documented and shared. I am not surprised that anytime soon in the near future, the concept of alien life on other planets would truly be confirmed.
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